Chapter 308 [The Debunked Lie 2]

"Well, actually, it depends on what you think if there is such a thing. You can say she has it or she can't. You have to adapt to the situation!!"

"That means it's gone." Shen Yun's voice sounded a little angry
"I didn't lie to you on purpose. I was lying in good faith. You had a good time too. You can gain fame and fortune and meet your sweetheart."

"Do you know what the cost of doing this is?"

It is possible to die, it may cause turmoil in the country, it is possible...

Damn, don't worry about these things, if you want to do something, you must do your best. If you want to love someone, you must try your best to love. If you can't even do this, what's the point of living?

"Shen Yun, just answer me, do you want to see her or take her away? I want to listen to your truth, and I don't want to hear those high-sounding reasons. I hate those reasons."

Shen Yun was silent for a while, the expression on his face became rare serious.

"Haha, let's think about it, just do it if you want to, don't be such a mother-in-law, you are a man."

"Hope there won't be any trouble."

Something went wrong?What can go wrong?What happened? ?

Damn, who cares so much about things in the future.

Still the same sentence, the most important thing in front of you! !
Su'er packed up the last package and lay on the bed looking forward to the final match.

She felt very helpless to herself, because she didn't feel sad or ashamed of the behavior of Murong and his wife at all.

The matter between the two of them was as indifferent to her as water.

"Xiao Ai, are you in there??"


Uninvited, Li Ning pushed open the door and broke in, saw the package on the bed, pressed Su'er against his face and blocked Su'er.

"What are you doing packing? Are you leaving now?? We haven't eaten together yet and went shopping together. How about we go after shopping?"

"not good."

"Don't be so straightforward, it must feel good to go out with me."

Su'er was speechless, how could this person be so pestering.

"I've made you ugly over and over again, why do you still cling to me so hard? What makes you like me so much?"

Li Ning laughed like a ruffian: "I just like that you have a personality."

Personality you are a bah bah, I think you are just a bitch.

"You're asking for trouble, okay? I won't go shopping with you, eat and swim in the lake. I won't do that. Hey~~ It's late, you can go back. Thank you, please close the door. I'm cold."

(End of this chapter)

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