Kamen Rider: World Breaker

Chapter 52 Golden Armored Warrior Cannon Brother!

Chapter 52 Golden Armored Warrior Cannon Brother!
The world of Ultraman Zeta.

The gray dimensional wall unfolds in this inconspicuous corner of the world.

Five people, including Wang Xiaoming, came out from inside, with one hand in their pockets, leisurely.

Moreover, a few people headed by Wang Xiaoming began to arrest big households.

There's nothing wrong with it, the help has been so great, if Jugula doesn't treat him to a meal or something, it really can't be justified!

After all, there are two big foodies here, Wang Xiaoming and Shigasang!
The high level of fighting has completely consumed their physical strength, and only the calories of food can replenish their physical strength.

Don't ask why, just because you are hungry and want to eat, okay? !
A group of friends, pushing cups and changing cups, had a great time eating.

It can be said that Jiagula's wallet was bleeding a lot this time, because Wang Xiaoming and Shikasang kept ordering good ones and expensive ones, but they didn't eat free ones.

And eat a lot...

But fortunately, people are happy today, it doesn't matter if they have money or not!

Finally, Wang Xiaoming and others planned to sit in Jugula's armory.

I think Wang Xiaoming has been watching it in special dramas back then, but now that he finally came to this world, it would be a bit of a disadvantage not to watch it!
Besides, Wang Xiaoming's childhood dream is to visit any Ultraman's national defense team. Since he is so strong, then come directly!
Men, like some high-tech guns or something.

Of course, but these things rank second in Wang Xiaoming's heart, and women always rank first!

Who made this guy a shameless old pervert...

In the armory of the world of Ultraman Zeta.

Yuka was wearing glasses and studying the fragments of Gilbaris that she had just retrieved on the operating table.

Although the core has been completely destroyed, if it is modified and repaired, it may become a powerful assistant in the armory!
So from now on, the Armory Special Aircraft will be developed in secret.

As for why it was researched and developed in secret, of course it was because there was no order from above, but this chick and Ye Hu secretly researched it together.

Yoko was not in the armory, but went to the factory to ask Mr. Ye Hu to repair Wuyingdam.

There is no way, for the special space machine No. 2, there are still many shortcomings and defects, and there are some damages after the battle just now, so it has to be repaired.

As for Xia Chuanyaohui and Chao Canglu, the two guys who didn't help much, were eating noodles like crazy.

One is Japanese ramen and the other is Japanese mixed noodles.

It's just that the appetite of the two of them seems to be a bit large, each of them ate 5 or 6 bowls and they were still not full, and they were still gobbling like hungry ghosts reincarnated.

If Wang Xiaoming and Shikasang saw it, they would probably recognize it very much!Unexpectedly, there are still two hard-working lovers in this world!
It's so touching~
"By the way, Yuka, where did the captain and vice-captain go?!"

Natsukawa Haruki, who opened his eyes wide and looked naturally dazed, asked Yuka, who was doing research, while eating noodles.

"The captain went to the bathroom, as for the vice-captain..."

Before Yuhua, who was engaged in research, could finish speaking, the door of the armory opened automatically.

However, walking out of the door was a heroic woman also wearing a military uniform, and holding two large bags of food in her hand.

If Yoko is the kind of vigorous and resolute man-in-law, this woman is a female warrior who is both strong and weak but unwilling to admit defeat easily.

And this woman is also very familiar to everyone, because this woman's life was saved just now by five soldiers who went back to the past!

That's right, this woman is Yuyan!

Obviously Jugula taught her very well, and she learned very well, otherwise she wouldn't be such a character as the vice captain!
Of course, there is no way to tell if I went through the back door...

And the current Yuyan should not be underestimated. After so many years of training, he has already become a good master of swordsmanship!
"Eating instant noodles is not nutritious, I bought this for you~"

Yang raised the food in his hand, Yu Yan.Walking up to the two gangsters, he put two bags of food in front of them, and finally took out two bottles of marble soda from the bag, opened one bottle himself, and handed the other bottle to him. In the hands of Yuhua who is doing research.

"Thank you, vice-captain! Hehehehe~"

As a result, she opened the soda and took a sip, and Yuhua smiled foolishly.

I have to say that Yuyan's ability to control people is quite powerful, at least better than her master Jugula...

On the other side, the four people who walked to the gate of the armory base couldn't help feeling a little worried when they saw Jugula who suddenly froze in place and was in a daze.

Didn't it just make his wallet bleed profusely today? As for pretending to be stupid? Now...

In fact, it wasn't that Juggler was pretending to be stupid, but because of the change of time and space, there were some more memories in Juggler's mind, and they were absorbing and integrating them.

"It's interesting~"

Jugula, who came back to his senses, opened the hatch of the armory and led everyone in.

Of course, when the team members saw that there were four handsome men behind the captain, they fell into deep thought.

The watermelon rind of the banana can actually bring four men back when going to the toilet!And this good thing? !
For a moment, Yuhua didn't even want to do research, so she wanted to go to the bathroom to try her luck and see if there was another little brother...

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, seeing Yuyan who has become the vice-captain in this world, the gangsters headed by Wang Xiaoming nodded in satisfaction.

It's worth spending so much special value to travel over here to do something... to save her, the result seems to be good now!

And Juggler seems to be enjoying it too...

Everyone was talking and laughing, but Tan Lidou took a fancy to the electronic communication equipment in the armory, and began to use the equipment to integrate some battle data collected just now!
Sure enough, he is a madman in game development. For him, researching new powers is the most important thing!
Not only for everyone in the group and myself, but also for the mother who lost her life~
For data development, Yuhua also has her own unique experience, and when this chick sees a particularly novel data or monster, she can't help but get along with it.

In this way, two development madmen began to communicate and develop data together!

Looking at the happy scene at the scene, Wang Xiaoming was also enjoying it, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

These guys in the group are different, not to mention familiar, they like to join in the fun...

But it's time to expand the group chat. After all, the current group members are too few, and there is still a useless invitation quota, so it can't be wasted!

"System, invite new members~"

"Ding, new members are being invited!"

"Ding, Brother Cannon, the Golden Armored Warrior, has joined the special photo chat group~"

When the system's notification sounded in Wang Xiaoming's mind, the guy's eyes widened instantly, and he said in disbelief:

"Damn, is this serious..."

(End of this chapter)

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