The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 369 [People go to the empty building 2]

Chapter 369 [People go to the empty building 2]

"You still go, but you will definitely come back to me."

"Master, master is not good, it is not good!!"

"Say." His heart has become extremely calm, and when Su'er comes back, he will not give her any chance to breathe.

"The Hu family and their son disappeared overnight. The poppies in their ears were also burnt down, and the finished product was taken away by them. There was nothing in the whole house."


Zhong Nanyue was already speechless, and now thinking about Master Ding's behavior and expression, he was a little different from the last two times he saw him, and there seemed to be a little hostility in his eyes.

Why, why didn't I notice it before.

"Haha, I'm really the biggest idiot in the world, the biggest idiot in the world, tell me if I'm stupid, or if I'm stupid, just tell me."

"Prince, the Prince's Mansion cannot live without a concubine."

"Haha, I am the biggest fool in the world, really the biggest fool in the world."

Facing Lin Yue, who had a very similar face to Su'er, Zhong Nanyue laughed in his heart.

"Who else is in your family?"

Lin Yue huddled on the bed and hadn't recovered from the shock. It was the first time that she had the best food and accommodation in such a spacious place, which she had never seen before.

In addition, the people in this place all had sad faces and didn't say much, which made her even more nervous.

When Zhong Nanyue came in, she couldn't help but trembled.

"I'm asking you something, you'd better answer me, or you will pay the consequences."

"I, there is no one in my family."

"What did you do before?"

"I, I help other people make clothes."

Zhong Nanyue took a look at her appearance, her expression and her appearance were really too similar to Su'er, especially Su'er when she had not lost her memory.

Zhong Nanyue originally planned to leave her vacant as a display, but seeing this face in his eyes trembled again.

"You can live here from now on, and you are not allowed to go out or step into my room without my permission."

"Then, what am I going to do?"

Zhong Nanyue thought for a while and said, "You don't have to do anything, just be my woman."

He knew in his heart that it wasn't Su'er, but why did he feel a sense of déjà vu, the person he loved was clearly Su'er, could it be that it was really like what she said, love is a thing of unreasonable confusion.

"I really don't need anything, just stay here? What does it mean to be your woman? Who are you?"

"Tell her, I'm going to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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