Chapter 230 [Lenggong is my home 7]

"If you are injured, you should rest early. Aijia will ask people to make ginseng soup and bird's nest to make up for you later."

"Thank you queen."

Concubine Chen had already been sent back to her bedroom, and the queen mother followed her to offer some condolences and left.

Her injury probably meant that she would not be able to sleep for more than half a month.Huangfuhui was secretly proud, it would be best if this dead woman never sees Huangfu's love for the rest of her life, and let her guard this palace by herself until she grows old! !

"Hui'er, you are too cruel, you squeezed her hand to bleed, and kicked the pieces into her calf, do you know that if there are pieces of debris left in it, one of her legs might be useless .”

It's better to abolish it, so as not to run around and be annoying! !
"Hui'er, did you hear that?"

"It's the queen mother, so don't do it again next time."

The Empress Dowager shook her head and sighed, she didn't know that he was venting his anger for Su'er, but it wasn't like this, everyone with eyes knew that it was Huangfuhui who deliberately made things difficult for Concubine Chen.

Originally, things were a bit troublesome now, and there were concubines in the harem who were deliberately made things difficult for the prince and injured like this, so it would be a troublesome thing to spread the word.

Ever since Su'er had an accident, she hasn't had a good night's sleep for so many days. ,

Others said that when she was old, she would enjoy family happiness, but not only did she not enjoy family happiness, but she also had to worry about these inexplicable things. When will she be able to live a comfortable life.

"Empress Mother, I will not embarrass her anymore."

Huangfuhui obediently helped the queen mother and said in a low voice, but she was thinking in her heart, of course I won't do it again, there will definitely be scars on her hands and legs, the emperor's brother didn't like her in the first place, this I don't want to go to her anymore.

Just let her look at the scars on her body in the mirror every day and "enjoy" alone

This is the best punishment for her.

"Mother, let my son take you back to the palace."

"No, it's getting late, you'd better go back and rest early, you will go to court with your two elder brothers tomorrow, remember to study with an open mind and not to be surprised, don't let people look down on you. "

"I remember to ask my mother to rest assured, my son will definitely not embarrass the royal family, and send my mother respectfully."

After Huangfu Huigong sent the queen mother away, he returned to the palace by himself.

What's so difficult about going to court, I'm still hoping to go to court, and I will meet the old man surnamed Chen for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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