The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 157 [Elopement?Not with you 4]

Chapter 157 [Elopement?Not with you 4]

"shut up!"

With a low growl, Zhong Nanyue pulled Su'er's shoulders with force with his right hand, and Su'er gritted his teeth with a muffled grunt and stared at him viciously.

"Remember this is the second time."

Zhong Nanyue lost his mind and wanted to help her connect, but Su'er pushed her away.

She would rather be in pain than let Zhong Nanyue touch her again.

Zhong Nanyue blamed himself very much, but now is not the time to apologize, everything will be discussed after leaving the palace, and they will be free soon.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Before they got to the front, two guards stopped them, and Su'er prayed in her heart that they would see something was wrong.

Neither she nor Zhong Nanyue's out-of-the-way temperament looked like an eunuch, and one of her arms was still dislocated, if they couldn't see that Su'er was going to chop off her head and feed it to the dogs.

"Master Hui, we are servants of the imperial dining room. The queen mother suddenly wants to eat feather cakes, but there is a very precious material missing in the imperial dining room. Anything made without that material is not delicious. The queen mother will punish you, so the manager sent us Hurry out of the palace and buy it."

Hearing that the queen mother wanted something, several guards hesitated, Zhong Nanyue immediately took out his waist card and said: "I still have the waist card to go out of the palace, so you can trust me now."

"Hey, what are you guys doing? Don't get in the way if someone else has a badge and a mission. Let's go."

The person who suddenly sprang out from the side was wearing more gorgeous clothes than the others, and it seemed to be their leader.

Su'er took the opportunity to shout: "Yes, if we have something to do, don't delay us."

She said this on purpose to remind them that her voice was completely that of a daughter, not like a eunuch at all, and Zhong Nanyue's Adam's apple was so big that blind people couldn't tell he was a man.

The person in charge looked Su'er up and down, his expression was a little weird, Su'er was overjoyed, her hand was out of touch, and this person was born in martial arts, so he must be able to tell.

How could the Imperial Dining Room send an injured young eunuch to handle some errands?

There is help now! !

"Let them out immediately."

Su'er blinked, what, he said to open the city gate?Immediately? ? !

"Are you all right?"

"There are no rules, how can you talk to adults like this."

Zhong Nanyue grabbed her good hand and threatened her not to do unnecessary things with his eyes.

Su'er wanted to die already, damn it, this commander is either an idiot or let them slip away on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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