Chapter 329 [Vietnam VS NATO 4]

"Mung bean porridge and boiled meat?? It sounds like what NATO people eat, Master Ding also eats this?"

Su'er shook her head and said, "I saw him eat these, but the meat he ate was venison instead of boiled meat."

Huangfuhui burst out laughing suddenly, she was crazy, Su'er was dumbfounded, what kind of play was this in! !

"Little Four, don't scare me."

"Haha, Su'er, do you know, I really, haha, can't stand such an obvious clue that no one found it before, haha, Su'er, can you think about it, we can now determine which country he is from, NATO How could it be NATO, haha, I really want to die laughing!!!”

"Xiao Si, it's a very uncomfortable thing to die laughing, don't scare me, I'm very timid."

Huangfuhui calmed down and said: "There is venison in the morning exercises, and the venison must be unseasoned, because they believe that deer can bring good luck, and eating venison can purify their spirit and make them strong physically.

Mung bean porridge is also a must, and the crossed mung bean is their staple food. "

It's really strange to regard mung beans as a staple food......

"Then what do you mean, Mr. Ding is not from NATO? He died from the country of Yue. He pretended to be a NATO member in order to stir up the distrust crisis between Nanchao and Xinyue and blame NATO?"

"That's right, that's what I thought. Haha, Brother Huang must be very surprised to hear the news. Why didn't anyone notice this before?"

"Whatever, we just need to notice it. It's not too late, Le Si, you are responsible for notifying the third prince and Huangfu."


A figure suddenly disappeared into the darkness of the room, and Le Si had disappeared without a trace.

Su'er ate something and returned to Master Ding's residence non-stop. They couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief that they hadn't come back, but luckily no one came back.

She quietly entered Lord Ding's room, hoping to find more evidence from this room to prove that he was from Yue.

Huangtian paid off, and finally found a piece of jade pendant under the bed sheet with the word "Yue" engraved on it.

"No, it's on the bedside again. I wonder if he, like me, has to touch the ring every day to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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