Monster Rush

Chapter 145 Twin Monsters

Chapter 145 Twin Monsters
Red Killas and Black Killas are also well-known twin brothers in the monster world. Their individual combat power is only in the middle of three stars, and they are not the opponents of Gazot and two-headed Ponton.However, the twins can hug each other and perform a spin attack called Gillasspin. The destructive power produced is close to that of the four-star high-ranking class. Not only can they easily defeat Seven, but even Leo, the "strongest Showa" Time is also forced to fight back.

Using these twin monsters to deal with the hundred-armed giant is more than enough, and it even feels a bit like "killing a chicken with a bull's knife".

Lei Chuan only spent 2000 monster points per head, and the total of the two ends is 4000. At this price, only low-level monsters with a level of 650 to 750 will be hired, but Lei Chuan, who is the employer, can recruit the twins It’s almost like waking up from a dream, this feeling is as refreshing as spending 2000 yuan to hire a top student from Peking University and Tsinghua University to work for you (sorry, no offense intended)...

Red Kiras has a red body and is the younger brother of the twins; Black Kiras has a black body and is the elder brother of the twins.

Both brothers have sharp razor-like horns on their heads, and their backs are facing the more terrifying blade spines. These two spines are the main force when they release the spinning attack.

However, when the hundred-armed giants saw that these two little ones, who were only tens of meters tall, could easily knock them down, their mentally retarded brains were immediately congested with blood, and they all roared and rushed towards the twin monsters.

And the brothers were also very straightforward, directly using the horns on their heads to release rays to attack.

Red laser light!

The hundred-armed giant was pierced through the body again, and once again each shattered a heart.

Nearly a hundred screams almost tore the eardrums of Saintess Yan.

A pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty. Why would such a powerful desolate beast be willing to listen to the young man's orders?He doesn't seem to have reached the realm of spiritual cultivation, does he?

When the Yan Shengnv was suspicious, the twin monsters were hitting the hundred-armed giant one after another.

Under the high level gap, even though the hundred-armed giant roared again and again, it was helpless to fight back under the attack of the twin monsters, even though their number of arms was fifty times that of the opponent.

All of this stunned the rest of the giants on the field. They had never seen such a humiliating day for their "Nightmare".

"Everyone, attack those two monsters!"

The leader of the "Pale One" smelled a dangerous smell from it. If this continues, this army will be buried in the hands of those two inexplicable monsters.

The giant army began to attack the twins, because they were still afraid of the hundred-armed giants, they did not dare to step forward, only dared to release long-range attacks.

The Silver Generation headed by "Pale One" all charged into the center of the battlefield, sniping the twins frantically.

It's a pity that such an attack is nothing more than itching the monster.

Ignoring the group of "little bugs", the Kiras brothers continued to attack the hundred-armed giant, beating him to the brink of death.

Seeing that the hundred-armed giant was about to be killed, the silver giants became anxious, and immediately increased the attack power in their hands, recklessly releasing it.

Maybe they were annoyed, or maybe they were hurt. The twin monsters made a whale-like cry, and the knife stabbed them in the back. When even a few silver giants were disemboweled, they wailed to death, and the rest of the compatriots were terrified. step back.

The twins continued to scream, leaning against each other, facing each other with their hands on each other's body, their bodies turned quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a strong airflow was brought up to form a huge tornado.

The attacks of the surrounding giants were bounced off one after another, and the huge barbs turned into layers of sharp edges and swept out, and the red laser light that doubled in power blasted into the giant army's position.

For a time, mourning was everywhere, and the giants who were once invincible did not expect that there would be a day when they wanted to be slaughtered like livestock.

Whether it is the Black Iron Generation, the Bronze Generation or the Silver Age, under this terrifying Kiras spinning attack, they are slaughtered like mowing grass.

The hundred-armed giant in the center of the killing was included in the attack range from the beginning, and the flesh and blood were sliced ​​off layer by layer, and the screams continued.

With the last bit of flesh and blood being cut off, except for two dense blood mist on the field, the figure of the hundred-armed giant has completely disappeared from the battlefield.

The leader of the pale ones didn't think about this problem, because soon, they themselves will disappear.

After Kiras completely stopped spinning, all he could see was a lingering mist of blood, and the smell of blood was almost disgusting.

It was a bit difficult for the Flame Saintess to accept such an ending. According to her prediction, it would be pretty good if the giants could be repelled, and it would be wishful thinking to wipe them all out.

From the time when the twin monsters were summoned to when the giant army was wiped out, less than 3 minutes had passed, which was about the same time as an actor in a red horned leather suit.

After finishing the killing, both brothers let out joyful cries, beaming and feeling very happy, and just like that, they left with satisfaction, leaving the Flame Maiden alone in the wind.


On the battlefield ahead, Lei Chuan, who had successfully dealt with the worm mage, led the monsters and was still killing them.In less than half an hour, more than seven legions of insects were eliminated.

Seeing this one-sided situation, the Beetle immediately thought of retreating, and then ordered the Ant-Man herald to pass the retreat signal to the Ant-Man liaison officers of each legion.

In an instant, the remaining worm-man army retreated slowly. As soon as Lei Chuan saw this situation, he immediately took the monster and wormed forward.

Yan Xingluo saw that this group of insect soldiers were really well-trained. Even if more than half of them were casualties, they were still very neat and orderly when retreating, without a trace of panic. The casualties were not small.However, when he saw Lei Chuan chasing the remnant soldiers, he immediately let out a tiger roar:
"Deputy Leader Lei, don't chase after the poor!"

Lei Chuan turned a deaf ear and continued to pursue at high speed.When he saw that he was about to approach the enemy.The last legion quickly broke away from the brigade and counterattacked towards Lei Chuan.No need to think too much, this group of bugmen was left behind to hold back the pursuers, even if all of them were sacrificed, none of them would dare to escape.

Upon seeing this scene, Yan Xingluo led the soldiers to increase the number of soldiers without hesitation, and then he saw a bewildering scene:
Seeing hundreds of worms attacking him, Lei Chuan's legs were nailed to the ground as if they had been filled with lead.Two monsters passed by him and rushed forward.

Slowly raised the blade demon trident in his hand, aiming the three halberd points forward, a destructive aura was accumulating.Suddenly, the thick Rayblad death light was released, roaring, and swept into the group of broken bugmen soldiers.

Godzilla also released [Superheat Ray], Ghidorah released [Burst Fireball], the three attacks gathered together, and the power increased exponentially.

This torrent of energy rushed directly into the bug-man army, washing away all the soldiers. After it was wiped out, it was unstoppable and indestructible, and rushed into the front-most bug-man army, with a length of nearly 500. rice.

General Beetleman felt this terrifying power, and immediately looked back, that is, this glance became the last look back in his life, and for a moment, it seemed to freeze into eternity.

The huge roaring sound lasted for a while before it completely dissipated. When everyone looked at the field again, there was no longer a living being standing, and they were all washed into nothingness by the torrent of energy.

War: Battle of the Nameless Sands

Warring parties: Kigal Insect Kingdom, Giants, Star Compass Terran Alliance
Number of armies at war: [-] Zergs, [-] Giants, [-] Humans (only counting the number of participants)

Engagement time: three hours

Winner: Star Compass Terran Alliance

Results: [-] insects, wiped out!Five thousand giants, all wiped out!
Our losses: 179 dead and 581 injured.

Direct impact: On the way to Tianchao Mountain, the human race will not encounter any enemy troops in a short period of time, and there will be no war of any form or scale within a month.

Introduction impact: A war with a larger scale and more people participating in the battle is coming, and it is inevitable!
(End of this chapter)

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