Chapter 388 [Retribution 8]

Xiaocui wanted to return it to her, but Duoduo immediately stopped her and said, "Don't say that, I can go back in three or two steps, but you have to stand all night, there is a bun in the basket, it's cold I ate it before, the weather is cold and I need to eat more to keep out the cold, I’m leaving first, you pay attention.”

"Well, Xiaocui knows, sister Duoduo, you should also be careful."

Jin Duoduo climbed over the wall, and as soon as she landed, Sheng'er wrapped a thick cloak around her body, stuffed the stove in her arms, and said in a low voice: "Hurry up and eat mutton, it's too cold outside Be careful of catching a cold."

"Enen, I'm so cold. Poor Xiaocui, I'm with such a master. When I saw her just now, her face was pale and her lips were bloodless. Do you think Concubine Chen has no blood? human nature."

"Hmph, if she wants to be human, it must be a big sun now, don't talk about it, let's go quickly, it's freezing."

Sheng'er and Jin Duoduo bundled up and ran towards their room.

Huangfuhui had asked someone to cook a hot mutton hot pot for them, and as soon as they entered the house, the fragrant heat rushed to their faces. Even in winter, the small nest of the two of them was so warm that there was no sign of cold at all.

Concubine Chen walked around the room wearing a mink nightgown.

Her brows never loosened.

"Damn doctor, after rubbing off the medicinal wine, I still can't walk normally, what should I do if I'm limping like this!! It's the same as last time, I said that after rubbing the medicine, the burnt place will be healed, but look now, this Gong's arm still has a little red mark, each one is so useless, it's so pissed off."

The servants and maids all lowered their heads and dared not speak. There was only a small pink mark on Concubine Chen's hand, not even the size of a copper plate.

They all knew in their hearts that it was because of Concubine Chen's personality that Emperor Murong Su'er dealt with her father and didn't like her.

If the master falls out of favor, the slave will also suffer, let alone being excluded outside, the problem is that his master doesn't feel sorry for his slave, he beats and scolds all day long.

There is no place to pour out the bitterness in my heart.

None of them wanted Xiaocui to end up drinking the northwest wind while standing in the freezing cold.

Looking at the heavy snow outside, it wouldn't be surprising if it turned into a popsicle tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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