Invincible Witch Doctor King

Chapter 936 Waiting?

Chapter 936 Waiting?

"Of course, I'm not sure about this matter, but what I'm talking about is absolute certainty. It's not that easy for the other party to find me."

After thinking about it, Edward realized that this was really the case. Anyway, Peter is also an incredible character. How could he be killed so easily?Although he wasn't too sure about that kid, he meant to kill him. If he just avoided, how could he easily find him?

If such a situation really occurs, then Peter cannot be Peter.

"Then what am I going to do now?"

Edward knew that Peter would have arrangements for himself.

"Now time is beneficial to us, that is to say, as long as we can delay the time, it is enough, so what we have to do now is very simple. The first and most important thing is to implement in Huaxia. The plan must be accelerated a little bit, that is to say, the speed must be accelerated, and we can no longer follow the original plan step by step."

Edward frowned, hesitated for a while but still said, "In order to achieve the best results, we used to keep the time very tight, especially now that the people in Huaxia already know our plan, and we will carry out the plan." Time is already relatively behind, and it is impossible to speed up now."

Peter nodded. He was very aware of this situation, but the current situation must speed up a little. "We must find a way, so that it is safer, otherwise, I am worried that there will be accidents."

Edward knew what the accident Peter was talking about was that he was likely to be found by that kid before Huaxia's plan was completed, and the headhunter was successful.

"I'll find a way, but...see if there's a better way."

Edward was silent for a long time before he said such a sentence. Peter's request is very reasonable under the current situation, but it is not so easy to achieve it.

"Do your best."

Peter also knew that it was not completely reasonable to ask Edward to do it, "As for me, you can't help me. After you leave, I will leave too. There is no special situation. If there is nothing urgent, there is no need to contact me, and you can deal with it."

Edward nodded, stood up and left quickly. Things have been arranged clearly, and there is no need for him to stay any longer. Moreover, the longer he stays here at this time, the more dangerous it will be for Peter. Therefore, It's better to leave quickly.

After Edward left, Peter stood up slowly, picked up the bottle of wine that Edward had taken off the shelf before, and now he drank directly to his mouth without a cup.

The bottle was very large, and there was a lot of wine in it, but Peter drank it very quickly, so he drank it all in a short time.

"Uh uh uh……"

Peter belched several times violently, and spit out several mouthfuls of alcohol, his whole face seemed to be suddenly congested with blood, so red that it looked like dripping blood.

Slowly sitting down on the sofa, Peter's face was very serious.

In front of Edward before, although he admitted Zhao Tian's ability and even showed a certain amount of confidence, this was not all his true thoughts.

"That boy is really a headache."

Peter muttered to himself, the best chance to kill Zhao Tian has been lost, he is actually very clear that it is almost impossible to do it now, and there is another very important factor that must be considered That is, after Zhao Tian's body grows back, his strength will probably be improved to a higher level. He didn't tell Edward about this, but he knew it very well in his heart.

When Edward was there just now, when he explained the reason for hiding, he just said that as long as the plan at Huaxia can be realized, it will be a great success, but the real reason for hiding is that he is worried that Zhao Tian is recovering. Afterwards, the strength will be further improved - once such a situation occurs, I will not be an opponent in all likelihood.

"It's time to leave."

Peter rested for a while, and after his body absorbed everything in the wine, he stood up slowly, and went out the back door without packing up his things, and disappeared into the forest behind the manor.

Peter was the only one in the manor. After he left, the whole manor fell into dead silence. Except for the sound of the wind and the cries of insects, no other sounds could be heard.

Peter walked slowly alone, all the routes had been arranged long ago, so naturally there was no hesitation at this time, he turned around and entered a house in a short time, but After a while, I went out from the back door of the house again, walked along the street for about 5 minutes, got on a taxi, but got off again after [-] minutes, waited at the bus station for a while, and got on a taxi. I sat on the last seat of the bus and dozed off. This time it took a long time. Deli seemed to have forgotten to get off the bus. He just sat on the bus and followed the bus around. After an hour or so I just got out of the car, and then went into the house, into the shopping mall... Four or five hours later, I walked into a five-star hotel and stayed in a room that was not too conspicuous.

"Hope it works."

Peter patted his thigh lightly. He found that he was a little tired at this time. He knew that it was definitely not because of his age. consume.

This time, the route I took was designed many years ago. The final destination is the so-called safe house, which is also the result of a special arrangement. I have done everything I can do. It's really hard to say if you hide it by yourself, it can only be verified by time.

Time passed by, and Peter knew that what he needed to do most at this time was to take a good rest, so that he could recover well, but it was one thing to know, and another thing to be able to do it, he now Just no sleepiness at all.

Peter stood in front of the window, looking out. It had been nearly an hour, and he still didn't feel sleepy at all.

Peter didn't feel sleepy at all, but Zhao Tian slept very well. He has been sleeping very well since he was put on the bed, and even started snoring at the end.

Millie has never left Zhao Tian's room, she has been sitting by the bed.

"Ten hours."

Millie looked at the phone and found that Zhao Tian had slept for more than ten hours, but he was still motionless. However, it seemed that Zhao Tian didn't have any major problems. This could be seen from Zhao Tian's breath and expression. come out.

The door was gently pushed open again, and Millie didn't need to turn her head to know that it was Rose who came in.

"Haven't woken up yet?"

Rose walked to the head of the bed, looked at Zhao Tian who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, and frowned.

"Yes, I didn't move at all, and I slept a little more comfortably."

Millie stood up and moved her body lightly. She had been sitting just now, and her whole body was sore after a long time.

"By the way, Rose, how's the situation outside?"

Millie knew something must be wrong with Rose, otherwise, she wouldn't be here at this time.

"I got some news."

Rose frowned. When Zhao Tian was lying on the bed, she had been paying attention to the news outside. After paying a huge price, she had indeed received a lot of news, and these news were not good news.

After careful consideration, she wanted to discuss it with Zhao Tian, ​​but she didn't expect that Zhao Tian would still wake up.

"Very troublesome?"

Millie knew it must be serious, otherwise Rose would not have said so.

"Our people had been watching Robert and found out that two people had come looking for him, and after finding that out, we did some investigation and found out that the bodies of those two people were just supermarket workers or something."

"This is definitely not their true identity."

Millie didn't need to think about it to know that the two people Rose mentioned were definitely not supermarket workers. When would such a person be able to directly deal with a person like Robert?There is no need to think about this matter to know that it must be weird.

Rose nodded and said, "Yes, that's right, although we haven't figured out what their purpose of coming here is, the appearance of such two people at such a time must be related to Zhao Tian.

"It seems... this matter is not over yet."

Millie was silent for a while, then sighed softly, "What happened last night must have not been resolved yet, that's why this kind of thing happened."

"Yes, nothing wrong."

Rose nodded emphatically, "I hope to learn something about what happened last night from this kid, otherwise, we have no way to make targeted arrangements now."

"Do you think... do you want to wake him up now?"

Millie hesitated a little, she always felt that it was not the right choice to call Zhao Tian at this time.

"I also know that it's not good to call him up at this time, but...we have no other choice now, because I think the situation is very urgent now, and we must call him up and discuss how to deal with it together , otherwise, I think something big will happen."

Rose looked at Millie. Although she didn't know what would happen next, she had a feeling that something would happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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