super king

Chapter 2 Seeking Anime Magazine

Chapter 2 Seeking Anime Magazine (Second Update)

But what Jiang Chen didn't know was that Jiang Chen had already ranked first in the ranking of authors' updates on Tianxia Chinese Website that day.

However, few people pay attention to this updated list.

Therefore, even though Jiang Chen won the first place, he was still a tie, worse than a push in underpants.

However, Jiang Chen ranked tenth on the tipping list. Although this list is not very good, not many people pay attention to it, but it is comparable to underpants push.

Underpants push is indeed a waste recommendation for ordinary or even ordinary novels, which is the origin of pants push.

However, it does not mean that this recommendation is really a waste recommendation. If there is a high-quality novel that is recommended, it is not a pushover, but a novel of considerable quality.

Therefore, in the next period of time, Jiang Chen can see that the favorites are increasing every minute in the author's background, more than a dozen are going up, and there are already 1 seven favorites in just half an hour.

After another minute, Jiang Chen hadn't had time to view the book's favorites, but he was attracted by the pop-up reminder, but it was the author's text box with new information.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he casually clicked on the author's text message——

Hello, I am An Ye, the contracted editor of Tianxia. If I have anything to discuss with you, please add Penguin: 4655354684. When adding Penguin, please indicate your author name and work, thank you.

Seeing this message, the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth couldn't help turning up slightly, and finally an editor came over.

As a veteran reader who has been around for several years in his previous life, although Jiang Chen has never written a book, how can he not have seen a pig run if he has never eaten a pig?So of course Jiang Chen knows a little bit about the review process of novels, it doesn't matter whether your work is well written or poorly written, when the number of main characters reaches [-], the review editor will carefully review it.

If you think your work has commercial value or development potential, then you will be asked to sign a contract, otherwise, you will observe and observe.

And Jiang Chen's word count is already 12 words... Undoubtedly, Jiang Chen's works are favored by editors, no, he is here to sign a contract!

Next, Jiang Chen didn't waste any time, and directly followed the message prompt to add Penguin, who signed up as an editor. It took about ten seconds, and he passed his friend application conveniently.

Perhaps it was because of the working environment the other party was in, the pace was very fast, one second he had just passed Jiang Chen's friend application, and the next second he sent two messages over——

An Ye: Hello, I am An Ye, the contracted editor of Tianxia Chinese Website.

An Ye: May I ask if you still own the electronic copyright and adaptation rights of this book? If so, are you interested in signing a contract with

Jiang Chen naturally knows what it means, that is, whether he has signed a contract with other websites or publishing houses.

Jiang Shen: Well, all the copyrights are there, you can sign!
Seeing Jiang Chen's answer, the other party quickly sent over two documents, one is the author's information form, and the other is the notes for filling out the information form. After Jiang Chen received it and opened it, he felt a little bit pained.

There are so many things, who is interested in watching it, but after all, it is a major signing event, Jiang Chen still spent 10 minutes looking at it, the signing of a pure newcomer.

After a while, Jiang Chen finished filling out the information, and then sent it back to the contract editor.A few minutes later, the signing editor sent over several documents. In addition to a real contract, there was also a statement and a work outline, and some money-saving strategies for mailing contracts.

At this point, Jiang Chen knew that the matter of signing the contract was settled, as long as he printed out the contract, signed it, and then mailed it, everything would be fine.

After thanking the editor for signing the contract, Jiang Chen uploaded the electronic contract to the USB flash drive he bought.

After the contract was uploaded, I clicked out the webpage and looked at the author's background, and found that three more collections have been added at this moment, for a total of 490 collections.

Speaking of collecting, we need to popularize it. The collections of ordinary great writers are about 150 million collections before they are put on the shelves, the collections of ordinary small god authors are about 100 million collections before they are put on the shelves, and the collections of elite writers are about 50 collections before they are put on the shelves. , and the authors with less than 50 collections have average income, which is equivalent to the street writers of the Qidian Chinese website in the previous life, but in this world, they can barely support a family.

Therefore, from this point of view, Jiang Chen's Wu Dong Qian Kun only has 490 collections, how many?

With a word count of 12 characters, it is pitifully low!
You must know that even if a street writer has 12 words updated every day, his favorites can also have more than 1 favorites!
However, it depends on the situation, the main reason is that this guy Jiang Chen didn't follow common sense at all, and when he published the book on the same day, the number of words updated on that day was 12 words, so he couldn't accept it!
Then Jiang Chen quit Tianxia, that is, turned off the computer, took the USB flash drive and prepared to print out the contract and mail it out.

Both printing and mailing require money, Jiang Chen touched his empty pocket, there were still two or three red notes inside, he couldn't help but wryly smiled.

It's been a tough day too!
At noon, the post office.

Jiang Chen walked out with ease, just now, he finally mailed the contract, it's not easy!After leaving the gate of the post office, Jiang Chen let out a breath slowly, the era of turbulent wind and clouds is about to begin!

And he is undoubtedly a well-deserved waver.

Well, Jiang Chen still has another problem, that is, he likes Ha Niu Pi, yes, the above are all his imagination.

Then, Jiang Chen thought about the Dragon Ball downloaded in the USB flash drive, and decided to print out a part of it for submission.

Going to the printing room again, about a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Chen was holding a thick stack of big white paper, which was already full of Dragon Ball anime characters and plots.

Then, taking out the garbage version of the smart phone that couldn't be called out, Jiang Chen searched for some anime magazines.

I searched for several animation companies, one of which is the comprehensive publishing company Fiya Company. This company mainly publishes literary works and novels. Its comics industry is also a giant in the industry. Almost half of the well-known cartoonists are in its company.

The second is Qianlong Magazine, which focuses on comic publishing. The scale and market of this magazine are not as good as that of Feiya Company, but it pays the highest remuneration for new cartoonists.

The third is Future Magazine, but this magazine only accepts romantic anime.

Therefore, in the end, Jiang Chen decided to submit the manuscript to Qianlong Magazine. He felt that Fiya Company, which owns half of the well-known cartoonists, might not be able to appreciate his manuscript, and the manuscript fee paid by Fiya Company is not as good as Qianlong Magazine. So in the end Jiang Chen decided to contribute to Qianlong magazine.

"Qianlong Magazine, I hope you can really see things through your eyes, and my comics will definitely let you out of the abyss!" After Jiang Chen sent out the manuscript, he muttered silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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