super king

Chapter 28 Condensation Storm

Chapter 28 Condensation Storm
Time passed like water, no one left, and the room was very quiet, except for the occasional words from the photographer.

"Keep your head down. That's right! Just this angle!"

"Well, the camera looks good, frown. OK!"

It was already sunset outside the house, but the people inside didn't feel it at all. It wasn't until eight o'clock sharp that there was a burst of cheers.

"Finally finished!"

"Can you see it?"

"How is it possible, wait until it is washed out!"

Holding his camera like a baby, the photographer ran back to his studio without even eating dinner.

"What's the hurry, we don't want to grab it!"

"Really, don't wait!"

He said so, but the stylists had already rushed over after each other.

The next day, a file bag was placed on the desk of the Propaganda Department.

Gao Yun and the stylists suppressed their excitement and sat on both sides of the table with reddish faces.

"Sister Yun, isn't it just some promotional photos? Do you need to come and give them to me in person?" Wang Tao is also in his late thirties and is Wei Wu's right-hand man.

"Manager Wang, take a look first!" A stylist couldn't contain his excitement and said hastily.

Wang Tao smiled. He was a photographer himself. What good photos haven't he seen?
He picked up the envelope casually, and as soon as he opened it, he was stunned, and then his brows were furrowed.

The stylists exchanged glances, and all of them smiled knowingly.

Yesterday they personally waited for the photos to come out, and when they saw them, there were only four words to describe them: Shocked!
That kind of shock, fierce conflict, and strange beauty shocked everyone present, even the photographer sighed, I am afraid he will stop shooting for several years, this group of photos is so beautiful that it is unacceptable.

For at least 10 minutes, no one spoke, and everyone rushed to look at the group of photos.

Their expressions at that time were exactly the same as Wang Tao's now.

Wang Tao looked at a photo very carefully, and it took nearly 10 minutes to put it down, and it seemed to be like placing a fragile object. When he put it down gently, he could never see it again.But immediately, he picked up the next one.

Gao Yun clearly saw that Wang Tao's calm eyes were filled with joyful light.

As if looking at treasures, he carefully read the five photos and carefully put them into the file bag, but within a second, he took them out again and kept flipping through them in his hand.

"Who is this?" He asked in a deep voice, with an undetectable tremor in his voice.

Gao Yun smiled mysteriously, "Acquaintance, Manager Wang, you have met."

"Have you seen it?!" Wang Tao was taken aback, he didn't see any acquaintances from it at all!

At this time, I have to admire the greatness of makeup technology. Ugly women can make beautiful women of national beauty.

"No way?! All right, stop teasing me, and tell me quickly."

Seeing that Wang Tao's eyes were burning, Gao Yun smiled and said, "It's Jiang Chen."

"Jiang Chen?!"

Wang Tao's shock this time was even greater than before!However, he just paused for a moment, and immediately asked, "Whose idea for this group of photos?"

"Jiang Chen."

"Whose idea am I asking!"

"Jiang Chen!"

Wang Tao opened his mouth wide, and he repeatedly asked in his heart whether he had auditory hallucinations.

But it turns out, he didn't!
This is indeed the new man!That rookie Jiang Chen with a monstrous appearance? !

"Is it really Jiang Chen? That newcomer in our company? The one under your command?" He was afraid that he had heard wrong, so he asked.

This time, both Gao Yun and the stylist laughed, "Look, I knew this was the reflection."

"Only three times, I asked five times yesterday."

Gao Yun couldn't help but cover his mouth to hide his big laugh at the moment, "If the company doesn't have a second Jiang Chen, it would be him."

"How about it?"

Wang Tao put down the photo solemnly, and sighed three times, "How can such a person become an actor?! Going to the fashion industry will definitely be a success! Sister Yun, I want to apply for transfer! You are inferior! You are too inferior!"

But he also knew that this was impossible, and after complaining for a while, he said, "Are you going to use these photos as his publicity photos?"

When Gao Yun saw these photos, she was also shocked, but at the same time she also thought about her thoughts.

"Of course! But Kangxi's production team may not use these photos. I plan to take another set of formal photos and submit them with this group. However, his homepage must definitely use these photos!"

Wang Tao praised, "It's a very good way. If he doesn't play for a while, it will also attract the attention of other people. Especially female movie fans and petty bourgeoisie groups. Their enthusiasm for fashion is beyond your imagination. This will be a long-term attraction. .”

"Also, I plan to ask you to send it to Li Zepeng and Yunxiang."

Wang Tao's face became serious now, and he said with a half-smile, "What a big heart."

"Manager Wang, don't you think this group of photos is not high enough?" Immediately, a stylist was dissatisfied.

"Enough. Of course enough! There are no such classic photos in the domestic modeling industry." Wang Tao looked at the photo in his hand with admiration, "However, you are in the fashion industry, so you should know the identities of the two people Sister Yun mentioned."

Everyone was silent for a while. The reputation of these two people in the fashion circle is as loud as that of Michael Jackson in the earth music circle.

"Yunxiang, the boss of fashion magazines in China, the queen of domestic original fashion, if we say that the No. 1 domestic fashion is promoted to the world, she must be her." Wang Tao thought, "Li Zepeng's fashion group is to maintain Chinese fashion. He has contact information for many internationally renowned fashion kings, and he only values ​​Liang Wei, a superstar like Zhang Guo."

"I did meet them once."

Wang Tao didn't say any more, but turned to talking about the photos, "These photos simply subverted a fashion."

"This group, eyeliner, lip gloss, give people the feeling of art, the art of conflict, not sticking to the 'shock' of the appearance, he added these, and it is definitely not for the simple eye-catching, but to unify the whole The style of an artistic photo. Different people can interpret different meanings from this group of photos."

This is a very high evaluation for this group of photos.

"Well, I'll let my teacher Edward dispatch it. It's much better for him to hand it over than me. At least it can be handed over directly to them. It won't be thrown into the trash without even looking at it."

Those stylists were in awe when they heard Edward's name. He is No.1 in domestic photography and is called the king of photography.

"And I believe that if they take one look, they won't be able to take their eyes off it."

As soon as the matter was finished, Gao Yun didn't tell Jiang Chen, but let the other party resume their daily life.

Jiang Chen didn't ask, he had great confidence in this group of photos, the worst thing he could do was to applaud them or not, after all, he had gone through the wave of trials on the earth, at worst he wouldn't go anywhere. .

But he believes that people in the fashion industry will not lose sight.

His life began to enter the life of three o'clock and one line, and just like that, after a week, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw it was an unfamiliar number.


"Excuse me, is this Mr. Jiang Chen? I am Liu Tianyi, the person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Fengshang Group."

As if afraid that the other party would say otherwise, the other party reported his identity from the very beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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