Angel's Shared Boyfriend

Chapter 28 The first separation with Yi Nan

Chapter 28 The first separation with Yi Nan (2)
it's okay!It's just that I will miss you!I pouted and said!By the way, Yi Nan is going home today, I suddenly opened my eyes, sat up from the bed, by the way, Yi Nan, you are going home today, I said sadly.

"Yes! What's the matter with you, wife? Why did you get up suddenly?" Yi Nan asked with a puzzled expression.

555, People are reluctant to leave you, I said sadly.

As soon as I finished speaking, Yi Nan smiled happily! "Fool wife, I will come back as soon as possible! Just be good at home!" Yi Nan hooked my nose with his hand after speaking.

Hug, I said coquettishly.

Yi Nan smiled and hugged me! "Fool wife, you are really abducted! My wife is the cutest!" Yi Nan said happily.

Then you don't have to go shopping for groceries, please accompany me more!You go back, I won't see you for a few days!I pouted and said.

"Honey, you must be good at home! You must eat on time!" Yi Nan said with concern.

Ok!Yi Nan, don't worry, you should call me when you go back!I am a little sad to say.

"Well, don't worry, wife! I'll call you 5 times a day!" Yi Nan said seriously.

Ok!Keep your word!I said happily.

In this way, the clock quickly turned to noon.

"Wife, be good at home! Wait for me to come back!" Yi Nan said with a smile.

Well, don't worry!I will be very good!I said it seriously, and after I finished speaking, I kissed Yi Nan on the face!
Yi Nan, take good care of your body when you go home alone!I said with concern.

"Sure, wife, I really have to go, or I won't be able to catch the bus!" Yi Nan said with a look of reluctance.

I smiled and nodded, Yi Nan walked out reluctantly!After Yi Nan went out and closed the door, her mood immediately became depressed.

5555, Yinan, you must come back quickly!I thought to myself.

Yi Nan is gone, what should I do in the afternoon?That's right, I can make it clear to Ye Zhe when Yi Nan is away these few days, if you can't be boyfriend and girlfriend, you can be good friends!I thought in my heart, hey, I really admire myself so much.

But Yi Nan is not here, what should I do?Yes, I can write novels and write about our affairs.

Well, go ahead and think I walked in, room!Turn on the computer, but what is the name of the book?By the way, it's called "Angel's Shared Boyfriend". As for the story, let's tell about Yi Nan and I!
By the way, last time a netizen recommended a website to me, saying that there can fulfill your dream of becoming a writer, it is called "Xiaoxiang Academy"!
After the computer started up, I happily opened the website of Xiaoxiang Academy, registered as a writer, and after filling out the information, the registration was completed soon... Yeah, the first step of becoming a writer is complete, hehe, it’s not far from being a writer Far away, I happily thought... Well, the title of the book is "Angel's Shared Boyfriend".How should the introduction be written like this?I began to think about the past bit by bit, and soon I knew it in my mind.

She is the daughter of a rich family, both civil and military, with an angelic face, and is the envy of others, but she is extremely lonely in her heart. In a relationship blocked by her parents, she chose to commit suicide in despair. After escaping from the dead, she was betrayed by her boyfriend. , went to a foreign land and lived a self-reliant life.

In a small car accident, I met him in order to escape from marriage, and she was his sworn enemy. God seemed to have made a big joke with her. Not only did he go to the same school, the same class, and the same table as her.

What's even more unbelievable is that she has become the object of her co-rental.

What kind of story will happen between such two people living under the same roof?

Yeah, the content introduction was written very quickly, but I have no writing experience!Try to learn to write first!Familiarize yourself with the background first.

After basically understanding the background, but where should I write?Well, let's start from the day of school, the day I met Yi Nan!I thought about writing happily.

Hey, it's like a duck to water!Soon the chapter was finished, and it happened to be exactly [-] words!Hee hee, now look forward to the results of the review!I thought happily.

Wow, the writing time flies so fast, I thought I finished it in an hour!It used to take three hours, but now it's three o'clock in the afternoon.

I don't know where Yinan is, why hasn't Yinan texted or called me for so long?I pouted and thought.

Okay, if you don’t call me, I won’t call you either. Go out for dinner tonight. The weather is fine now, neither hot nor cold. I should go for a walk. I can’t recall that once I leave, I will become disoriented. Seriously thinking about it in my heart.

Thinking, I turned off the computer, got up and walked to the closet, opened the closet and took out a set of sportswear to change into, took some money, confirmed that I had brought my mobile phone and keys, and walked out of the house.

When I came downstairs, I realized that I had no idea where to go!Forget it, let's go to Lijing Plaza!There were a lot of people there, so I set off on my bicycle thinking happily.

20 minutes later, Lijing Plaza.

There were not many people in the square, just like Qingyuan, there were many people in the square until evening, so I jumped off the bicycle and walked around the square pushing the bicycle.

But before I walked far, I heard the sound of steel colliding. This sound should be a fight. After I parked my bicycle, I ran to the source of the sound. After running for about a minute, I saw a few boys fighting a boy.

The boy had already been beaten to the ground, and a strong sense of justice welled up in my heart. Without thinking much, I rushed over quickly, kicked a boy down, grabbed the iron rod in his hand and danced wildly.

Hehe, a result that you never expected appeared, 8 tall and burly boys all fell under my feet.

Seeing this, the boy who was beaten to the ground got up, "Let's go quickly, they have called someone, and the helper will be here soon." After speaking, the boy pulled me and limped towards the direction where I parked my car. .

I'll ride my bicycle to you first, and walk over by myself, okay?I asked with a smile.

I saw him staring intently, froze in place, I was dizzy!No, I don’t run quickly in an emergency and wait for the helper to come. Not only is he finished, but I am also finished. I want to shake off his hand and run to the bicycle quickly.

I quickly walked to the side of the bicycle, jumped on it, and rode the bicycle in the direction of the boy, only to see that he was still in a daze, when did I feel dizzy, what was he thinking?Speechless.

When I got to the side of the boy, I stopped, come up quickly!I yelled.

I saw him shaking his head violently, and sat on the back seat of my bicycle. Seeing this, I quickly stepped on the bicycle and rode towards a safe direction.

"Stop! It's safe here!" The boy on the back seat of the bicycle said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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