Chapter 381 [Retribution 1]

"Miss, for the good of all of us, I still offended you."

The Hus and his wife tied her up with a big iron chain, and Su'er struggled, wanting to bite whatever she saw with her mouth open.

"I think it's better to cover her mouth, it's not safe.

Madam Hu nodded first, then took a piece of clean white cloth and stuffed it into Su'er's mouth.

It was so tight and uncomfortable, Su'er shook her head and wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit, cursing them in her heart, you son of a bitch, son of a bitch! !
"Miss, it's going to be the most difficult time from now on. You should have noticed it yourself. We are afraid that you will go crazy, so we added this chain to you. We will definitely not let you have trouble. Don't worry."

Don't worry, how can she rest assured, she knows her own body best, and only she knows her mental state.

I finally understand why drug addicts sometimes kill people.

She wanted to kill people now, not just talking about it, but thinking about it, but really wanted to kill the two people who owed her.

Su'er's mind was full of desire and impulse, her eyes protruded.

Su'er pulled up the veins on her neck and forehead, and her chest was violently bullied.

She opened her eyes, and in a daze, she saw the Hus and his wife coyly smiling in front of her.

The woman pointed the orchid flower in front of her and said, "You still want to be a queen with your appearance, and you don't pee in the mirror. Hey, I feel so sorry for you. You are too overwhelmed. I'm ashamed to say you."

The man was even more frightening, holding a handful of medical tools and barely dangling on hers, he said: "We can't do this without some research. Anyway, she can't be a queen, and she will be the emperor sooner or later." Kick it away, why don't you give us a living experiment."

The scene in front of her eyes became more and more blurred and shrunk, and she swayed wildly, panting heavily.

It is better to kill others than to be killed by others.

The Hu couple hid aside and watched her staring at the front wall and struggling to kick her feet. The two shook their heads nervously. She could no longer control her hallucinations.

Concubine Chen sat in the imperial garden drinking wine and admiring the snow scene.

Huangfu watched from a distance a group of women strolling in the garden.

(End of this chapter)

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