Kamen Rider: World Breaker

Chapter 42 As long as there is no morality, no one can kidnap me!

Chapter 42 As long as there is no morality, no one can kidnap me!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for participating in and destroying the Ultraman Zeta world monster Gilbaris, and getting 500 special points! Reward a gift bag for the first battle in the Ultraman world! Keep up the good work!"

The system's notification tone also came to mind, and Dark decade chose to open it without even thinking about it.

"Ding, opening the gift pack for the Ultra World first battle!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ultra Mech Dark Beria Card (can be enlarged), and the strength detection system skill!"

Fuck!Awesome Klass!

The emotional system still needs to be improved after the battle to obtain gift packages.

This is just like a game, unlocking equipment and levels step by step? !

Also, is the dark Beriaot mech okay? !
It can be driven with a drive, which is too 6!

Show directly to take off!And can it be huge without the need for huge props? It's almost impossible!
"You guys are so strong~"

Ultraman Zeta deserves to be the number one acquaintance in the Ultraman world!
Although they didn't know Dark decade and the others, they walked over in a hurry and greeted them familiarly.

"Ultraman Zeta, right?! Don't be too confident in your own strength. There are plenty of people who beat you up. There is a reason why Ultraman Zero doesn't accept you as a disciple. The self-righteousness needs to be corrected... "

Dark decade's poisonous mouth skill broke out at this moment, and he was very merciless, looking at the excited Ultraman Zeta in front of him, and directly sneered.

The other four guys on the side also nodded in agreement.

Especially Jugula, who controlled Jepponton. As the captain, Akari had taught him many times in secret, but this guy still didn't make any progress, and he completely misled his human body Natsukawa Haruki.

"I just said, how could that guy Si Luo accept apprentices for no reason? You are unilaterally admitting your feelings?!"

Although Ultraman Geed said something innocent, but for Ultraman Zeta this is a heart-pounding knife!

The typical aggressiveness is not big, but the humiliation is extremely strong~
"without me……"

It seems that the child is so anxious that he is incoherent...

"Zeta, you're not really bragging, are you?!"

Xia Chuan Yaohui, who was in the Zeta Outer space at the moment, showed an embarrassed expression, and said in disbelief.

After all, he has merged until now, and he always thought that Ultraman Zeta was a powerful existence. His feelings were completely exposed today, and he was beaten!
"How could it be?!... Yaohui, you have to trust me, Master Sai Luo trusts me very much..."

When Ultraman Zeta said this, he didn't even have enough confidence.

The few people present shook their heads helplessly. Finally, the time limit for gigantism also expired. The four Kamen Riders returned to their normal size, and Jugula also canceled his transformation and appeared in front of everyone in the form of a demon.

"Group leader, when are we leaving?!" Jugula, who was in the demon state, couldn't wait any longer.

Of course, Wang Xiaoming can naturally understand how important it is to a person to be able to change what happened in the past, so this guy immediately let out a chuckle:
"Just now!"

Then he snapped his fingers, and a dimensional wall appeared in front of the five people.

Dark decade and Kamen Rider decade walked in first, and the other three followed suit and walked into the dimension wall after seeing the two walk in.

After five people walked into the Dimensional Wall, the gray Dimensional Wall completely disappeared from the public's sight.

"Oh, it actually disappeared, it's super scary..."

Xia Chuan Yaohui in the Zeta Outer space stared wide-eyed at this moment, his jaw almost dropped from shock...


In the distant past, the planet Ganon.

A huge battle just took place on this planet.

And there are these three Ultra fighters on this planet, namely the veteran Ultra fighter Gauss, and the human body is Haruno Musashi.

The miracle light of the universe is Ultraman Dyna, and the human body is Asuka Shin.

As for the last Ultra warrior, it is a warrior on planet O50, and also Jugula's companion, Hong Kai!The Ultra warrior he turned into is called Ultraman Orb!

And just now the three Ultra fighters were fighting monsters.

