The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 155 [Elopement?Not with you 2]

Chapter 155 [Elopement?Not with you 2]

Su'er didn't dare to make a sound, although she could walk quietly, not only did she not want Zhong Nanyue to know, but she intentionally slowed down from time to time.

Zhong Nanyue's knife pressed against her waist very tightly. Su'er felt that a hole would appear in her waist as long as she leaned back, so she could only lean her legs back to try to increase the resistance.

Zhong Nanyue saw a small group of guards approaching from a distance, quickly turned around and crossed, and hid in a rockery.

"do not move."

He covered Su'er's mouth and said in a low voice, he waited for the guards to leave before taking her up the tree, the palace tree in the dark night was safe.

It is a good hiding place to be able to see others and make sure that others cannot find themselves.

"Did you see that big wall?"

Zhong Nanyue pointed to a big wall in the distance, and Su'er nodded.

There is a similar large wall in the TV, and it is almost the palace wall of the imperial palace.

"When you get out of that wall, you can say goodbye to the palace, and I can take you out right away."

Zhong Nanyue's voice was full of excitement, but Su'er was about to shed tears.

It will be difficult to come back after leaving the palace, she may never see Huangfu in this life.

Where the hell are you, damn Huangfu? !There are also Xiaosi and Xiaosan, you are all good, hurry up and save me! !
Zhong Nanyue didn't rush directly to the gate of the city, because he knew that others would definitely not let him go. Doing so would undoubtedly lead to his own death, so he took Su'er to a house not far away and ordered ten eunuchs' acupuncture points to let him go. They cannot speak or move.

Seeing the opportunity coming, Su'er turned around and used Youbu to take the opportunity to escape.

But Su'er just turned around and before she had time to perform Youbu, Zhong Nanyue had already tapped her acupuncture points with a quick backhand.

In an instant, Su'er turned into a statue.

Zhong Nanyue didn't care about him, he took off his clothes and put on the eunuch's clothes on his own, and took the badges of two eunuchs.

"Close your eyes."

Su'er blinked, what did he say?
"It's fine if you don't close it."

Before Su'er could react, the next second Zhong Nanyue stretched out his hand to her, his whole body suddenly felt chilly, his eyes rolled down, and his clothes were slumped, leaving only two underwear.

Su'er is embarrassing.

He took all my clothes off! !Zhong Nanyue, you pervert, pervert, you're going to die! !

Su'er gritted her teeth and cursed Zhong Nanyue in her heart, her round eyes filled with tears.

I have never been insulted like this since I grew up! !
(End of this chapter)

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