The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 216 [Secretly tricked "Superior 1]

Chapter 216 [Secretly tricked "Superior 1]

Huangfuhui wanted to send Su'er back to avoid any accidents on the way, but Su'er was unwilling, so he left him in the room and left by himself.

Even if she knew in her heart that this matter could not be done with Concubine Chen's IQ, she was still uneasy and had to find out.

"Damn little Si, why is it so far away from Concubine Chen's bedroom, how long will I have to walk to get there!!"

Su'er complained while dodging. She didn't know why today's guards seemed to be more difficult to dodge than before, and Youbu is not as easy to use now as it used to be, which always made her worry about making mistakes and getting caught.

"Damn, if I'm caught, then the crime of treason will not be settled. I'm not so stupid."

Su'er stuck out her head secretly, okay, no one is there now! !
The leaves swayed and she climbed the tree again.

"Hey, I don't know if there are any bugs on the tree. Boss Chong, I'm just borrowing your seat, so please don't come and bite me."

Standing on a high place, Su'er saw many guards wandering on the road leading to Concubine Chen's bedroom, besides the guards, there were also many eunuchs.

Looks like it's going full circle again.

The topography of the imperial palace is like her own home in her mind, as long as she has been there once, she will never forget it. Even if one road to Concubine Chen's bedroom is blocked, there are still several ways to go.

There is always one that no one is waiting for.

The one Su'er chose was the detour through the Leng Palace, where there would be neither eunuchs, maids nor guards, it was the best place.

She chose this place because she knew the direction of the Leng Palace, and also knew that the route between the Leng Palace and Concubine Chen's bedroom was very beneficial to her.

But what she never expected was that Leng Gong would be so gloomy and cold.

"Damn, the name Lenggong really lives up to its name. It's simply not a place for people to stay. No wonder the concubine who was beaten here on TV is either crazy or stupid."

Su'er was about to bypass the cold palace and leave when she suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. This was a perfume that Sheng'er had just developed recently, and she was still the first user.

Which concubine came to the cold palace so late?There must be a problem! !
Su'er hid behind the rockery, where no one took care of it for a long time, and it was covered with cobwebs. This was the thing she hated the most in her life.

Su'er endured her nausea and listened quietly, and soon there was another sound of footsteps.

She didn't dare to look, for fear of being discovered, so she had to listen.

"What do you want to do here in the middle of the night, Yue Bengong?"

"What do you think, Concubine Chen?"

Su'er could hear the obvious contempt and ridicule in the voice of the unknown woman.

She subconsciously thought that this person was Concubine Chen's enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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