super king

Chapter 40 Shock

Chapter 40 Shock ([-])

This middle-aged man is called Zhang Baolian, and he is the youngest member of the Ancient Poetry Cultural Society. Although he is the youngest, he is also nearly forty years old.

And he just subconsciously looked at the author's name, so he inadvertently discovered that this was the author's world who had just fallen into evil again.

That's why he yelled out.

Then, everyone followed suit.

"I'll go, it's true, Old Zhang."

"What a great talent. I guess people in my generation would be delighted to write such a poem. I didn't expect this mr. earth to write two such good poems!"

While everyone was still feeling emotional, Zhang Baolian said again, "I also discovered a very classic poem, and I will share it with everyone."

"Bu Operator"

I live at the head of the Yangtze River and you live at the end of the Yangtze River.Day after day, thinking about you, but not seeing you, drinking the Yangtze River water.

When does this water end, when does this hate end?I only hope that your heart is like my heart, and it will be worthy of love.

The meaning of this poem is that I live at the source of the Yangtze River, and you live at the end of the Yangtze River.I miss you every day but I never see you, but we drink the water of the Yangtze River together.When will this river stop flowing like this?When will this hatred stop?I just hope that your heart is like mine, and I will definitely not disappoint your lovesickness.

"It's really another classic poem!"

"Compared to Shangxie and Jun Sheng, I Didn't Give Birth, I Born Jun Is Old, these two songs are not bad at all."

"This word begins with the rise and rise of the Yangtze River in the first two sentences, "I" and "Jun" are opposite, and one lives at the head of the river, and the other lives at the end of the river. Seeing the distance between the two sides, it also implies the long lovesickness. The overlapping and repeated words The sentence pattern strengthens the sentiment of the chanting, as if you can feel the protagonist's affectionate thoughts and sighs, and the image of the woman who is longing for her in the pavilion stands out against the vast background of the vast rivers and mountains.

The author's skill is profound, it is really incredible. "

"It's far more than that. The tens of thousands of miles between the head of the river and the tail of the river lead to the backbone of the whole word "I miss you every day but don't see you"; and living together on the bank of the Yangtze River leads to "drinking the water of the Yangtze River together". If you are isolated It seems that each sentence is not outstanding, but when combined with the chanting, it feels that there is a deep feeling beyond the pen and ink. This is the unspoken and unspoken turning point between the two sentences.

The literal meaning is simple and straight: I think about you every day but cannot see you, but drink the water of the same river together.Under the deep taste, it seems that even if you think about it but don't see it, you can still drink the water of the Yangtze River together.This "drinking together" seems to somewhat comfort the hatred of lovesickness and separation.The poet only lightly stated the facts of "not seeing" and "drinking together", concealing the connotation of the turning relationship between them, and letting others speculate on the meaning of the poem, which made the lyrics extraordinarily deep and connotative. "

"Moreover, when will this water stop, and when will this hatred be over. Changing the head is still closely tied to the Yangtze River water, carrying on the "Thinking of You" to further express the hatred. The water of the Yangtze River flows eastward, and I don’t know when it will stop. I don't know when the lovesickness and parting hatred will stop. Using the tone of "when will it rest" and "when is it already" expresses the subjective wish for the end of hatred on the one hand, and on the other hand reveals the impossibility of hatred objectively. Already. There will never be a day when the river will flow, and there will never be a time when my lovesickness, separation and hatred will never stop. This word is to hope that the power of hatred will reverse the inability to hate, and change the frankness and enthusiasm of folk songs and folk words into a deep and sincere euphemism , turning tautology into simplicity and connotation.”

"He is really a master."

"I think that the whole word takes the Yangtze River as the lyrical clue throughout, and takes "I miss you every day but don't see you" as the mainstay. Living separately at the head and tail of the river is the reason for "not seeing you"; "When is this hatred?" The result of "not seeing you"; "the king's heart is like my heart" and "living up to lovesickness" are intertwined with hatred but no hatred. The reason for having hatred is "not seeing you", and the reason for having no hatred is "not to bear The water of the Yangtze River is not only a natural obstacle that separates the two sides thousands of miles away, but also a natural carrier of the same thread and long-distance love; it is not only the trigger and symbol of long-term lovesickness and endless hatred, but also the witness of the eternal love and expectation of the two parties. With the development of the lyrics, its functions are constantly changing, and it can be said to be infinitely useful. The combination of such ingenious ideas, deep emotions, clear language, and repetitive syntax constitutes the unique beauty, timelessness, and uniqueness of this poem. The exquisite and crystal-clear Fengshen."

"Hehe, Lao Huang, are you deliberately contradicting me with this understanding?" Jiang Yunfeng said with a smile.

"Wait, let's see the author of this divination poem."

With another loud shout, everyone's attention was attracted again, and then they looked at the author's signature of Bu Shuanzi.

"The world again?"

"My God, why is it Mister World again?"

"That's right, only Mister Earth can write such poems."

"It's really a great talent."

"Who is this world?"

While everyone was still feeling emotional, another cry came out.

"I also found a good poem."

"Let me share this poem I discovered with everyone."

Everyone looked.

"Yan Qiu Ci"

Ask the world, what is love, and teach life and death.Flying guests from all over the world, the old wings are cold and hot.Joy is fun, parting is bitter, and there are even more idiotic children.You should have something to say, ten thousand miles of layer clouds, thousands of mountains and evening snow, who is the only shadow for?

Hengfen Road, lonely year Xiaogu.The wild smoke is still flat.What's wrong with calling back the soul, and the mountain ghosts secretly cry about the wind and rain.The sky is also jealous, and if you don't believe in it, Yinger and swallows are all loess.For thousands of years, to keep it for the poets, sing and drink wildly, and visit Yanqiu.

"Ask the world, what is love, and teach life and death directly?"

Everyone was shocked by this sentence.

It was a deep shock.

There are such quatrains in the world?
There are such thrilling poems in the world?

There is such a shocking culture of weeping ghosts and gods in the world?

It can really be said that this poem should only exist in the sky, and it is rare to hear it in the world!
"I rely on."

Suddenly, there was another loud cry, hey?Another yell?
This yell directly brought everyone out of that sad mood, and they all looked angrily.

"No, look at the author of this poem!"

Could it be Mr. Worldly again?
This line suddenly popped up in all minds, and then, look.


Really damn it!

PS: My phone was accidentally confiscated by the teacher yesterday afternoon. Cough, so today’s update was coded after I got home. I don’t have time for that update, but I won’t owe it. Make it up.ashamed...

(End of this chapter)

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