The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 159 [Elopement?Not with you 6]

Chapter 159 [Elopement?Not with you 6]

"Su'er, are you alright?"

Huangfu Xin and Huangfu Hui hurried to Su'er's side, Huangfu Xin frowned deeply, held Su'er's arm with one hand and healed Su'er's arm two or three times.

"Move around and see if there are any problems."

Su'er turned her arms twice as she said, but she basically didn't feel any more, and nodded with a smile: "I'm fine, you can deal with Zhong Nanyue first, I have Xiao Si to accompany me."

Huangfu hugged Su'er for a few words of comfort before walking towards Zhong Nanyue.

Huangfu Hui supported Su'er and said softly: "Go back, Duoduo and they will wait for you."

"Well, I'm too tired, I almost scared me to death just now."

"It's okay, brother emperor and I won't let anything happen to you!"

Huangfuhui turned her head and glared at Zhong Nanyue with hatred and left quickly with Su'er.

Huangfu Xin just kept watching Zhong Nanyue and didn't speak until he was sure that Su'er had left, and then slowly said: "The second prince is safe and sound, well, the prince didn't want to do it and ran to my palace to be a eunuch."

"I have nothing to say when it falls into your hands today. You can do whatever you want."

Zhong Nanyue stared at the direction where Su'er disappeared, his heart was so painful that he lost consciousness, Su'er really tried his best to escape from him.

It's really reckless. If I had expected it earlier, I should have killed her, at least it wouldn't be cheap for Huangfu.

"I won't kill you, but I have to return some things to you first." Huangfu Xin stretched out his hand and knocked off his chin suddenly, and he said with a faint smile, "This can be regarded as helping Su'er to return you, press it down and break into heaven." Be careful, if he has an accident, none of you will live."


The guards immediately put on Zhong Nanyue's shackles and instruments of torture, and carefully put him in the dungeon for day and night shifts.

"Brother Huang, there are seven people in total."

It took Huangfu Ling a long time to come over and reported the names of the seven people one by one. After listening to it with a blank face, Huangfu sneered and said, "Nanchao did a good job, how much are the four maids and two eunuchs worth?" In charge of an official position.

One of them is Su'er's maid, no wonder she found her bedroom so quickly, and the seventh person is actually the gatekeeper of the palace gate, you know what to do. "

Huangfuling cupped his hands respectfully and said: "I understand, brother Huang, please rest assured."

Overnight, the seven people and all their family members in the capital disappeared without a trace left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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