Chapter 193 [How to do it? 】


"Go, no matter what method you use, I don't want to see him!!"

Su'er kicked the porcelain residue on the ground wildly. Jin Duoduo had never seen Su'er look so crazy, crying and losing his temper.

Jin Duoduo hurriedly comforted him: "Okay, okay, I'll tell the emperor to let him stop coming, miss, don't kick it, it's not good if the pieces get stuck in your feet!!"

"Not going yet, do you want me to invite you to go!!"

"Go, go, I'll go right away."

The emperor wants to come to dinner, so many concubines can't wait for it, what kind of nerve is wrong with the lady today, she wants to drive others out, there is really nothing to do with her, but what happened to see her crying so sad?

"Mr. Du, the slaves will see Mr. Du. Concubine Yi is unwell and cannot accompany the emperor to have lunch at noon. Please Mr. Du report to the emperor."

"Can't stand up? But the emperor is already on the way, what's wrong with your empress?"

Jin Duoduo hesitated whether to tell Director Du the truth, but he was also worried that he would tell Huangfu the truth after telling him the truth. Normally speaking, the emperor would be more determined to find out.

It doesn't matter if he looks at it, he is afraid that he will be blamed by Su'er.

"Your Majesty just happened to have a cold, and now she drank the medicine and said that she was dizzy and weak and just wanted to sleep, so she couldn't serve the emperor for dinner. I hope that Director Du will speak a few words in front of the emperor."

"It must be, then I will report to the emperor."

Director Du went back to report to Huangfu, Jin Duoduo didn't dare to go back until he saw that he was gone, as soon as he entered the room, he saw Su'er sleeping with his head covered, he stepped forward to pull the quilt, Su'er pulled hard and was wrapped tightly again .

"Leave me alone, I'm going to sleep."

"But I haven't eaten yet."

"I told you to sleep, don't bother me, I know what to eat when I'm hungry!!"

"Oh, then I'll watch outside the door, miss, call me if you're hungry."

Su'er was sobbing under the quilt, unwilling to say a word.

Seeing this, Jin Duoduo had no choice but to exit the door, close the door and wait outside.

It was fine in the morning, but after sneaking out and walking around, weeping and crying, I didn’t even want to see anyone, what’s the matter? !
Su'er didn't understand the empress dowager's pain until now.

The person she likes touches other women already makes her heart feel like a knife, and she just wants to be used by him.

Doesn't Huangfu really care about me at all? Then what's the point of me being here?

(End of this chapter)

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