Chapter 396 [Retribution 17]

Huangfu Xin walked into Concubine Chen's room with helium all over her body, and walked directly to Concubine Chen's bedside without shaking the snow on her body, and said, "How does Concubine Ai feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Concubine Chen had already woken up, she just drank a cup of tea before Huangfu came, she quickly lifted the quilt and knelt on the ground to wait for Huangfu.

She looks very cute and humble, but after knowing what kind of person she is, the more she sees her, the more disgusting she feels.

"The courtiers and concubines welcome the emperor, and the emperor is blessed."

Seeing that she was kneeling on the ground and unable to get up, Huangfu had no choice but to reach out to help her. Since he has already started acting, let's do it better.

"Aifei, don't kneel on the ground, get up and lie down quickly."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

It worked, she finally succeeded, the emperor finally touched her, and he still helped her to rest on the bed, this trick is really a good trick for everything to be unhappy! ! !

"Why did Concubine Ai get herself sick? It's hard to recover from a cold in this kind of weather."

This is a pun in Huangfu's heart, and the underlying meaning is to show that he knows that she is the one who made him sick.

It's a pity that Concubine Chen didn't notice such an obvious flaw, she was already silent in Huangfu's embrace and couldn't help herself, poor silly woman.

Concubine Chen said coquettishly in a hoarse voice: "Looking at the snow scene for a while last night, I didn't expect to get sick, which made the emperor bother. The concubine deserves death."

You really deserve to die. It's a pity that no one can die ten thousand times. It's a pity.

Fortunately, there is the criminal law of Ling Chi, but there is no earth-shattering crime for the concubine Ling Chi in the harem, which is a bit hard to justify. Huangfu is very embarrassed.

"My lord, what are you thinking about?"

Concubine Chen quietly wrapped her hands around Huangfu's waist, he suppressed the displeasure in his heart and said without changing his expression: "I'm wondering when my concubine's illness will be cured, has the imperial doctor visited her? "

"If you go back to the emperor, the imperial physician has come to visit, and said that it is not serious, take a few medicines and rest in peace in the palace for a few days, and you should be fine.

It's just that if the wind and cold become severe again, it will be bad, and it will be difficult to cure it.

But the concubine felt very sweet in her heart. "

"Why?" It's an elusive person who still feels sweet when sick.

Concubine Chen's answer made Huangfu even more ashamed, she said coquettishly: "Because the concubine is sick, the emperor can come to see the concubine, if the emperor can come twice more, it doesn't matter if the concubine is sick every day."

What an answer, what a cheap answer.

(End of this chapter)

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