super king

Chapter 17

Chapter 17
"What the hell is going on with Global Discussion of Swords? Why hasn't it been updated?" Finally someone couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, I don't know, it has been going on for several days, and I refresh every day, but there is no change." An old reader replied.

"Uh, don't you have Jiang Shen's contact number or something?"

"This is really not the case. Who would have thought that Jiang Dahui would suddenly stop updating."

"Is there no Wudong Qiankun book review area?"

"Wudong Qiankun has [-] updates every day. According to the analysis of professionals, Jiang Da set up regular updates. After all, Jiang Da originally said that Wudong Qiankun has millions of manuscripts. I guess it was actually published before the end of the book!"


"Hasn't it been updated yet?" a reader asked in his mind.

"Not yet updated!"

"Not yet updated?"

"Really not updated?"

"What should I do? Is Jiang Da really not going to update it?" Looking at the computer screen in front of him, An Xin was in a low mood. Before, other authors made trouble, and he could fight the injustice. Now there is no other way but to comfort him in the book review area. up.

It’s really impossible not to update, readers may be really disappointed, it’s best for An Xin to know what kind of psychology he is at this time, uncomfortable, unwilling, confused, puzzled, etc.

The fifth day is here!
Jiang Chen still hadn't updated it, but watching his computer desktop suddenly appear on his computer desktop, there are martial arts classics such as Legend of the Condor Heroes, Legend of Condor Heroes, Heavenly Dragon and Eight Parts, Swordsman and so on!

Global Sword Review Area——

"give up!"

"Not updated yet, I feel tired and don't like it!"

"Me too."

"Perhaps...persevere? After's an original rivers and lakes..." This reader didn't have any confidence when he said this.

"Are you really going to give up?" An Xin had a very complicated heart. Is such a martial arts online game that has haunted him so much going to die like this? ! ! !

Moreover, the eunuch with leeway exists every year, and this year, a particularly large number of posts have been turned up again.

Moreover, another reader called a professional book reviewer made a post.

"The eunuch of this book, post it as proof, don't live broadcast it and chirp!"

In an instant, it was topped by thousands of book friends in turn.

First floor: the top floor.

Second Floor: Has been discontinued.

Third floor: Give up.


Just when the entire book review area was moaning and preparing to take it off the shelves collectively...

Floor [-]: I have prepared a melon seed drink and waited for the host to broadcast live.

Floor [-]: I'm ready to watch.

It was said like this for dozens of floors, which made most of the book fans who were about to leave the shelves curious.

"What's wrong, what happened again?"

"What's the situation, so you think the landlord will be broadcasting Chi Haw?"

"I don't know."

Someone still said sincerely, "Swipe the page of Global Discussion of Swords."

Immediately, everyone swiped.

Then saw——

"To the book fans——"

All the book friends around the world stared at each other, and clicked in with trembling hands. They were afraid of being disappointed, afraid that there would be a news that the book wanted a eunuch, afraid...


"Long live Jiang Da!"

"FUCK! What did I see?"

"Jiangshen is great, do you know your father?"

"666, human beings are completely unable to stop Jiang Da's footsteps!"

Original text——Words for Book Fans
It is my negligence, because the martial arts in this book is original, and many readers will not be able to get in, so these days I am sorting out the manuscripts, one by one of my martial arts rivers and lakes, one can perfectly fit the global swordsmanship. The world of martial arts, I originally planned to publish it on the martial arts newspaper, but due to my negligence, before those martial arts novels were released, Global Swordsman was published first, so, in order to make up for the fans of the book, I will publish it later Those martial arts novels are included in the works related to Global Sword. Finally, I would like to thank the book friends for their perseverance.

Well, at the end of the day, the update of this book will continue to be updated after a week, that is, after you have almost finished reading the relevant content of the work, and there will be surprises at that time!Please also support Global Discussion of Swords! ! !

Afterwards, all the book friends quickly clicked into the Global Discourse on Sword's works page, and then looked at the related works in the catalog.

The Legend of the Condor Heroes, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, The Eight Parts of Tianlong, The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng, The Legend of Chu Liuxiang...

A total of more than ten!
The readers who went in first just browsed roughly, and suddenly found that they hadn't seen the bottom for a few minutes, and they suddenly became restless.

Because even if you read a chapter half a minute late, you can finish it, but if you haven't finished it in 5 minutes, the rhythm is obviously wrong!

Book fans who noticed this detail moved a little when they saw a sliding button on the right, and were immediately a little confused.Then it is a pure direct pull-down, the total number of words, hundreds of thousands of words!

Then I went out and clicked on a few other books, the total number of words was a small million words!

Then I did the math again, more than a dozen books, each with hundreds of thousands of words close to a million words, a total of more than 1000 million words!

Such a calculation is incredible!
Explode directly!

Instant output!

"Wudong Qiankun has only been updated with more than 100 million words. This global book on swords plus all the words is fucking 1000 million. I really feel how lonely it is to be invincible!"

"Have you noticed? I just watched Legend of the Condor Heroes and found it to be super good-looking. Is it super good-looking?"

"It completely brought me back to the passion generated by watching Tianya and their martial arts in college!"

"Jiang University is always a fan!"

"That's not the point, okay? The point is how far Jiang University has become in order to be able to save more than 1000 million words of manuscripts. By the way, there is also the martial arts. No, I listen to Jiang University's tone and the indifference of the book publishers." , How many manuscripts does he have left?"

"Lord, you really knelt down when you said that!"

"Wait a minute, I remember someone said just now that Global Swordsman has become an eunuch, and posted it as proof, it's a live broadcast!"

"Hey, I just remembered when you said that. Brothers, get up and watch the live broadcast!"

Then, tens of thousands of book fans took action.

Then I searched for a long time——

"Damn it, what about posting it as proof?"

"What about the post?"


"Shouldn't be!"

"I coded a ball, I must have used Shen Tie's artifact!"

"What a fool, don't let me see him next time!"

"Say it. Are you still not reading? I'm leaving first!"

"It's a waste of my time, let's go and see Jiang Shenda's martial arts world..."

An Xin had better see this situation, and couldn't help but smile, Jiang Da is indeed Jiang Da, and the author of the explosive flow that doesn't follow the routine.

However, now he is also going to see the world of martial arts that Jiang Shenda said!
(End of this chapter)

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