Chapter 383 [Retribution 3]

Concubine Chen hit someone else's collar with a snowball, and the snow fell into other people's clothes, making them shiver from the cold, so Concubine Chen squatted on the ground and laughed.

"Niang Niang, it's cold on the ground, you'd better get up quickly and be careful not to damage your body."

"Haha, it's so funny, you two are so stupid, both of you can't beat me, it's really useless for me alone."

"Your Majesty is wise."

Concubine Chen stood up triumphantly, and the maid beside her patted on her skirt to straighten her clothes.

Concubine Chen rubbed her hands and walked to the side of the house to sit and rest.

"Is the emperor going to Concubine Nian and Concubine Yu these two days? Are you going tonight?"

"Returning to the empress, the emperor has not been to anyone's palace recently, nor has he summoned anyone to the bedroom, but the slaves and servants don't know where the emperor will go tonight."

Concubine Chen sighed sullenly and said: "Bengong thought that Su'er was the biggest enemy, but I didn't expect that the emperor would not come to this palace after killing her. Let me tell you if there is something wrong with this palace. what?"

"Your Majesty is born beautiful, but the emperor's taste changes from time to time. As servants, it's hard to guess. Your Majesty, you should drink this cup of white fungus soup first to moisten your body."

"Well, bring it here."

Concubine Chen took a sip from the bowl, frowned, and yelled, stood up and turned the bowl to the side and scolded fiercely: "How do you do things, you have been with me for such a long time and you still don't know what Ben Gong likes?" Does it taste like this, so hot yet so sweet, do you want Bengong to burn his tongue or want Bengong to eat too much sugar and gain weight, you useless girl, you are such a waste."

Come on, Concubine Chen slapped her across the face twice, and the maid was slapped to the ground. Concubine Chen took advantage of the opportunity and kicked her in the stomach.

After venting a bit, he tidied up his sleeves and left.

After Jin Duoduo saw her leave, he passed the room pretending to be careless, and said in surprise, "Ah, what's wrong with you, does it matter?"

"I, I didn't, thank you."

There was no one in the palace who didn't know about Su'er, and no one didn't know about Duoduo and Sheng'er.

You don't have to do anything to stay by the emperor's side, you can get three times the salary if the wind doesn't blow or rain, and the most important thing is that two people can still live together.

There were many criticisms in the palace, but no one dared to speak out.

(End of this chapter)

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