Monster Rush

Chapter 130 The Power That Controls Darkness

Chapter 130 The Power That Controls Darkness

"So, in other words, in my Cyclonus Department, I can get ten elder seats of the alliance, and I will also become the deputy leader of the alliance at the same time?"

Lei Chuan felt that this was a bit sloppy. You can't judge whether a person has the ability to lead because of his high military strength.That's right, in such a cruel world, combat power is of course very important, but a leader with sufficient leadership skills is the most important. Such a person possesses excellent leadership skills and at the same time has strong military force, no doubt It is very unrealistic.

Lei Chuan never considered himself a qualified leader. Although he had mastered a certain level of leadership ability with the help of the elders, his level was still very limited, and he himself knew that he was not this material.

For example, if we discuss it in terms of game attributes, Yan Xingluo possesses [advanced control technique], Aolong has [intermediate control technique], Xuanniao Wugong also has [intermediate control technique], and he is only [Elementary Control Technique] is just that, and there is still a lot of experience to be promoted to the intermediate level.

Therefore, Lei Chuan regards himself as a guardian rather than a leader, guarding all the people of this tribe, doing his best to protect the tribe, and ensuring that each of them can reach the ancestral land of the human race safely, that's all!

But for some reason, Lei Chuan kept lamenting that good fortune made people fool.At first, I just wanted to protect Xiaoyuan obediently, but by chance, I met the Liyang tribe and became a guest minister; however, when I arrived at Yulong, I became the generation leader, and finally became a regular, the alliance was upgraded to a joint tribe, and I became a The leader, the official is getting bigger and bigger, but Lei Chuan is getting more and more uneasy in his heart, he is afraid whether he has enough ability to manage a larger group and more people.

Therefore, he did not want to accept the position of the deputy leader.

"I'm very sorry, I'm not able to manage a small tribe with my ability, let alone a huge alliance, and I'm just a warrior, and I'm willing to be a warrior, so..."

"Boss Lei is too modest..."

As the envoy, the Great Elder Tianhuo quickly stopped Lei Chuan from speaking. Although he was smiling, the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Are you kidding me, a small tribe?The scale is almost catching up with our Skyfire Department, right?Despite the endless slander, the Great Elder Tianhuo still wanted to continue to persuade:

"Lei's leader's military strength is obvious to all. He was able to lead a company of three thousand tigers to block three waves of enemy attacks, killing countless enemy troops, while his own losses were almost negligible. His leadership ability is also obvious to all..."

But no matter how much he persuaded, Lei Chuan refused.Elder Tianhuo was very helpless, but he couldn't force him to take office, so he could only continue to say:
"The deputy leader doesn't need to do anything, just assist the leader to deal with government affairs. If you really don't want to deal with it, you can, but you have to fulfill some obligations of the alliance, such as leading the army to go out, collecting materials, etc. Such conditions are mine The leader will never agree, right?"

Now that the words have reached this point, it would be a loss of face to refuse, and I just need to be a guardian.So, he agreed.

Next, there are ten elders. Lei Chuan recommended the ten elders of the Hurricane Department, such as Aolong and Xuanniao Wugong. In short, the matter was settled like this. When the elder Tianhuo saw that he had completed his mission, he no longer Duoliu asked Lei Chuan to resign and went back to report.

And Lei Chuan heaved a sigh of relief, he was still not good at dealing with such "false and submissive" things, he might as well fight monsters and upgrade his equipment.

However, the next moment, his expression became extremely excited again, and the mission reward this time was also extremely generous.

"Task: The Giant Slayer has been completed, the completion rate is 110%, the evaluation is S, and the reward is released..."

"Success rewards: evolution points x8000, reward points 2000; monster points x10000, reward points 4000; Dark Soul x600, reward points 200; monster evolution points x3000, reward points 1000; monster enhancement points x5000, reward points 1500; emerald treasure chest x1, randomly specify an attribute to be permanently improved"

In this way, plus the previous inventory, Lei Chuan's total property is:

Evolution Points 68000, Monster Points 67000, Soul of Darkness 4260, Monster Evolution Points 14400, Monster Enhancement Points 20150, Emerald Treasure Chest x2, Crystal Treasure Chest x1
This time, Lei Chuan exchanged part of the evolution points, raised his bloodline evolution value to 49999/50000, and then designated to permanently strengthen the physique attribute, directly breaking through [-], and the data on the protagonist template was updated again. Fan:
Name: Lei Chuan

Race: Human\Leonix

Occupation: Monster Walker Level 2 (9700/10500)

Equipment: Ancient Bronze Sword, Starbreaker Spear, Blade Demon Trident
Special Binding: Fighting Instrument "BATTLENIZER" Level 4 (1/18000)

Life: 46000+?

Mental Power: 1260
Fatigue value: 910/910
Fate: Luck +16/ Misfortune -0
Special Talent: Superconducting Lightning Body (79%), Second Heart

Comprehensive combat power evaluation level: 389
Special Bloodline: Leonix (Double)

Next Level Evolution Leonix (Triple)

Life: 50000+?

Mental Power: 1410
Talents: Fear and Deterrence, Psychic Power, Dark Runaway, Manipulating Monsters (Two Stars)
Comprehensive combat power evaluation level: 409
Then, Godzilla was strengthened again. After all the monster evolution points were filled, there were only more than 2 bloodline evolution points left before the next evolution. The enhancement points were not used this time. Lei Chuan prepared Keep it as a spare.

Finally, it is the unpacking link that is popular.Because of the digitization of fate attributes, Lei Chuan can check his fortune changes at any time. There were times when his lucky value was so high, but Lei Chuan insisted on holding back, and finally waited for his peak fortune. .

It's finally here, the power of the European Emperor in my body can no longer be suppressed!

With a loud roar, Lei Chuan directly opened the most precious crystal box.Suddenly, a burst of psychedelic and bright light emanated from the system space, and the jewels almost blinded Lei Chuan's dog's eyes, although it was only in a conscious state.

Lei Chuan stared intently at the bright light in front of him, his eyes sparkled with excitement, and his heart was very excited.Finally, the precious light dissipated, and what appeared in front of Lei Chuan was a card with a ghost image of a monster vividly printed on it.

It's a monster card, but it's a little different.Because the monster cards in the past, even the five-star tyrant Tyrant, will not change in any way, only a monster pattern is printed on a card.

But this monster card is a little different.

It was still the same size, but the monster could move and scream, and a terrifying wave rippled out from the card.

This is a dark card. The monster on the card looks like a nautilus. Its huge boulder-like body has countless tentacles that can absorb energy. Two of them have giant pincers. The eyes and mouth on the face Its position is opposite to that of humans, with a solid skin, its entire body covered in seawater, waving countless tentacles, the dark sky continues to spread, covering the entire sky, and even spread out cards, black mist seeps into the outside world , Exuding despair, depression, fear, and deep breath.

this... this is...

Lei Chuan greedily absorbed the dark aura, feeling an unprecedented excitement in his heart.He has never doubted whether he can get good things out, but he never thought it would be such a big gift, the European Emperor blesses him!
Six Stars Dark Ruler Gatanjae

Identity: Super ancient evil god
Height: 130 meters, total length 200 meters

Weight: 200000 tons

Talents: Infinite Darkness, Infinite Fear, Infinite Despair

Abilities: Petrified Ray, Piercing Ray, Dark Sky, Death Sky, Eater of Worlds

Introduction to Monster Cards: High-level special monster cards, which cannot be superimposedly summoned, but once used, you can get their corresponding talents [Dark Dominion], [Desperate Domination] and [Evil God's Power], and random summons can specify double points Summon the deity.

(End of this chapter)

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