The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 175 [Will not treat him badly]

Chapter 175 [Will not treat him badly]

What she meant was that it was time for me to get married! !
"I don't want to get married. Women are a troublesome thing. Don't look at my two royal brothers who seem to be very romantic and happy. You don't know the horror inside."

Xiao Si is right, having more women is not a good thing, after all not everyone is like Wei Xiaobao who can handle both sides properly, and not all women are as friendly and compatible as Wei Xiaobao's women without scheming or background.

It was just a dream, a beautiful dream that all men want to have.

"I don't want to force you to marry a wife, but I want to tell you that if you meet someone you like, don't worry about face, you must chase her, and love her well.

Women are a very strange species. If you don't treat her sincerely, be careful that one day you will regret it. "

Seeing that there was no one around, Huangfu Hui gently tugged at the corner of her clothes and asked in a low voice, "Then, what about you?"

"I, let me think about it, if my husband betrays me and treats me badly, I will castrate him first and then slip away, so that he will never find me for the rest of his life."

No, Huangfu already has more than N wives. This is infidelity. First of all, he has done enough to make her sorry, so is she going to castrate Huangfu? ?
She castrated Huangfu, and the Huangfu family and the entire New Moon Dynasty must do everything possible to kill her, piercing, skinning, lingering, whatever is vicious.

Su'er shuddered, forget it, it's common sense that the emperor has more women, and it's strange if there are less, forget it, having more women is not considered cheating, just don't do things to bully her! !
She thought she had made a good excuse. (PS: Damn, you just kid yourself.)
Although Huangfuhui didn't believe that she would castrate the emperor, he believed that Su'er would do something unexpected to make the emperor regret it.

Is there anything she can't do, and what is she afraid to do.

Su'er holding the chessboard suddenly had a flash of inspiration, since he can make a chessboard, why can't he make a Go board and a chess board? ! !

"Xiao Si, how much money have you made from your perfume business?"

"Well, it's about 10,000+ taels. Now I finally feel that Sheng'er is still useful. His nose and skillful hands are very suitable for this job." Huangfuhui glanced at Su'er and said immediately: "Su'er, you Don't worry, I will distribute [-]% of the profit to Sheng'er, and I won't treat him badly."

"Well, that's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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