As for the purpose of the monsters, it is the huge tree of life in front of them, soaring into the sky and dense with green pines!
The tree of life, as a sacred tree of the planet Ganon, contains endless power of life, and the fruit he touches can also remove the poison of the monster's puppet.

And each generation of Empress Amaterasu guarded the tree according to the ancestral precepts.

The previous Empress Amaterasu, that is, the mother of this Empress Amaterasu died in a battle with a monster, which caused great trauma and fear to her young heart at that time.

So the current Empress Amaterasu is afraid of fighting, and she can't even become a qualified fighter now!

At this time, Jugula accompanied Hongkai to complete the mission. They had been to many places, and finally found that the source of the matter was here, so they came to the planet Ganon!

At this time, Jugula also got to know Yuyan. After seeing Jugula's extraordinary swordsmanship, the girl was deeply impressed, and she kept wanting to worship Jugula as her teacher.

And Jugula agreed by default.

It's just a pity that in the battle just now, Yuyan lost his life...

And because of the hatred and darkness in Juggler's heart, he completely entered the state of demonization.

Looking at the corpse of his apprentice, Jugula stood quietly for a while, then turned around slowly at last, looked at the towering trees soaring into the sky, smiled coldly, and said to himself:
"The tree of life is the treasure of this planet, right?! But no matter how I look at it, I think this tree is a demon!"

"This tree is the source of some disasters! If this tree is cut down! There will be no more sacrifices!"

After saying this, Jugula, who turned into a demon, jumped up without saying a word!Suddenly jumped to a height of 50 meters!
The Snake Heart Sword in his hand was raised high above his head, and a purple cold light continuously flowed on the witness.

"Snake Heart Flow Draw your sword and chop!"

With a roar, a purple cold light appeared on the blade, and it slashed at the tree of life head-on.


"You can't do that!"

"You are a devil!"

Seeing Juggler doing this, the residents on this planet fell into panic and kept cursing.

Facing the curses of these ordinary residents, the demonized Jugula snorted coldly, and the strength in his hands became even stronger!

The purple sword energy light wave directly rushed towards the tree of life, and under the terrified gazes of everyone and the bewildered gaze of the three Ultramans, the towering tree snapped!

The tree of life, so far, has no life!

After the tree of life was cut down, it turned into light and disappeared.

There may be some scattered monsters, and they are also evacuating at this moment!No more attacks!This war started because of a tree, and it will end because of a tree.

The devil-like Juggler slowly fell to the ground, admiring his masterpiece, ignoring the complaining curses and hoarse screams of the residents on this planet!
The three Ultra warriors also lifted their transformations and returned to the ground.

Looking at Jugula in the form of a demon in front of him, Hongkai squirmed his lips, stepped forward and said tentatively: "Jagula, you are right?!"

Jugula, who was immersed in grief at the moment, didn't seem to have heard Hongkai's words, but looked at the tree stump with a huge cross-section after he felled it, and showed a sneer from the dark side.

The sneer passed through the ears of everyone present, forcing everyone to shudder. What a terrifying and soul-shattering laughter!

Jugula didn't dare to look back, because behind him was the dead Yuyan, and Tachibana who was holding Yuyan and crying bitterly!
I had clearly promised in my heart that I would change this tragedy no matter what, but in the end nothing changed...

Seeing that Jugula didn't pay attention to him, Hongkai swallowed a mouthful and walked to the former's side and continued to ask, "What happened?! How did you become like this..."

Undoing the demonization, Jugula looked expressionlessly at the residents kneeling under the stump of the sacred tree to pray, and said with a sneer:
"I, Jugula, guarded this planet! This time, no one will die because of a broken tree!"

"Is this the justice in your heart?! It's not that you can do whatever you want with power!"

I don't know when Asuka Shinobu came from behind Jugula, talking while walking.

As an Ultra fighter, he is indeed a senior, of course Hong Kai thinks so!But Juggler was not at all.

"Are you preaching to me?! Asuka Shin!"

Turning around slowly, Jugula stared at Asuka Shin with a stern gaze, and there was an evil smile on his originally cold face, but this smile was a bit scary no matter how you looked at it!Because he just smiled at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes didn't smile!

