The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 198 [Rape?You don't have that ability 1]

Chapter 198 [Rape?You don't have that ability 1]

I saw the guard looking around underground for a while, then heard a different movement on the tree where Su'er was, raised his head and shouted: "Is it the empress Yifei?"

Su'er frowned, obviously holding her breath but she was discovered so quickly, she secretly sighed that her skills were not good enough and at the same time admired the guard's hearing ability.

Leaping down from the tree, Su'er patted the dust and leaves on her clothes and said, "You have good hearing, what's your name?"

"The slave is towering." The guard did not kneel down, but answered her with hands bowed.

This person made Su'er feel strange immediately.

Not interested, but strange.

Seeing that the master didn't kneel or kowtow, there was a trembling feeling in his tone, although it was very slight, she still noticed it.

Since the guard is not afraid of her, why does his voice tremble?something wrong.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Back to Madam, Wei Wei knows that he is just an unknown person talking to Madam without permission, it is already daring, but Wei Wei has one thing to do, so please Madam to redeem."

"I am not interested in what you want to do, but I am more interested in the strong fragrance on your body. Tell me what it is, and why do you, a royal guard, use such a strong fragrance?"

Weiwei didn't answer for a while and stood with his head down, Su'er couldn't even see the expression on his face.

"Raise your head, you have the courage to kneel or not kneel when you see Ben Gong, don't you even have the courage to raise your head now?"

Weiwei raised his head slowly, but still kept his eyes down and didn't look at her.

Su'er took a big look at him carefully, he had a very ordinary appearance, the kind that he couldn't find if he threw it in the crowd.

"It's not ugly, there's nothing shameful about it, just tell me, if you have anything to do with me, just tell me, and I will help you if you don't hurt the sky or harm my interests."

This can be regarded as a good deed every day! !Su'er was so happy and smug, she never thought that there would be a day when she would be entrusted to her by others.

Weiwei still bowed his head and didn't speak, and he didn't care about Su'er's smug look.

"Hey, I'm asking you, why don't you speak?"

The scent from the tip of her nose made her sense of smell a little numb, her head was still a little dizzy and swollen, and gradually a hot stream began to gushe out from her abdomen.

She knew what was going on since the last time she had a real relationship with Huangfu, and her body reacted! !
(End of this chapter)

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