The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 167 [The pursuit of victory is the right way]

Chapter 167 [The pursuit of victory is the right way]

Su'er felt that she was just providing Huangfuhui with an idea and didn't go outside his rules.

So every day, people collect good-smelling materials in the palace.

From grass to flowers, from flowers to leaves, peanuts and corn were used to try out the value appreciation. Finally, after Sheng'er's skillful preparation and Su'er's carefully developed glass flasks and other containers, five sets of perfumes were finally prepared.

The colors of the five perfumes are light blue, lavender, yellow, pink and red.

From cold to hot, from tenderness to sunshine, five colors and five different feelings, with neck bottles and glass bottles of different shapes, they are finely crafted works of art.

Even Su'er couldn't help wanting to occupy her.

"Your Majesty, I have written down the ingredients and refining method, do I need to hand them over to the little prince?"

Su'er took the paper, and it was written in great detail, even how long it took to write out the temperature of the fire.

"Keep it for now. People want to save everything for themselves and can't give everything to others. You and Huangfuhui are partners now. If you give everything to him, you will be useless."

"Yes, that Sheng'er is put away."

Once something is made, all that is left is to promote and sell it.

If there are many women and those who are rich and beautiful, the palace is undoubtedly the best place.

The women in it have three thousand instead of five thousand. There are a lot of money and everyone loves beauty. Perfume is the most marketable here, and when the concubines in the palace get used to it, they will be the best publicity By.

We can also use the things that the emperor's women use, how awesome! !
The first thing Su'er did was to let a few servants spread rumors in the palace to let others know how good perfume is.

Then I sold three bottles to several Shuyuan and Cairen.

Su'er had expected that the sales would be good, but she didn't expect it to be so good. She couldn't believe it. In three days, she made two batches and sold them at a price of more than 500 taels.

As a result, Su'er and Sheng'er had to rush to make the next batch.

"Sheng'er, if these five perfumes are sold to other people, they cannot be sold to Nianfei and the others. They will definitely be upset if they use the same style of perfume as the low-level people. We need to develop at least ten kinds of perfumes. Row."

"More than ten types?" Ever since Sheng'er started working on perfume, she has deeply realized that it is difficult to achieve perfection in this product, and it is even more difficult to make more than ten types of fragrances.

(End of this chapter)

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