Kamen Rider: World Breaker

Chapter 99 Lord Duck!

Chapter 99 Lord Duck!

"Although you are older than me, I am very upset that you called me a kid just now! Poor strength is poor strength, no matter how hard your fist is!"

"You are not an arrogance, so you have to learn to work hard. If you don't listen to other people's denials, if you want to become a strong man, I'm afraid you will be delusional all your life!"

Dark decade resided in front of Kamen Rider Baron who was stunned, and started eloquent education.

Of course, this guy didn't find any reason on himself at all. It's really that this guy's mouth is too poisonous, otherwise people wouldn't be able to shout at him.

But there is a reason for my own poisonous mouth. Xiaoye Temple, who I regard as my brother, is so disliked by others, how can I not vent my anger? !
"So, do you want to fight me?!"

After switching the cartridge gun to sword mode, he casually wiped the blade, glanced at Kamen Rider Baron, who was still standing there in a daze, and said.


"I don't think so. It's meaningless to fight so weakly. I'll beat you until the time comes. How embarrassing~"

Afterwards, Dark decade released his transformation, and waved his hand towards Yusuke Onodera, who also released his transformation at this moment, and then the two brothers returned to the team together.

Today's wave of watching movies is generally quite interesting, after all, I also grabbed a drive, not a loss!
Giving the Genesis drive to Saya Motoya with a curious face, this cute little girl began to look at the structure of the drive at this moment, frowning and nodding at times, this is indeed a knight system she has never tried, but there are still some problems to go back to modify Just remodel!

As for using it after the transformation, after all, Wang Xiaoming snatched it for her specially!

Yes, Katoya Saya had been staring at this Genesis drive during the battle just now, and then she wanted this drive from her brother, in line with the principle of pampering her sister and taking the opponent's power, so she just took it!

As for why not to plunder the power of Kamen Rider Baron, there is really no need.

After all, the armor looks weird and not handsome, its strength is not too strong, and it is not very useful...

Although Jie Dou in the main world can become the world-class boss Lord Baron, it is also a matter of personal will and has little to do with this outfit.

That's why Wang Xiaoming educated the other party before he left!
Although I have inherited the title of World Destroyer, it doesn't mean that I want to truly destroy all time worlds!Sometimes breaking means changing the rules of the world, or changing people's thinking!Isn't changing the original track a kind of destruction? !
Clenching his fists tightly, Jie Dou, who had already untransformed, did not look back at this moment, because he had suffered too much humiliation today.

Although it is indeed my own fault, it is still very uncomfortable to be pointed out in person, helpless, I can't beat the other party...

"Wait for me!"

Gritting teeth on one side, screaming hoarsely on the other!
And the hoarse one is naturally the Zhan Ji Lingma who has been robbed of his power and drive!
At this moment, he summoned Haim's Underworld and jumped in with scars all over his body. It will take time to heal his injuries, and he won't be able to come out for a while...

And Jie Dou also plans to go back to the camp of Valkyrie Kai Wu and tell Tie Hanhan who is sitting in the tent what happened today in detail!
It seems that a blow is still somewhat effective, at least it caused some changes in his thinking!
Well, not bad!

The Valkyrie Kaiwu camp.

Jie Dou has rushed back and explained the whole story to Da Cun Wang Tai clearly.

And Tatsumura Shitai also has some understanding of the world destroyer Narutaki said.

Indeed, as the old man said, he is a demon that robs knights of power, but obviously he has companions, and he is not a knight who plunders other people's power at will!

What has actually happened? !

Could it be that the old man is lying? !

Or does this new Valkyrie have a bigger plan? !
"Jie Dou, I have no way to leave now, so I will trouble you to go to the World Tree Consortium. Please make sure to bring Guang Shi and Gui Hu back. This time the battle may be more serious than before, and we have to pay attention!"

Da Cun Luotai walked around the barracks and thought for a while, and finally made up his mind not to focus on defense all the time. Maybe he should change his mind. After all, a big war is inevitable, so it is better to take the initiative to attack...

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Nodding his head, Jie Dou walked out of the barracks without saying a word, and ran towards the city.

"Watching a battle changed that guy's personality a lot~"

Looking at the back of Jie Dou going away, Xia Shuwu said with a light smile to Da Cun Wang Tai beside him.

"Well, this guy has changed a lot! I have to make my own changes, Mai~"

Holding the locked seed Narutaki gave him in his hand, Da Cun Luotai's tone and gaze became very firm this time, without any hesitation!
Perhaps the situation was too serious, and the unknown danger could not make him hesitate any longer!
Or seeing that his old friend and rival has already made changes, he also needs to change his submissive personality!
"That's right, this is what I know, the one who is not afraid of the sky~"

With light footsteps, Xia Shuwu crossed his arms, the corners of his mouth undulated slightly, and his eyes seemed to be shining.

She seems to have seen the former man Tatsumura Raotai who has not yet become the origin. At that time, they belonged to a dance troupe, and they were not lovers, but they were already out of friendship...

Although he was clumsy at that time, he was indeed very brave, because once the dance troupe had a crisis, he led everyone through the difficulties together, which made Xia Shuwu very unforgettable.

