Kamen Rider: World Breaker

Chapter 18 Summer Satsuma's First Transformation Battle!

Chapter 18 Xia Mikan's First Transformation Battle!
The sky was already covered with dark clouds, and everyone didn't pay attention to it, thinking that it was a sign of rain. After all, it often rains in this place, and everyone must bring an umbrella when going out, so they have long been used to it.

On the top of a very tall building, an old man wearing a beige hat and a beige windbreaker was a bit bloated, and looked a bit educated, staring at the dark clouds gathering in the sky, muttering to himself.

"Damn decade, this world is about to be destroyed. You must not be allowed to exist in this world!"

After he finished speaking, a gray dimensional wall unexpectedly appeared in front of him and he walked in...


Photo Gallery.

Wang Xiaoming saw through the window that the outside was covered with clouds, and there might not be a little sunshine, and his right eyelid kept twitching.

Although he doesn't believe in the saying that the left eye jumps into money and the right eye jumps into disaster, he is not stupid. This kind of weather is not normal, and he knows that it must be related to the guy in that mountain.

Logically speaking, I and Onodera Yusuke have already killed the last two Gulangi who broke the seal, and the rest have not lifted the seal, and there is no way to revive the king of Gulangi.

So who is playing tricks? !

Frowning tightly, Wang Xiaoming collapsed into the thick soup and fed it into his mouth, while looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

Today, the old man doesn't read newspapers or books, but he found a jigsaw puzzle somewhere, and while playing TV, he is trying to figure it out. He's just like an old child.

As for Guang Xiahai, he sat at the dining table obediently drinking the thick soup, but glanced at the old man from time to time, and whoreed Wang Xiaoming who was in a daze.

And suddenly at this time, the TV began to broadcast the news.

"Black smoke appeared on the mountainside of Dengrong Mountain. This black smoke was different from the smoke caused by the volcanic eruption. It rose into the sky and formed dark clouds!"

"The unknown life form response department of the police entered the area where the incident occurred about an hour ago! At present, the black smoke has not weakened, and the whole city has begun to fall into darkness!"

Sure enough, this battle is inevitable!
Wang Xiaoming immediately put the thick soup on the dining table, and planned to call out the dimension wall and rush to the scene of the incident to solve the matter immediately.

Not for anything else, after all, he doesn't want to be a backer!
"Do you want to go alone again?!"

Guang Xiahai lowered his head and stopped Wang Xiaoming abruptly.


"You guy, didn't you agree to fight together?!"

At this moment, the spoon in Guang Xiahai's hand was completely deformed, and he was obviously a little angry.

"This time is very dangerous, Xia Mikan, let's be together next time..."

"I don't want to hear your excuses! You agreed to fight together, why do you go alone?! Do you think I'm holding you back..."

Women, what an incomprehensible creature!
However, Wang Xiaoming heard Guang Xiahai's aggrieved tone, and suddenly felt some tingling pain in his heart, sighed, and said helplessly:

"In that case, let's fight! But be careful! I don't want to see you get hurt!"

"it is good……"

Just like that, Wang Xiaoming summoned the Dimensional Wall and led Guang Xiahai to the location where the incident occurred.

Just as they were leaving, the dimensional wall that had already disappeared appeared again, and the old man in beige clothes walked out of it.

The old man who was doing a puzzle looked at the person who suddenly appeared, and seemed to be familiar with it.

"He's not the decade you're looking for, but my grandson-in-law, Narutaki!"

"I know, but he is indeed inextricably linked with Decade. I will follow him and one day I will be able to find that nasty guy. But before that, I have to act like it! Brother Guang!"

The old man named Narutaki sat on the sofa next to the old man, sighed, and said lightly.

"You can do whatever you want, just don't let these two children get hurt, otherwise my old buddies from the Showa era wouldn't be vegetarians."

"Look at what you said, the Heisei knights on my side are not embroidered pillows, don't worry! Brother Guang!"

"There is thick soup in the pot, let me serve you a bowl!"

"No need, I'll just take the pot away in a while!"

Narutaki said extremely shamelessly.

"Why are you so shameless?!"

"I really miss your skill, brother!"

"Hahahaha, you old boy!"


Deng Rongshan.

Although the police had arrived, the scene was in chaos.

