Chapter 151 [You Count That Onion 4]

Immediately after Zirong left, she went to Xinzheku to report, Su'er also went, personally went to order some pleasing servants to go back with her.

When Su'er went back, she deliberately passed by Concubine Chen's bedroom, chatting and laughing with Duo Duo, deliberately wanting to hear from inside.

Jin Duoduo looked at Su'er and asked Su'er: "Miss, don't you dislike those struggles in the palace? Why did you take the initiative to provoke her this time?"

Su'er feels that Duoduo has become a lot smarter recently.

"That's right, I don't want to have too much contact with them or do unnecessary things, your miss is lazy, but it's different now.

Now that she has bullied me, she wants to lower my status in Huangfu's heart by getting them to hook up with Huangfu when he comes to me.

Don't look at this method as weird and confusing, but in fact the article in it is too big. If a person is interested in one thing or one person, the nine cows will not be able to pull back.

Since Concubine Chen is not benevolent, then I am not righteous. She wants to make trouble for me, but I want to see who will not be at peace in the end! ! "

"Miss, you are right, Duoduo thinks you are like a concubine today!!" Jin Duoduo gave a thumbs up excitedly, today's young lady is too imposing, subverting the image in her heart before, making her admire her! !
"Just wait and see, Concubine Chen will definitely find fault with me right away!!"

Su'er's bad words always came true, and during the half-pillar rest, Concubine Chen arrived with a group of people in a hurry.

Barging in without notification, Su'er waved her hand and smiled sweetly: "Hello, sister!"

Concubine Chen almost fell down.

Seeing Su'er leaning all over the floor with half-closed eyes, with cucumber slices all over her face, Concubine Chen thought she had seen a ghost.

"My sister is here almost at dinner time. It's better to come early than to come early. Thrush, let's watch tea!"

"Yes, Concubine Chen, please have some tea!"

Concubine Chen stared at Thrush up and down.

His appearance wasn't too bad, he had delicate features, and his figure and temperament could be considered average.

Concubine Chen's maid took the tea and put it aside, and Thrush retreated politely.

Concubine Chen sat down and said, "You don't want the maids that I have chosen. I have nothing to say, but you can't just punish them."

"I thought it was something, it turned out to be such a trivial matter!" Su'er took off the cucumber from her face, washed her face in the water from Thrush before sitting in front of the vanity mirror, and began to put on makeup .

(End of this chapter)

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