The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 346 [The Unexpected Person 5]

Chapter 346 [The Unexpected Person 5]

You are like me, yeah yeah, you're like poppies to me, harmless looking ghostly, but actually a terrible slow poison.

"When will you let me go, you're hurting me so much."

"I can let you go now, but you must first promise that you will not lose your temper."

"Okay, I promise I won't lose my temper."

Zhong Nanyue untied the rope from Su'er's body and let her down, Su'er rubbed the painful place on her body and didn't speak for a long time.

Zhong Nanyue supported her arm and asked, "Does it hurt so much?"

Su'er grinned at him, and slapped him heavily on the face with his backhand.

He froze for a moment, and Su'er slapped him across the face again.

A pair of red handprints immediately appeared on Zhong Nanyue's face.

"Su'er, you..."

"It's right to give you two slaps, go away, don't get so close to me."

From the sympathy for him at the beginning, to the later disgust, and then the later dislike, now I simply hate him to the bone, wishing I could kill him.

"I don't blame you for what you are doing now. After a while, you will definitely think that I am better than Huangfu."

"I don't know if you're better than him, but I know you're not as good as him. Just based on the despicable things you're doing now, I can conclude that you're not as good as him."

"You'll find out later."

Zhong Nanyue was not annoyed by her two slaps, and added another lamp in the secret room and said, "I know you are afraid of the dark, so I'll light up the lamp for you, and I'll make it up tonight. You come out."

"and many more."

"what's up?"

"I'm hungry, give me something to eat."

Su'er's heart is cold, but she still has reason.

If others can quit drugs, why can't she, as long as she is still alive, she has a chance.

It's not worth starving yourself to death.

"Okay, Su'er, what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever, and, if someone else comes in, I don't want to see your face."

Su'er said to him coldly, Zhong Nanyue was indeed not angry at all but smiling.

She made sure of one thing, as long as she didn't run away or talk about Huangfu's love, he wouldn't get angry.

After a while, a hunchbacked old man came in and brought her two dishes and a bowl of rice.

"what's your name?"

The hunchbacked old man stammered and stopped talking to him.

Because he is a mute.

(End of this chapter)

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