Because this pitch black smoke is poisonous!

All the policemen inhaled the smoke more or less, those with weak constitutions had fallen into a coma, and those with strong constitutions were coughing continuously.

With the howling of wolves in the cave, the policemen who fell into a coma suddenly changed, and each of them became Gu Langji!

Gulangi is a very warlike race, and once they become Gulangi, they will become renounced.

Unless he is super strong and has an IQ, this junior Gulangi will only attack creatures!

Yatsushiro police officer coughed while covering his mouth and nose. Fortunately, the poisonous gas he inhaled was not too much. Under the leadership of Yusuke Onodera, he escaped from the encirclement and ran down the mountain.

It's just that the mountain is very lively now.

Crazy howls everywhere, wolves howl, tigers howl, and eagles howl...

The strange sounds are made by the Gurangi that these humans have turned into.

These junior Gulangi are like zombies, growling and walking slowly, and start looking for targets. Once they find other live policemen, they will bite them, and then the bitten policemen will turn into Gurangi in an instant!

Yes, this stuff is contagious!

Behind these Gu Langji, a weird man with golden armor, red skin, yellow hair, and green eyes that looked like a wolf uttered a wolf howl and began to talk to himself.

And it is the King of Grunji.

"Why am I resurrected! I wouldn't be resurrected in the first place!"

"Who knows which bastard released you, but you have only one fate, and that is to be wiped out by me!"

Dark Decade, who had already transformed at this moment, appeared behind him, flicked his wrist, and punched him straight up!
It's a pity that the expected punch and sparks didn't happen!

Instead, he was easily caught by the King of Gulangi!
Then Dark decade clearly felt the pain from his wrist, and before he could react, the King of Gulangi let out a weird gei gei gei smile, and immediately punched him!
Sparks and lightning along the way illuminated the entire cave, and just like that, Dark decade flew out of the cave...

And Guang Xiahai, who was hiding not far outside the cave, couldn't help but exclaimed very worriedly when he saw Dark decade being blown out.

"Xiao Mingsang, is it alright?!"

"Xia Mikan, it's dangerous here, transform quickly!"

Looking at Gu Langji rushing towards him, Guang Xiahai showed firm eyes, nodded, took out the Shadow Kivala driver from his pocket, and bit his hand with the driver's fangs!
A black-gold pattern with a touch of red appeared on his cheeks, and turned his eyes into gold!


As the black and golden light shone on Guang Xiahai, a golden virtual chain began to appear around her waist, and the Shadow Kivala driver in her hand automatically fused with the chain to become a belt.

The golden and black petals kept flying, and finally gradually attached to her body. With the release of violent energy on her body, the petals turned into black and golden armor!
The bat armor is mainly gold and black, but the compound eyes are blue, similar to dark decade!
In addition, holding a relatively European-style dark golden long sword in his hand, he looks even more heroic!

After all, she is a woman, her figure is still vain after transformation, and her streamlined beauty is even more attractive.

But don't be fooled by her appearance, she is super powerful after transformation.

"I am Kamen Rider Shadow Kivala!"

Afterwards, Kamen Rider Shadow Kivala joined the battle with a dark golden long sword and began to deal with these junior Gulangi.

On the other side, Dark decade stood up clutching his chest. Although it hurt a lot, it didn't hurt very badly.

Wang Xiaoming has to admit that the opponent is really strong, and he also underestimated the strength of the opponent. I don't think it will be so miserable...

"Ultimate darkness will cover the entire world, and at that time all human beings will become Gulangi, my loyal subjects!"

The King of Gulangi looked at Dark decade and snorted coldly, then opened his arms to release the darkness soaring rapidly, gradually covering the entire sky!

"I won't let you, you guy, destroy the world!"

At some point, Kamen Rider Kuuga stood beside Dark decade.

After he handed over the eight generations of police officers to other colleagues in the police station and asked them to drive to the hospital, he came back.

In fact, he was going to accompany the Yatsushiro police officer to the hospital, but the Yatsushiro police officer told him before he fell into a coma that he must prevent the King of Gulangi from destroying the world.

So he's back!To save the world!The same to save eight generations of police officers!

This time, he finally understood what Wang Xiaoming said about protection!

(End of this chapter)

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