However, after they became the male and female of origin, they did have concerns that they had never had before. After all, they were not thinking about an individual, but for the sake of all mankind...

But now that this confidence has returned, even the most difficult things will be solved!

It was already night, and in the brightly lit camp, the atmosphere was somewhat depressing and dignified.

The middle-aged man in the black suit has long since disappeared, while the man in the black leather coat is still drinking red wine to himself.

But this guy's alcohol capacity is really good. He didn't get drunk after drinking red wine for a day, and he didn't even go to the bathroom during the period...

After swaying the last sip of red wine, he drank it in one gulp and put the goblet on the table. The man in black leather looked at the very energetic old man in front of him with a hint of surprise and playfulness in his eyes.

"Huh?! You mean you saw that Valkyrie?! And just one move crushed Zhanji Lingma's lock-seed and took away his drive?!"

"Yes, this subordinate saw it with their own eyes!"

The energetic old man nodded and said solemnly.

Hearing this, the black leather man's face darkened in an instant, and he touched his chin and muttered to himself.

"Looks like he's a tough guy again this time... If I let the water go, maybe I'll be easily defeated..."

"Damn it, why let the water go?! I never said that, if he is not an enemy of me, he can say anything. If he even wants my power, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

While speaking, his face had turned ferocious, and he had completely forgotten the promise he had made with that man.

"Where's that trash?!"

Leaning lazily on the back of the chair, the man in black leather glanced at the old man and asked.

The energetic old man narrowed his eyes slightly, swallowed, and said with an ugly expression:

"That guy has already gone to Haim's Underworld..."

"Forget it, don't worry about it, without the lock and driver, that guy can't survive at all..."

Waving his hand, the man in black leather said with a sneer.

Hearing what the man in black said, the energetic old man also heaved a sigh of relief, and then his expression became normal again.

Since the adults don't want to pursue it, it's better for me to talk less, as for that guy's life and death depends on his fate...

In the underworld of Heim.

Zhanji Lingma was chased by three or four aliens, and now he was an ordinary person, so he couldn't stand against these guys at all.

Seeing that this guy was about to become a ration for several monsters, suddenly a ruthless air wave bounced all the monsters away, and Zhan Ji Lingma heaved a sigh of relief.

"Without the drive, don't you want to become stronger?! Do you want revenge..."

A hand stretched out and pulled him up from the ground.

Looking up, it turned out to be a middle-aged man in a suit, with a strange smile on his face. Although he didn't know how this guy appeared in Haim's Underworld, Zhan Ji Lingma knew that his life was saved by him !
"I want revenge, what can I do?!"

"No, I just want to tell you that the side you have taken refuge in has also abandoned you. In fact, you will die if you go back. Why don't you give it a try and become a strong one to take revenge!"

The middle-aged man in the suit was still bewitching, but Zhan Ji Lingma's heart was a little shaken at the moment!
That's right, I came out with that old man, and I have been in this Haim's underworld for a long time. I could indeed summon an exit to escape, but now this power seems to have disappeared...

The power was taken back...

He was abandoned...

"How to fight?!"

"Fortunately, you once became a Kamen Rider, and you have the energy of the Kamen Rider as an antibody. If you eat it, you can control this power again and take revenge on them!"

While talking, he picked a Heim fruit from the vine, took out a golden reagent from his pocket, poured it on the fruit, and the fruit changed in an instant, turning into a black and gold fruit. The young man handed the fruit to the other party...

Zhanji Lingma took this special fruit without the slightest hesitation, peeled off the outer skin, and swallowed the black and golden flesh inside in one gulp!
"Very good~ Congratulations, you have gained great power again! You are qualified to become the overlord of Haim's Underworld! Now start your revenge..."

Then the man tore open his mouth and walked out of Haim's Underworld.

When the man left, Zhan Ji Lingma only felt itchy all over his body, and started to scratch his whole body frantically, and had already scratched out red marks.

This is not over, the severe pain caused it to roll all over the ground, and even the surrounding foreigners dared not step forward seeing him in such a state.

Then, black and golden vines sprayed out from his mouth, mixed with green leaves to completely envelop him.

After a while, a big cocoon was formed, and this huge cocoon continuously emitted black gold mixed with yellow and green energy, among which the yellow light was the most powerful!

With a roar, the huge tree cocoon exploded completely, and the energy of the explosion shattered the surrounding aliens!
I saw a demonized man with armor all over his body, who looked like a monster and a warrior appeared!
This is a new form created by the fusion of this special fruit with the antibodies of the Kamen Rider in his body!
Lord Duck!

Feeling the manic energy in his body, his consciousness did not dissipate, but his perception became more acute. At this moment, Zhan Ji Lingma, who was no longer human, let out a wild laugh, waved his hand, a hole appeared in front of him, and walked out ...

However, this guy was immersed in the joy of his extraordinary strength and didn't realize that the man in the suit just now didn't go far away, but snorted coldly as he watched her go away.

"Since you don't keep your promise, then I have to find something for you to do!"

"But I'm really sorry for Xiao Mingsang~ Forget it, it's good to hone and hone, otherwise how can I become the leader of Xiuka..."

(End of this chapter)

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