The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 322 [Going to the Southern Dynasty 1]

Chapter 322 [Going to the Southern Dynasty 1]

"Damn, why is Xiaosi so cold here!!"

"It's almost the winter solstice, can you not be cold? It's because you don't wear too much."

Don’t admit it, don’t admit it, I won’t admit that I wear less clothes, what do you think? ! ! !Su'er couldn't help shivering as she wrapped the fox fur scarf tightly.

Is it so cold in Youyun Twelve Weeks?No reason! !

"Why hasn't the one surnamed Ding come yet? I'm going to get angry after waiting for him."

"Are we going to sneak away when he comes?"

"What I'm thinking is that we'll play with shopkeeper Zhu first, and then we'll make it easy for Mr. Ding to get close to Mr. Ding, so that we can know what the hell he's up to."

"Su'er, this time I agree with what you said the most. So, last night, I let Merlin and Le Chang steal his account book, and I discovered many secrets that no one knows."

Hey~~ This guy Huangfuhui is getting more and more popular now...

"Did you find anything??"

Huangfuhui laughed slyly. "Of course, there are many transactions he made without telling Li Jiabao. The amount of this hidden account is not small. I don't know what Li Yue will think when he sees this account."

Huangfu Hui started to fill in some things on the account book again, and wrote another letter, the handwriting was exactly the same as that on the account book.

"Little Four, you will imitate other people's notes??"

"Well, I'm pretty good at this."

Halo~~ You are really a real person without showing your face! !

"We handed over this letter to Li Yue to let him deal with it, and we took the opportunity to sneak to the Southern Dynasty to kill the man surnamed Ding."

Hey~~ Xiaosi, you are becoming more and more impure... (PS: It's not all caused by you!!)

"Okay, then let's make a copy of this ledger and put it back and send this one to Li Yue."

"But Li Yue let us control it ourselves?!"

"I'm just doing this to make him feel better. He will definitely do it for us when the time comes. Don't worry."

Facts proved that Huangfuhui was right, and Li Yue only replied with one sentence: Please do what you want.

How simple and clear! !

"You can teach Boss Zhu a lesson, Merlin, go to Boss Zhu, I want to discuss something with him."

Huangfuhui showed a bright and sinister smile, this time he must be discussed so that his hair is covered with pimples! !

(End of this chapter)

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