Monster Rush

Chapter 122 Victory Reunion

Chapter 122 Victory Reunion

This was Yan Xingluo's first feeling for Lei Chuan. He never dragged his feet when he did things. Although it could not be said that he was not suspicious, but it gave people more of the impression that he was a decisive leader!

In fact, in the past years, it is not without cunning aliens who pretended to be human compatriots and sneaked into the alliance, causing great harm.But even so, Yan Xingluo is still not like those people who "be bitten by a snake once and fear the well rope for ten years". When it is time to make a decision, he is absolutely unambiguous!

And what's even more rare is that the other leaders also have great trust in this iron tower-like man, otherwise they wouldn't have bowed down without even complaining the moment Lei Chuan was accepted.

This is a group organization that is very united and more like a tribe than an alliance. Even Lei Chuan and the others cannot compare to its cohesion. Joining them is also a good choice!
After making up his mind, Lei Chuan declined the suggestion of "rest tonight and go back tomorrow", and Dang even summoned Ghidola to fly back to the alliance.

During a series of experiences, Lei Chuan also developed Yan Xingluo's straightforward and neat habit, which suddenly made this majestic man feel a sense of sympathy.

This young man is very good!

Just his evaluation.This surprised Elder Tianhuo very much, because he knew only two people including Lei Chuan who could get such an evaluation from the leader.


"Ghidorah, use your maximum horsepower and charge forward!"

After solving the problem of the alliance, Lei Chuan's mood was not to mention how comfortable he was, and he wished he could fly back to the alliance station to tell everyone the news in the blink of an eye.

It's a pity that Ghidorah's speed is limited, even if it is the limit, it will take a day and a night to fly, so wait slowly!

Lei Chuan is not a person who likes to waste time. During the time of the return journey, he will simply start to digest the information he got in the "Star Compass" oasis.

According to the system data, the size of the "Star Compass" oasis is fully twice the size of the "Qianshui" oasis. It is said that the area before being eroded by desertification is twice the current size, and it is also about four times the size of the big oasis.

But now, the aura density of Star Compass is far inferior to that of Qianshui, not even a small oasis like Yuequan Lake.According to leader Yan Xingluo, this is because the environmental carrying capacity cannot bear such a large population.

But in fact, the deeper reason is.The structure of the oasis was severely damaged, which led to outsourcing of spiritual energy, and the source of all this was caused by the great war 3000 years ago.

At the end of the First Empire, the battles caused by the Shuntian Mansion were completely unmatched by other places. The direct consequence is to completely destroy the ecological structure of Shuntian Mansion and cause geological changes.

Since then, the Star Compass Oasis has been in a state of decline, and the Tianhuo Department's convening of the major tribal alliances has only accelerated the process. Even if there are no creatures living here, the oasis will disappear after many years.

If there is no spiritual support, then how to explain so many elite fighters?

Along the way, among the top fighters that Lei Chuan has seen, there are hundreds of them with a combat power level of over [-], not including Yan Xingluo and the Great Elder Tianhuo. Also, how can such a resource-poor environment support Ling Ling? Xiu was born?According to the calculation of the system, the highest level of creatures produced at the cost of the destruction of the oasis is only around [-], which is really unbelievable!

However, according to Yan Xingluo's understatement of "We are fighting three alien races", it can be inferred that the powerful root of the Star Compass Alliance may be excavated from the alien races who are fighting with them.

While thinking about all this, Lei Chuan found himself less than 50 meters away from the tribal alliance camp after an unknown period of time passed.

Putting away Ghidorah who was exhausted and out of breath, Lei Chuan hurriedly rushed to the big tent in the center of the station, even though it was already late at night, he insisted on calling up all the elders and leaders, and told them this exciting news information.

Although being forcibly dragged out of the bed is a very annoying thing, but after hearing the news that Lei Chuan brought the Oasis with the Star Compass, they all woke up and howled excitedly, making other The clansmen who were awakened wondered if werewolves had entered their residence...

In the end, the excited elders unanimously decided to set off early tomorrow morning at twice the speed before. The elderly and children will be fine with ancient beasts on their backs. The soldiers just need to work harder. After solving everything, Lei Chuan yawned Will sleep in the tent.

The next day, before four o'clock in the morning, Lei Chuan was forcibly pulled up from the bed by Xiao Yuan, packed his belongings, packed his bags and was ready to go.

Before leaving, Lei Chuan looked at the still dark sky with a dazed expression, and said weakly to Xiao Yuan:
"Didn't you leave in the morning?"

"Yeah, isn't it morning now?"

Xiao Yuan replied naturally.

But it’s still dark now... Oh, it’s early in the morning, so it’s early in the morning, it’s the best of humanity to let you go on the road before one o’clock in the morning, so don’t push yourself too hard.

Helpless, Lei Chuan could only take Xiao Yuan and the twins on the road with a sad face.After so many years, Lei Chuan finally understood that no matter who you are or what status you have, there is always one childhood wish that cannot be fulfilled, and that is...

Sleep until you wake up naturally!

Well, there is no need to gossip. After learning the specific goal, everyone rushed to the "Star Compass" oasis at the rhythm of traveling thousands of miles every day, no longer wandering like before. Purpose march.

In less than half a month, he had to run about 16 miles. With Lei Chuan as his guide, he had already found the shortest shortcut. The distance was about [-] miles, and he marched so overloaded every half a month. It will take more than three months. Fortunately, it is a desert area, and there are no natural dangers to cross, but there are also many natural disasters in the desert, such as the "mad gold quicksand" that Lei Chuan once encountered.

Originally, Lei Chuan was not afraid of these so-called natural disasters at all because of his extraordinary combat power, but the facts have proved that even if it doesn't kill you, it can disgust you to death, so Lei Chuan no longer dares to underestimate the disasters in the desert.

Fortunately, what they encountered along the way was only two or three times of extremely large sandstorms, the power of which was only ten times that of the 'Mad Gold Quicksand', and they couldn't kill anyone. However, Lei Chuan and the others spent a lot of time avoiding these sandstorms.

In the end, about [-] miles away from the "Star Compass" oasis, Lei Chuan and others encountered a scout team sent by the Alliance to support them. Under their leadership, Lei Chuan and his tribe finally arrived at the Star Compass Oasis !
It took a total of two years and eight months along the way, spanning 280 million kilometers, and finally came to the "Star Compass" oasis.

At the moment when they just stepped into the oasis, many people were stunned, as if they couldn't believe that the unattainable goal was really realized just like that, could it be that I was still in a dream?
A loud cry broke the silence, and countless clansmen knelt down on the ground crying loudly, both excited and sad, this is a complex emotion intertwined.

Many people hugged the ashes of their family members and friends and cried like children, because... because it was the first time...the first time they were so close to the common ideal of all the human races living in the desert wasteland, returning to the ancestral land of the human race !
In their ears, the deafening roar of the old man at home still echoed:

"Don't forget to return to the ancestral land of the human race!"

This seemingly unreachable, like the moon in the water, the dream of a flower in the mirror, finally, my hands tore off its hazy veil, and saw his true appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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