Chapter 228 [Lenggong is my home 5]

As soon as Huangfu got up, Concubine Chen stuck to it persistently and said softly: "The emperor has not been here for a long time, and today is the concubine's birthday. Could it be that the emperor can put things aside for a while to accompany the concubine? "

Huangfu felt disgusted in his heart, slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I think the country is more important than my concubine. With my mother and Huier here, I think my concubine will not be lonely anymore. Let me take a step first."

Huangfu Hui hypocritically stepped forward to block Chen Fei's pursuit and handed him a glass of wine, saying, "Since it's the birthday star, I need to drink a few more glasses, come on, let's do it."

Huangfu Hui refused to give in even one step. Concubine Chen couldn't take Huangfu Hui's face off in front of the Queen Mother, so she took the wine glass in his hand with a smile and drank it down.

"Good drinker, have another drink."

Huangfuhui poured her another glass. The aroma of the wine was strong, it was a strong wine from the Western Regions, Concubine Chen drank another glass without saying a word, and immediately felt a little dizzy.

Huangfu Hui laughed and said: "Our birthday star is so good at drinking. Queen Mother, even my son's drinking capacity is not as good as today's birthday star. She can drink two glasses of spirits tribute from the Western Regions. Come, come, and have another glass."

Huangfu Hui calmly changed a glass of wine that was not too strong and gave it to Concubine Chen. Concubine Chen couldn't refuse under the eyes of everyone, so she took the glass in a daze, and poured it down her throat without even touching the tip of her tongue. .

"The little prince's courteous concubine has already been taken, please take the little prince's seat."

"Sister-in-law, please."

"sister in law?"

Concubine Chen was taken aback, and asked, "Why does the young prince call my concubine like that?"

"Hey, since it's my brother's wife, it's kind of a folk name instead of sister-in-law. Don't you think sister-in-law?"

Concubine Chen blushed, her pink face was full of happiness and sweetness.

Huangfu Hui turned sideways and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation and said, "Sister-in-law, please sit down and eat something. Drinking on an empty stomach is not good for your body and skin. The emperor still likes smooth skin."

After all, she was born as a noble lady, and she was a little embarrassed to be said that by a man. Concubine Chen couldn't help touching her face, smiling, and walked lightly towards the Queen Mother.

"Sister-in-law be careful!!"

Concubine Chen screamed "Ah" and fell heavily on the table.

The maids and concubines around the dining table screamed in panic and scattered like birds and beasts, only Concubine Chen was covered.A pile of filth splashed on the face.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay, why are you so careless?"

Huangfu Hui hypocritically stepped forward to help Concubine Chen, seeing her make a fool of herself in public and dump a dog to eat shit, she was in a good mood.

Hmph, I want you to taste what it means to be ashamed! !

(End of this chapter)

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