Monster Rush

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
According to legend, in those years that have been buried by history, there was a secret rumor:
Insects belonged to the human race in the oldest era!
Remember this sentence, it said that they belonged to the human race, not the human race, which fundamentally showed that the insects did not belong to the sub-human race like the demons and giants, as everyone imagined.

But no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to connect this group of half-human, half-worm bastards with the human race, so everyone just treats it as a joke, and no one will take it seriously.

And if it's true... so what?Fallen people do not belong to the human race, they will still be exterminated, no matter what the reason is, as long as they dare to be human and rape, they will die!


In the big tent, Yan Xingluo, the leader of the alliance, is deploying troops based on the information brought back by Lei Chuan.At present, the human race has a total combatable force of about [-], which is only one-tenth of the opponent's number, and this time the high-end combat power of the insects is faintly better than that of the alliance, but the good news is that the general of the mantis was killed by Thunder Chuan was seriously injured, and it is estimated that he will not be able to recover before the war, and the combat power he can exert is less than one-tenth.

But the bad news is that if the general suddenly can't think about preparing for a demon to disintegrate or something, there is nothing he can do. Generally speaking, the situation is very good... probably.

This time the lord decided not to leave a reserve force to protect the old and the weak, but to deploy all of them at the front line, and fight all-out. Anyway, if you win, you will survive. If you lose, everyone will finish the game together. There is no difference between staying or not staying.

Regarding this, a small number of elders have objections: It doesn't matter if we die, but we must leave some seeds for the alliance!But they were all dismissed by the opposition. What a joke, all the soldiers are dead. How long can the defense force protect the old, weak, sick and disabled? It's just a day or two of struggle.

In this regard, the protected old and young women and children did not have any objections. In the end, the motion was passed.As for the treatment of old and young women and children, they are collectively placed in many large caves on the mountain. All teenagers over the age of 13 and under the age of 15 who have not met the standard of soldiers temporarily serve as guards and patrol around.

In the rear area, a large number of scouts have been dispatched in the previous Giant Clan incident, including many elite scouts, led by an elder, forming several brigades to patrol alternately, and to detect any disturbance in the most vigilant state.

On the other hand, the members of the main battle have never given up on training every day, and they are almost ready to fight. Now, looking at this large area of ​​darkness, the murderous and evil spirits are intertwined and rolling, which is enough to make the weak and weak tremble. It is also possible to be scared to death on the spot.

Lei Chuan nodded in satisfaction. The warriors of each tribe reached a certain tacit understanding, the ability of joint operations reached the peak, and the prototype of the army finally began to appear.

5000 people, divided into five legions in total.The leader leads a legion, the elder Tianhuo leads a legion, and the remaining three are led by the other leaders.More than half of one of the legions is shamans, led by Wu Gong, the most powerful black bird, with Aolong as his deputy, and Goddess Fengxi is also among them.

Because of his particularity, Lei Chuan was still "excluded" and allowed to play freely.However, Concubine Yan Huang, the "Holy Maiden of Flame", enjoys the same treatment as Lei Chuan. Their combat power has undoubtedly reached the highest peak that the desert wasteland can accommodate. It is too wasteful to join the army. It is free to play, and the army can cooperate with it when necessary, so as to maximize the results of the battle.

After the arrangements were over, when Lei Chuan was about to go home to sleep, someone stopped him.When he looked back suspiciously, Lei Chuan's expression suddenly changed.

The one who stopped him was none other than Concubine Yanhuang.

"I don't know what advice the Flame Saintess has?"

Lei Chuan replied politely.Although he was defeated badly in the last battle, Lei Chuan was not a small-hearted man, and he would not show embarrassment just because the other party defeated him, especially if the other party was a girl.

who am I?I am a good young man in the new era who has traveled through a society where men and women are equal. How could I lose my temper with women because of a trivial matter?Although you still don't like the other party, you still have to be polite on the surface.

Today's Yan Shengnv still wraps herself in flames, setting off like a god descending into the world.Under this fiery shell, Concubine Yanhuang's voice was crisp and cold, bitingly cold, forming a strong contrast with her appearance.

"Deputy Leader Lei, I would like to ask: What do you think of this upcoming war?"

Lei Chuan was a little puzzled, is my opinion important?If I can win with just my personal YY, then why do I need so many people?
Despite his doubts, Lei Chuan tried his best to put on a cold face and spoke in an indifferent tone:
"Can my opinion decide everything?"

Concubine Yanhuang was silent for a moment, then replied:

"Then what's the point of the flame maiden asking this sentence?"

"I just want to know, is the Vice-Leader Lei so calm, is he sure that the alien race will win? Or, is there any means to annihilate the alien race, but he didn't use it last time, and I also want to know, How did Vice-Leader Lei severely injure the General of the Insect Kingdom?"

A series of questions made Lei Chuan feel dizzy, but he couldn't help feeling amused.

This woman seems to be a little worried about the last fight. I, a loser, didn't say anything, and you, a winner, are still talking here?
"These problems, when it comes to the battlefield, the Flame Maiden will naturally see it."

Lei Chuan said with a "pretentious" face.Seeing that Saintess Yan was about to say something again, Lei Chuan interrupted her in a cold voice:
"If you lose, you lose. If you are convinced, you will naturally not worry about what happened last time, and you will not shamelessly ask for another match. Please don't pester the flame maiden!"

Concubine Yanhuang was taken aback when she heard the words, the coldness in her heart was instantly broken, she even had a feeling of irony.Obviously you are afraid that I will compete with you again, when did you become entangled with me?
Having said this, Yan Shengnv was too embarrassed to continue pestering, and after taking a deep look at Lei Chuan, she said:
"I also ask Vice President Lei to remember what I said below, the whole journey of cultivation is not fake!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he left gracefully.

Lei Chuan scoffed at this.Is it not fake?I'm sorry, I'm a monster walker, and what I practice is to pretend to be foreign objects.What's more, don't look at you so powerful, but a nuclear bomb created by a scientist who is good at fakes can kill you, why don't you tell me that you are not fake?No culture is terrible!
Soon, Lei Chuan put this matter behind him and began to prepare for the upcoming battle.

After a long period of fighting and training, Lei Chuan's attributes have been further improved:

Name: Lei Chuan

Race: Human\Leonix

Occupation: Monster Walker Level 3 (2000/18000)

Equipment: Ancient Bronze Sword, Starbreaker Spear, Blade Demon Trident
Special props: Dark Holy Light Rod (fragmented state)
Special Binding: Fighting Instrument "BATTLENIZER" Level 4 (8900/18000)

Life: 46000+?

Mental Power: 1300
Fatigue value: 920/920
Fate: Luck +10/ Misfortune -2
Special Talent: Superconducting Lightning Body (79%), Second Heart

Cultivation method: "Dark Fantasy" (to the second volume)

Comprehensive combat power evaluation level: 398
Special Bloodline: Leonix (Double)

Next Level Evolution Leonix (Triple)

Life: 50000+?

Mental Power: 1460
Talents: Fear and Deterrence, Psychic Power, Dark Runaway, Manipulating Monsters (Two Stars)
Comprehensive combat power evaluation level: 420
(End of this chapter)

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