Invincible Witch Doctor King

Chapter 938 Goodbye Robert

Chapter 938 Goodbye Robert

After leaving the villa, Zhao Tian kept walking. He didn't walk fast. He knew that Millie's villa must be under the surveillance of others. His purpose of doing this was to let those people find that he had left the villa. Since he To get Millie and the others to withdraw from their own affairs, the first thing to do is to let those people know that they are no longer in the villa.

Walking unhurriedly, Zhao Tian knew that he had to let Millie, Rose and the others withdraw at this time. In fact, when he failed to kill Peter, he knew that Rose and the others could no longer join him. Now that my goal has been exposed, Peter and the others will definitely figure out all the things here at this time. There is no need to think about it. Robert, Peter and the others will definitely unite. If Rose and the others don’t follow their own If they get away from the incident, Robert and the others will definitely send someone to arrest Rose and the others—this kind of thing is likely to happen in all likelihood.

Letting them withdraw at this time may still cause some trouble, but Zhao Tian knows that Rose and the others will definitely deal with it.

It's raining?
Zhao Tian raised his head and found that the sky turned cloudy at some point, and it started to rain. Although it was not heavy, it seemed that it would not stop in a short time.

Looking around, Zhao Tian found that it was quite a distance away from Mi Li's villa, knowing that the news of his departure must have spread, so he beckoned and boarded a taxi.

Back in the urban area of ​​City N, Zhao Tian got off the car in front of a five-star hotel, went directly into the restaurant, ordered a large table of food and ate, although he was at Millie’s after a good sleep I have already eaten something, but it has already been consumed by this time, my stomach is empty as if there is nothing at all, and now I can really eat a cow at this time.

Zhao Tian knew that this must be related to the "growth" of his body again. After all, it would consume a huge amount of energy. When a large piece of meat was eaten into his stomach, he could even hear his body's muscles growling. "Sound, as if the dry soil suddenly meets water and is sucking desperately.

Time passed by, and there were more and more plates piled up in front of Zhao Tian. When he finally looked up after eating, he found that the surroundings were quiet, and everyone was looking at him, as if he saw a monster generally.

Zhao Tian smiled, he knew it was not surprising at all, who told him to eat the amount of nearly ten people?

After paying the money and patting his butt, Zhao Tian left the restaurant, knowing that he had to get busy next.

Walking in the crowd, Zhao Tian seemed to have no purpose, but in fact he had a very clear goal.

Peter, this is his goal—this is the only goal he came to N City, if he failed to kill him last night, then of course his goal now is still him.

However, how can Peter be found out?
Zhao Tian was thinking about this problem along the way, but there was nothing he could do.

After what happened last night, unless Peter is really a fool, he will definitely understand that his target is him, especially when his own strength has been greatly damaged, and he will definitely hide.

City N is one of the largest cities in the world. There are more than ten million people living here. How easy is it to find out where a person comes from?

Needless to say, this person is still hiding on purpose now, and he has to be found out in the shortest possible time.

Zhao Tian knows that there is not much time left for him. Peter must fully understand everything now, and he will definitely find a way to speed up the plan that is being implemented in Huaxia. He must hurry up, but the question is, how to do it? Can you find Peter?

Frowning and thinking for a long time, Zhao Tian still couldn't find a way, so he could only continue to stroll on the street.

"I hope... Peter's people will come to your door."

Zhao Tian was walking slowly on the street. He really had nothing to do now. The thing he hoped most was that Peter's people would come to his door, so that he could follow the clues and find Peter.However, he knew that such expectations were too slim, but until there was no other better way, he could only do so.


Zhao Tian stopped suddenly, sniffed his nose, and there was a look of understanding on his face. There was a familiar smell in the air, and he knew that it was the smell left by Peter, that is to say, Peter once passed by this ground.

"It seems... I am a monster now..."

