The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 334 [Despicable Transaction 3]

Chapter 334 [Despicable Transaction 3]

Walking and walking, Su'er didn't know where she went, but saw a well-built place with people coming and going, both men and women, with few fireworks and an unpleasant smell.

Although the smell is unpleasant, there is a feeling of tranquility.

All the stalls on the street, large and small, sell amulets, paper money and fireworks.

She immediately thought that this place was the temple that the waiter in the store mentioned today.

"Fuck, how did I come to this place?"

"Brother, buy some incense and go in and burn some incense. The incense here is very effective, come on."

"I already bought it."

Su'er was talking nonsense with her eyes open. What she disliked the most was praying to God and Buddha. Begging them might as well save a little money and ask someone to do something.

"Brother, just come here, the Bodhisattva here is very effective, and it will definitely protect you from bad times to good luck."

"I'm sorry, I think I'm very auspicious now and I don't need other people's blessings, but my recent luck is not very good."

The peddler who sells things is indeed a veteran, and he turned around as soon as he heard the wind.

"Hey, the Bodhisattva here not only protects you, but also blesses your karma, so that you can find the person you like and give birth to a son soon."

"haha, really?"

Her family is young, what she dislikes the most is having a baby, how painful it is! !
Su'er was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, so she turned around and left while leading the horse. Unexpectedly, a little boy mischievously put her on her leg, and immediately turned on her back and burst into tears.

Su'er panicked, she's not good at dealing with children! !

"Little brother, are you okay?"

He ignored Su'er, and looked at her with a complaining face while crying.

"I'll help you up."

As soon as Su'er stretched out her hand to touch him, he unceremoniously swung his arm and stared at her viciously.

Su'er smiled awkwardly at him.

Hey, why are the kids here so uncute?

"Hmph, bullying children, you are a bad person."

"Hey, I already apologized to you."

"You didn't say sorry."

Su'er thought about it, she really didn't say...

"Okay, I'm sorry, that's fine."

The little boy stretched out his hand and shook in front of Su'er, she asked incomprehensibly, "What do you mean?"

"You hit me, give me money."

Damn, this is a thief meeting a scoundrel, a mountain is higher than a mountain! !

(End of this chapter)

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