Chapter 304 [You are my candy 1]

It's not easy to find someone in a crowded place, but she saw Huangfu at a glance.

He sat in the private room and put down a long string of bamboo curtains, but she was vaguely sure that this person was him.

Feelings do not deceive.

"Miss Tang, my master has an invitation."

It's Mr. Du! !He must have come, at last! ! !

"Xiao Ai, where are you going?"

It's too bad, there's another Li Ning that hasn't been dealt with, damn it, why is he so lingering! !
"I went to see an old friend. He doesn't like men with long hair. He warns you not to follow or he will be rude to you."

"Why are you being rude to me?"

"Take off your clothes and go to a brothel to find a group of the ugliest women to serve you in turn. How do you feel?"

Li Ning swallowed, the most hated thing in this life is the ugly girl...

Su'er got rid of this big trouble and went straight to Huangfu.

It's been almost two months since I saw him. I don't know if he's doing well or if he misses me.

If he didn't think that I still linger in the flowers and plants all day long, hehe, be careful of that baby under you! ! (PS: Perverted girl, what I think of is also perverted...)
"The rich man!!"

Su'er hung on Huangfu's body like a bear, she hadn't felt this kind of feeling for a long time, and she missed it so much.

"Big rich man, I miss you so much!!"

"I miss you too, but can you get dressed first? It's not good to go to bed as soon as we meet, and the location is not right."

Su'er bit his shoulder hard.

Hmph, tell you to talk nonsense! !

She got off of him, and when she pounced on him just now, she tore off all the clothes on one shoulder all the way to her chest.

She dressed embarrassingly and grinned at him.

I haven't seen him for two months, and he seems to be a lot more handsome. ,

"What's the smirk?"

"Laugh you look good."

Do you laugh at other people's good-looking, what a little fool.

"Su'er, I really miss you."

"I miss you very much too, do you want to be considerate?"

Huangfu Zi immediately kissed her lips, soft and sweet, he tasted her lips to his heart's content, until she couldn't catch her breath, he reluctantly let go.

"It's so sweet, what did you put on your mouth?"

"Would you believe it if you smeared it with honey?"

"I believe everything you say."

Su'er gently pinched his nose and said with a smile: "I'm too tired of honey, so I don't use it. I ate candy."

(End of this chapter)

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