Monster Rush

Chapter 139 The Wolf and the Tiger

Chapter 139 The Wolf and the Tiger

Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!

Unexpectedly, this group of worms got the news of the destruction of Tiexiong Pass so quickly. It has only been less than two days!Moreover, Tiexiong Pass has been completely slaughtered, why did the news leak out so quickly? Could it be that someone slipped through the net?No!Absolutely impossible, the war system and mission system are impossible to make mistakes, it seems that this group of insects should have other means of communication, careless!

Things have come to this point, we can only force a breakthrough!

"Everyone, change the formation and form a conical formation!"

Soon, the three layers of fighters in the outermost circle transformed into a cone formation, with the tip of the cone pointing directly at the bugman army.

The pressure on the soldiers was enormous due to the fact that they brought the old, young, women and children with them. Although the number of these insects was only five times that of ours, these were all Kigal's elite troops, and they definitely belonged to the kind of very difficult opponents.

At the forefront are ten legions of giant beetlemen wrapped in stag-shaped king armor. Each legion has [-] heads, and there are [-] heads in total. A collision is enough to tear apart the battle formation of the human race in an instant.

Arranged in sequence are the Mantis Man Legion, Spider Man Legion and Soldier Ant Man Legion.

Soldier Ant-Man is the warrior class in the Ant-Man tribe. Each adult soldier-Ant-Man has a combat power level above 10, and the organization of the group is the highest among the insects. The group combat ability is very strong, and they can Only the bee-man is compared.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the centipedes have a terrifying appearance with a humanoid upper body and a centipede lower body. Their faces resemble human faces, but when they get emotional, their mouths will split to the two sides To the root of the ear, revealing a fine fang.

There are only two people in the Centipede Legion, about 4000 in total. That's because they are the branches with the highest individual combat capabilities among the insects. The starting point of the level is 50, which is comparable to the elite of the human race.

The leader of this army is a beetle general with a combat power level of around 500, and there are nearly twenty other commanders with a combat power level of around 200. There are about 500 people in the branch, but the kingdom's elite guards with an average combat power level of 70.

On Lei Chuan's side, the Saintess Yan's level is over 600, Lei Chuan is around 400, Godzilla and Ghidorah are the same, Yan Xing Luo is around 200, Feng Xi is around 280, and many other elders are all powerful. More than 120 people, all of them are "Tiandiqiao" masters, plus some outstanding fighters, there are about 60 people with a combat power of more than 700, 40 people with a combat power level of around 300, and [-] people with a combat power level of around [-]. With [-] people, it looks like this is a close battle.

"Go to war, charge with me!"

The horn was blown, the war drums were beating, and the leader Yan Xingluo was holding a four- to five-meter-long spear. It was red all over, dotted with faint golden flame patterns, and emitted fiery waves.

The name of this soldier is Yanwangge, it is a magical weapon handed down from most of the sky fires long ago, it is made of the purest flames condensed into a solid state, even after countless years, the hot feeling still has not dissipated .

With a wave of his hand, several fire dragons flew into the air, wrapping around Yan Xingluo, setting him off like a god.

At his order, the first team of three formations, five thousand soldiers followed him and went out with murderous intent and blood.

On the other side, the second team formed three formations. Under the leadership of the Great Elder Tianhuo, five thousand warriors transformed into a crane wing formation. The two wings trailed behind the first team, forming horns for each other, and served as a support at the back.

In the third battle, the remaining 5000 people stayed to guard the old, young, women and children, and could be used as a backup when necessary, but it may not be necessary.

Because Lei Chuan rushed up with two big monsters.Yan Xingluo has seen Lei Chuan's unique tactics, allowing him to play freely is enough to maximize the results of the battle.

The blazing orange light and the bursting huge fireball scorched the bugman army, and the carapaces on countless king armors cracked and cracked one after another, burning the flesh and blood wrapped in the carapaces into a mass of ashes.

As expected, Lei Chuan received another mission this time, but it was only a difficult one. The goal was to wipe out 80% of the enemy units. After success, he would get [-] evolution points and monster points each.

Lei Chuan did not start the battlefield. Danger could happen at any time in such an open area. Once the battlefield disperses, if any aliens come to his side, he will not even be able to detect it, because the field of vision can only be used within the battlefield. There is nothing you can do outside.

With a long cry, Lei Chuan summoned the "Star Breaker" spear, threw it out loudly, and then triggered the [Star Breaker Strike], the heavy star power instantly shattered the bodies of dozens of giant beetlemen around, strangling all of them. flesh.


An unpleasant hissing sound came from behind Lei Chuan.It turned out that at some point, a group of centipedes had appeared behind him, each holding two huge machetes, swinging towards Lei Chuan.

The group of half-human, half-centipede that besieged me had a level of around 50, and the little boss who reached 70 had two heads, just a bunch of scum!

I vaguely remember that this centipede army was scattered by Godzilla's rays, and turned into dozens of small groups scattered on the battlefield.

I saw Lei Chuan not in a hurry, and grabbed the void with the other hand, and the blade demon trident appeared immediately, and the sharp tip of the halberd released bursts of ripples, surging out, and circles of ripples spread on the space wall It opened and extended to the centipede people, shaking them into balls of minced meat.

However, he didn't accept the trident's attack. Lei Chuan held the halberd shaft with one hand and slashed out in a row. Suddenly, a black waning moon with a long knife hundreds of meters flew out and entered the army of bugmen.

Slashing countless bugmen in a row, they exploded in the center of the formation, clearing a large blank in an instant, and at least one bugman as many as the entire army fell under this move.

Lei Chuan, without Sacred Lady Yan making a move, is enough to be called No. 1 in the league.

"Kill that human race!"

Dozens of pairs of compound eyes of the Beetle General firmly locked on Lei Chuan, and his huge mouthparts let out a sharp hiss. Immediately, five legions separated and fought towards Lei Chuan, including five commanders and half of the base Cal elite guard.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lei Chuan's mouth, and just as he was about to raise his troops to fight, suddenly——

There was a rapid horn sound from the rear, and the sound of killing came, and there was even a lot of panic in the roar of many soldiers.

Lei Chuan was startled, and then he looked out, and saw rows of huge figures approaching from a distance, the short ones were three to four meters high, and the tall ones were nearly a hundred meters tall, as tall as a mountain, full of shocking force.

A desolate and majestic horn sounded, very penetrating, and even transmitted to the frontmost battlefield, even Lei Chuan felt his eardrums vibrate.

"It's the giants, the giants are here!"

Lei Chuan's heart set off monstrous waves, what kind of speed would allow this group of huge and bulky creatures to catch up to us in such a short period of time?not good!They're at the back of the line...

"Ding! The number of enemy targets has increased, and the mission level has increased: disaster level!"

There are wolves in the front, tigers in the back, don't think about the fight between snipe and clam, this group of giants suddenly appeared here must have the help of this group of insects, it seems that they are determined to destroy the human race alliance, the situation is a little bit Not good!
(End of this chapter)

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