Chapter 379 [The Edge of Collapse]

On the third day, her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

Hallucinations often appear in front of her eyes, everyone has them, even people who have stolen before appear in front of her eyes.

She was no longer tied to a bed but was chained to a post.

The couple distracted her by talking to her every day, but Su'er hated them in her heart, her eyes turned red when she saw them, and her eyeballs were congested.

"Go away, you two cocks and cocks, I hate you to death!!"

"You should think about what it will be like to wear the queen's phoenix crown after the drug addiction is over, and how rich and prosperous it will be. For your glory and wealth, you have to endure it."

"Bah, I'm different from you. You two are scum if you help others to do such a thing. Hey, let me ask you why you came from Zhongnanyue to help Huangfu Xin. Do you have any articles?"

"We won't hide it from you. Our son was arrested by the emperor. We have to help you. If you can't stop your drug addiction, our son will die."

"Hmph, this is called retribution. Doing this kind of thing harms people, so I brought my son in with me. I must have suffered a lot." Su'er felt relieved for a while, the person who did this kind of thing should die without a whole body Thunder strikes from the sky, it's still cheaper for them now.

The two couples only had this one son, their eyes couldn't help turning red, the man hugged the woman to comfort him and said: "We don't want to do this either, who would want to do such a harmful thing.

Our family is very poor, and there are a few plants of this flower on the back mountain. At first, we just picked some things occasionally to play with, because we thought it was very special.

Then once our child's hand was cut, we frantically applied the stuff on our son's hand, unexpectedly he felt numb and didn't feel anything at all.

Later, if anyone in the village got wounded and bruised, we used this to relieve their pain, and some doctors also came to us for treatment.

We made a lot of money by relying on it, and our life is better, but two years ago we suddenly discovered that this thing can make people hallucinate and addictive. Some officials made a decision with us to control the people around them Dead soldiers and subordinates, we have no choice but to make another fortune. "

(End of this chapter)

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