"My apprentice died in front of me! What do you want me to do?! Obviously I can also become an Ultra warrior! But I didn't get this power! It is because of this that I watched my apprentice die helplessly. In front of me!"

"Jagula, but this is not the fighting style of Ultra warriors! You should be well aware of this!"

Asuka Shin didn't notice Jugula's anomaly, instead he kept preaching as an old senior!
"Oh! I understand! Ultra warriors with the light of justice can watch innocent people die! Hahahahaha!"

Perhaps because he was satirized by Jugula's fierce language, Asuka Shin wanted to say something, but he couldn't hold back his fart for a long time.

"Catch him! That guy cut down our sacred tree!"

"He is the root of all disasters! He destroyed our god!"

"Yes, ask Empress Amaterasu to execute him!"

"Execute him!!!!"

The curses of these residents kneeling in front of the sacred tree came from all around.

"I alone saved this planet! Saved you all! Look! Now the war is over!"

Although he was mentally prepared for everyone's accusations against him, he was already very depressed because of Yu Yan's death. Now that he is not understood, it doesn't count, and he even demands that he be executed!How not to be angry? !

Juggler roared coldly, like a roaring beast!

The sun was setting, and Jugula felt the cold before it was night!It is the coldness in people's hearts!Everyone's indifference, everyone's accusations, were like a sharp ice pick, piercing into his chest fiercely, and he was a little out of breath...

However, at this time, the wind was rustling, it seemed very quiet, but it seemed very abnormal.

Not far from the setting sun, a dimensional wall appeared directly in this world, and it turned blood red under the setting sun...

Five figures gradually came out from the dimension wall...

"As long as you have no morals, no one can kidnap you! Jugula, you must understand this! Otherwise, you will not become stronger at all!"

In the chat group, Jugula, who had turned into a demon, came to Jugula in the past with a cold laugh and said every word.

"It seems that the time we chose is not right, but it doesn't matter too much, just leave everything to me in a while!"

At this moment, Wang Xiaoming walked over slowly with one hand in his pocket.

As for the other three, they are curiously looking at how this world is different from the earth!
It doesn't feel any different, but it's very strange...

The green coverage of this world is too large, and the plants are generally tall, just like a prehistoric forest...

"Then trouble you, group leader! I still have some personal grievances that haven't been resolved~"

The demon Jugula in the chat group nodded, then glanced at Hong Kai who was behind him, slowly tilted his head, and said with a sneer:
"Kay, you passionate idiot! I won't stop you from learning to be a qualified Ultra warrior. If you learn from Asuka Shinobi again, don't blame me for being rude..."


Hong Kai was stunned at that moment.

Although he didn't know what the five people who popped up all of a sudden were going to do, at least he knew that the devilish alien with a crescent on his chest was probably his good friend Jugula.

It's just that this Juggler is very likely to come from the future.

Because now Juggler is beside him...

Apparently he was stunned for no reason, and he was not in a good mood. Asuka Shin frowned and looked at Jugula, the demonic figure in the chat group. Although he didn't know why these five people appeared here, the anger in his heart was obvious. I can't suppress it.

"Are you trying to mock me?! Since you think I'm wrong! Then tell me what a real Ultra warrior should do?!"

"Put away your stupid hypocrisy! In order to protect the lives of this group of people, the maximum stop loss should be achieved! There is no problem with cutting down this tree, because the root of everything is this broken tree!"

"And who are you beeping here for?! Is the justice you uphold in your heart so inferior?! Or are you just a inferior person?! Asuka Xin!"

With a cold snort, the Snake Heart Sword in his hand was already on his shoulders. Facing his former enemy, the demon Jugula in the chat group was obviously a little impatient...

But the most urgent task is to rescue the apprentice first!
When Yuyan is rescued, let this guy look good!

 Go for a recommendation ticket, and if you have the conditions, you can give a reward. Lao Mo is here to thank everyone!


(End of this chapter)

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