The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 190 [Eavesdropping, not the time 1]

Chapter 190 [Eavesdropping, not the time 1]

Who is Concubine Yi, I don't know anyway, it's not me! !Su'er continued to play "Three I Don't Know".

Concubine Nian hugged Duoduo outside and looked Su'er up and down. Her clothes were like a concubine's, even a court lady's. Su'er's mind was spinning and she kept looking for reasons.

"Concubine Nian, what are you doing and you still don't come here?"

What a pity, the queen mother is already screaming, God is going to kill me! !
"It's nothing, the concubine is here!!"

Concubine Nian went back to the Queen Mother with no expression on her face and handed Cocoa to the Queen Mother's hand and said, "Queen Mother, the concubine may bark and run around because she doesn't like the smell of rose flowers. Let’s go to Yusong Garden in front, where the sun is good to bask in the sun, right?”

"Alright, Aijia also thinks it's a little bit cold here."

The queen mother agreed, and a group of people followed to that side, and Su'er's beating heart finally calmed down.

Concubine Nian didn't report me, how strange!Never mind, I'll talk to Huangfu first.

The Queen Mother also took away some patrolling guards where she passed by, and Su'er saw this just as she wanted.

Su'er remembered how to get to Huangfu's former imperial study, using quiet steps to walk around hard-to-find places like rockery, rock crevices, and trees.

She has no other skills, she is the best at sneaking.

"Strange, this is the Royal Study Room, but why is there no one there?"

When Su'er arrived near the imperial study room, she couldn't help seeing the servants waiting outside, nor did she see any guards.

This should not be the case!
Su'er jumped onto the beam and secretly pierced a small hole in the window to see inside.

"Huangfuling and Huangfuhui are both here. If there is any important matter, the three of us must solve it together."

The other two, Su'er, couldn't tell anything from their faces, but she knew Huangfu Hui quite well, and from Huangfu Hui's expression, she could tell that the brothers must be discussing a very troublesome matter.

"Hmph, I'd like to hear what's so great that you don't come to see me."

Su'er knew that Huangfu and the others had good hearing, so she took off her shoes and learned to walk like a cat, bowed and held her breath, and walked slowly to the window closest to them.

When I got under the window, I squatted like a monkey. On the one hand, it was not easy to be found, and on the other hand, it was easy to slip away in this posture.

Hmph, now I haven't listened to all your affairs! !

(End of this chapter)

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