Zhao Tian shook his head lightly. Every time he "died", his body's abilities would be strengthened. The more serious the "death", the greater the strengthening. This time Peter was very scary and almost killed himself. He died, but after he escaped from death again, he found that his physical ability had "evolved" again. For example, he could now "smell" the smell left by Peter in the air, and this period has passed for a long time. long time.

This is definitely an ability against the sky. Although it is said that "walking must leave traces", a person's smell is limited after all, let alone just passing by. At this time, Peter's smell in the air must be very little. I can smell it myself, what is it?
"It's a good thing."

Zhao Tian shook his head lightly. Although he said that the "evolution" of his body was out of his control, it was not bad for him anyway, let alone if he didn't have such an ability How could he find Peter out of the vast and crowded city N?

With a sneer on his face, Zhao Tiangang wanted to turn around and follow the smell to find Peter, but he stopped abruptly and stared into the distance.

This is a square, and it's a big square. People come and go very lively. There's nothing special about it. Whether it's a big city in China or N City, such a square is generally a place with a lot of people. , Like many other squares, the square that Zhao Tian sees now also has a huge screen. Generally speaking, this kind of screen is used to display some advertisements and the like, but this is not the case at this time, it is a News, and it is a live news.

"Everyone, as you can see now..."

Looking at the live broadcast in the news, Zhao Tian had another sneer on his face.

According to the news, a large group of heavily armed people is besieging a manor-like place in the outskirts. A large number of armored vehicles and armed helicopters have been dispatched. Under the powerful firepower, several wizards who performed "supernatural powers" were arrested stand up.

"Peter and Robert are united."

Zhao Tian murmured to himself, he knew that it was definitely the joint efforts of Robert, Peter and others to have such a scene.

Those few people in the live broadcast were performing real witchcraft, and it was relatively powerful. It would have been impossible without the cooperation of Peter and others. This also shows that Robert, Peter and others have united , and the play in front of them was jointly "performed" by them, with the purpose of suppressing the current public sentiment in N City. This must be a condition that Robert and Peter put forward when they cooperated.

Now I am in even greater trouble.

Zhao Tian figured this out very quickly. Peter and Martin were already difficult to deal with. Now that Robert was added, his situation must be very severe, and even Robert was even more difficult to deal with.

"It seems... here..."

Zhao Tian turned around slowly and looked at the five people in the crowd who were approaching him. He knew that these must be Robert's people.

Did not run, Zhao Tian just stood there, looking at each other - Robert's people looking for him?Don't you want to find Robert too?If so, why avoid it?

Twenty minutes later, Zhao Tian saw Robert, and saw him in his office.


Robert looked at Zhao Tian with a smile, "I didn't expect that we would meet again, and what I didn't even expect was that we would meet under the current circumstances."

Robert was full of anger in his heart, but he was not a simple person after all, so he just suppressed his anger.

Zhao Tian spread his hands, nodded, and said, "My opinion is different. In my opinion, we must meet like this now."


Robert looked at Zhao Tian with a sneer, "I heard that when my people found you, you didn't try to escape at all?"

"Why should I run away?"

Zhao Tian sat down on the sofa indifferently, and said, "I came to see you specially, there is no need to leave at all, if it wasn't for your people, how could I see you so easily?"

After realizing that Robert had united with Peter and the others, Zhao Tian quickly made a decision that he had to come and see Robert. This was the fundamental reason why when he saw Robert's people surrounding him, he immediately "arrested without a fight".

"Besides, if I want to leave, I can leave anytime, and it's the same now."

When Robert heard this, he couldn't control his anger anymore, and laughed wildly, "Do you think anyone can come in and out of my place freely?"

Shaking his head, Zhao Tian said, "Of course not, but it is true for me, Robert, I know you are very angry now, but it is more or less just stating the fact that your place is of course a dragon's pool and a tiger's den for many people , but it’s not that great for me, of course, there will still be some minor troubles, but there is still a way to leave, I’m just telling the truth.”

(End of this chapter)

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