The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 374 [Whose Fault Whose Regret 1]

Chapter 374 [Whose Fault Whose Regret 1]

"My lord, the princess is already dressed up, please have a look."

Lin Yue's petite body was still trembling after being helped out.

"Very similar." Zhong Nanyue spit out two words lightly

After makeup, his face was almost indistinguishable from Su'er's, which made his heart both excited and timid.

The illusion that I give myself, the comfort I give myself.

Lin Yue has always been Su'er's substitute, and Zhong Nanyue himself doesn't know if he will fall in love with her.

The emperor's health is no longer good, and under the "care" of Zhongnanyue day after day, he is no longer able to do unnecessary things. He can tell at a glance that the princess in front of him is a fake, and he has the same expression as the woman last time. It's different inside and out.

But he was also powerless to stop it, Zhongnanyue's power was too great, it had already surpassed the scope that the emperor sitting on the dragon chair could control.

Zhong Nanyue brought Lin Yue out, but she still didn't say a word.

He asked, "Do you feel like a song?"

"I, I feel very uncomfortable and strange."

"There must be something unnatural about a sparrow turning into a phoenix. You just have to do your part."

"But, but you don't like me, Prince, I will be your princess...I, I'm worried..."

"Worried that I treat you badly, or worried that the palace is not suitable for you?"

Lin Yue nodded. Although she is an orphan, she is not a fool. She has met some powerful people, and most of them are intriguing.

When she saw Zhong Nanyue for the first time, the sadness and shock in his eyes, the wildness and excitement in his eyes, and even the pain in his eyes all infected her.

At that time, she was thinking about what kind of things this person has experienced to have such eyes.

But the next second she knew that he was the prince, she was completely stupid.

After knowing that she was the princess, there was only a buzzing sound in her mind.

She doesn't like this seat.

Zhong Nanyue put his arms around her waist and said: "Be your princess well, as long as you stay by my side obediently, I promise I won't let you have trouble, and I will give you the responsibility as a husband, but if you are like her If you want to run, I will kill you right away."

With unfeeling eyes, calm tone, his patience was gone, his heart was already cold, Zhong Nanyue looked at Lin Yue's face and couldn't help but caress her like Su'er.

Lin Yue knew from his eyes that the person he was looking at was not her, but he was the prince, so what could she do.

(End of this chapter)

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