super king

Chapter 24 Director Chen, Where's Zhang Fuck

Chapter 24 Director Chen, what about ethics?
" is a serious crime of deceiving the emperor!" Jiang Chen's expression was frozen in disbelief, except for the first statement that Xiangxiang shouted out, and then immediately grabbed Gao Lanchun's hand .

"Camera! Hand!" Chen Jialin shouted excitedly, very concisely, he felt as excited as a martial arts fan who suddenly read Jin Yong's latest novel.Even countless ideas about this shot, how to edit, and inspirations burst into his mind like sparks!

The camera froze in an instant on the hands held by the two of them, and the veins in Jiang Chen's hands were protruding, obviously using a lot of force.

A tingling pain came from Gao Lanchun's hand, but he didn't feel it at all. If the previous whispers were a call to arms, then the slightly trembling voice just now raised its pitch because of shock, and then immediately felt the lowered vigilance. sex, opened this battle post!
It also has his name written on it!

He stared at Jiang Chen firmly, put his other hand on it, leaned closer, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "If the emperor knows that it was your highness who's 'forging ahead' that caused the entire army to be wiped out, your highness' status... "

He didn't finish, because Jiang Chen had already frowned thoughtfully, and his eyes looked around in a dazed way that suited his current mood.

Gao Lanchun asked himself, if he acted by himself, he would not be able to reach this level.This feeling as if he was playing with himself was a bit weird, but it was more exciting!
The excitement of meeting friends in wine!

"Mingxiang!" Jiang Chen yelled again, his body also leaned forward, biting his cheek hard.This sound, although there was still a slight tremor, was already firm in Gao Lanchun's ears.

What a monster!He thought to himself, no matter the voice or expression, there is no flaw.

"Since no one knows..." Gao Lanchun said while writing by hand.

"Camera! Hand!" Chen Jialin shouted again, he wanted to go up and shoot by himself, but he always felt that the cameraman was a step too slow.

"Don't do it! Don't stop!" Jiang Chen's brows slowly relaxed, neither fast nor slow, and didn't feel abrupt at all.

At this moment, Gao Lanchun felt his hands lighten up, and Jiang Chen's bruised hand just now became a light grip, and the two of them clasped their four hands together.

"Thank you Mingxiang for your relief." Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled gently, with no thought in his voice of how they discussed deceiving Kangxi just now.

This scene can only make people think that this is an ordinary conversation between His Highness and his courtiers.

"Your Highness is serious, let's go to the emperor first, the emperor is in a hurry without news of His Highness." Gao Lanchun also laughed.

"CUT! Passed!"

When Chen Jialin gave an order, everyone relaxed.

Exactly 10 minutes!
This was what Jiang Chen was most worried about just now. If it takes more than 10 minutes, and the time of the medicine's strength expires, it will be really difficult for him to face such an uncrowned king at his current level.

"Brush!" The watering can and the spray gun were finished at the same time, Chen Jialin shouted quickly, "Where's the person?! Field manager, hurry up and bring water to the two of you and change your clothes!"

The field affairs immediately became busy, two men who were about the same age as Jiang Chen were busy looking for water glasses and kettles.

"Xiao Ming, what's the matter?" The two exchanged doubtfully while looking for a cup, "Isn't it enough to serve Teacher Gao alone? What's the matter? Listen to the director's intention and serve the newcomer with water?"

"Why do you do what the director tells you? Why ask so many questions? I'm also surprised, who to ask?!" Xiao Ming rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction.

"Strange, when did new actors get this kind of treatment?" While muttering, the two finally found Jiang Chen's cup towel, and hurriedly sent it to him.

However, Jiang Chen didn't pick it up, his whole body seemed to lose consciousness, and he felt numb all over as if he had just been shocked by an electric shock.Fingers move like puppets.

"What's going on?!" Chen Jialin who was not far away saw it and asked the people next to him.

Chen Daoming happened to come here at this time. After watching for a while, he sighed, "I'm seriously involved in the drama, I'm afraid I have to take it easy. I didn't leave for a while."

Finally, after about a minute or so, Jiang Chen regained the initiative of his body.

"This side effect is really serious, it's better to use it sparingly in the future." He thought to himself.

"Director Chen, how is it?" Jiang Chen drank a mouthful of hot water, took the towel and wiped his head. Fortunately, because of the braid scene, he kept his bald head, so it wasn't that troublesome.As soon as he finished wiping, he asked Director Chen Jialin.

The group of people in front of the director's chair didn't speak, and their eyes shot a strange look, as if they were looking at a cultural relic.

Still kind of rare.

"Old Liu, if the actor asked you, how was my filming? How would you answer?" Chen Jialin suddenly turned his head and asked Liu Dayin with a strange expression.

"Well, I will leave with my face covered." The other party replied solemnly.

In a word, several people laughed. They had just watched an extremely exciting match, and they were in a very good mood, very good!Everyone has some comprehension, just wait for time to ferment, and there will be improvement!

And this drama is a heart war drama, and other people who are not in front of the camera can't understand the essence of it at all.

Except for Li Hua, who had a pale face, he understood that this newcomer did have this kind of strength, as for the pressure?Hehe, it's fine if others don't pressure him!
"This rookie with no feathers!" He could only think bitterly.

"Okay, you go and change your clothes first, and come here after you're done." Chen Jialin said to the drowned Jiang Chen, Gao Lanchun has already gone to change, after all, others are also getting old.

Jiang Chen nodded, and went to the locker room.

"The film king is gone." Chen Jialin said with a smile to the people around him, he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

Chen Jialin smiled and played back the scene just now.

"Okay, very good! Great!" He couldn't help but praise again.

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the surroundings, "Everyone, come here and look at the photos just now, especially the newcomers."

When Jiang Chen returned to the set, the atmosphere was completely different.

In front of the director's chair, a large group of people gathered around, and all the onlookers came over, just like the case of a small movie screening in a county town in the 80s.

Not only onlookers, but also eager discussions, pointing at the camera.

"Yo, the master is here." Xue Zhongrui said with a smile when he saw Jiang Chen coming.

In an instant, the studio was quiet.

The newcomers turned their heads in unison, looking at him with a trace of admiration, and the veteran actors also smiled.

"It's coming." Chen Jialin's face was flushed, and the more he looked at the scene just now, the more excited he became, he asked with a smile, "I want to know how the filming went just now?"

"Director Chen, you are too good at hiding." Liu Dayin laughed loudly, "Everyone knows that this posture has been done once."

"Really?" Chen Jialin touched his face suspiciously, "I have obviously tried very hard to restrain my smile."

"Haha." Everyone laughed lightly, Chen Jialin waved to Jiang Chen, signaling him to go over.

Jiang Chen walked up to the director's chair, and as soon as he stood firmly, Chen Jialin couldn't wait to speak, "How much of your foundation is still undisturbed? Do you know what level of performance you just had?"

"Hehe, let's not talk about this for now." Chen Jialin's eyes lit up, bypassing the previous topic, and asked again, "I want to ask you, can you still do it in the future?"

When Jiang Chen heard it, he almost fainted.

Director Chen, your heart is too dark!A few more times and I'll have to file for bankruptcy!
Jiang Chen really wanted to ask, Director Chen, how about moral integrity! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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