The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 325 [Serve you to wash your feet, add some ingredients 2]

Chapter 325 [Serve you to wash your feet, add some ingredients 2]

"Master, here comes the water."

"Hurry up, it's getting cold."

The hot water was poured in twice, Master Ding couldn't wait to put his feet in, and the water flowed out from inside, making the room wet.

"You can go down, I will call you if something happens."


Su'er followed suit and withdrew, left the room and waited outside the door for orders.

"Brother, don't you go in and wait?"

"Master asked me to come out and wait, Xiaoer, what did you bring?"

"Hey, supper, those of us who are servants have to work hard, and we can't calm our minds at such a big night. No, the rice wine glutinous rice balls just came out of the kitchen."

"Oh, it's very hard, let me help you carry it in."

"Thank you then."

Su'er took the glutinous rice balls from Xiaoer's hand and knocked on the door: "Master, the supper is here."

"Bring it in."

Su'er tried to find that the temperature of the supper wasn't too hot, so she stretched out a finger and stirred it.

Hehe, let you ask me to help you wash your feet, now I will treat you to a bowl of glutinous rice balls with rice wine that smells like stinky feet! !
"Master, please use it."

Master Ding picked up the bowl, blew his feet twice, ate a glutinous rice ball, trembled and said: "Not bad, not bad, the glutinous rice balls here are very good, sweet but not greasy."

As long as you like it! !
In the evening, Master Ding didn't need to watch the night to make Su'er really excited with a smile.

When she returned to her room, she saw the middle-aged man.

How miserable it is to have to sleep in the same room with him.

Forget it, what can't be tolerated even washing other people's feet?

"You haven't slept yet."

"Master, don't you need to wait there?"

"The master said to rest and let me come out."

"Oh, today is tiring enough, go to sleep, maybe you will have to toss about in the future, so don't run around, kid."

"Yes, the little one knows, the little one won't run around like today."

Su'er showed a look of repentance, and the middle-aged housekeeper also felt that what he said today was a bit too much, so he said, "Go to sleep, and I will give you a chicken leg tomorrow morning."

"Thank you."

Su'er closed her eyes, covered her nose with the prepared wet handkerchief, and waited for a while before she got up when she heard the snoring start and stop.

"This face can't be pasted for too long, you can take it off and breathe a sigh of relief."

(End of this chapter)

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