Monster Rush

Chapter 195 5% Possibility

Chapter 195 5% Possibility

In Lei Chuan's view, the psychic dragon veins at this time were unprecedentedly weak, even so, they could still lose their own weakness in seconds.

The auras of the Jade Dragon and the Shadow of the Bead were simultaneously weakened to only [-]% of the state. In other words, even with the blessing of the Dragon Ball, the combat power of the Dragon Vein is less than [-]% of its heyday!
Here's an opportunity!Although the probability of this chance is only 5%.

Lei Chuan quietly approached, and instantly completed the transformation of Leonix.The blade demon trident was held in his hand, and in the fighting instrument, the ferocious monsters were about to move.

Although the combat power has been greatly weakened, the real dragon pressure of the psychic dragon veins is still extremely terrifying, but within a range of less than ten miles, Lei Chuan felt his body suddenly sink, and the further he walked, the heavier he felt powerful.

With a slight sway in his figure, Lei Chuan let go of this coercion, and the dark spiritual power covering his body slowly circulated, eroding the aura layer by layer, forming a dark field within ten steps.

During these ten steps, there will be no spiritual energy at all, and the coercion of the spiritual realm will not threaten Lei Chuan. This is the prototype of the dark realm, and it is also the first step to devour the world!
A pair of emotionless eyes stared at Lei Chuan, and suddenly, there was a violent fluctuation in the dark ten-step field, which seemed to be shattered at any moment.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lei Chuan shouldered the enormous coercion and stepped forward.At this step, if a huge wave is set off and destroys everything, thousands of black cracks will spread.

Bo bo bo bo!
The coercion of the spiritual domain exploded like a real explosion, quickly covering hundreds of miles of heaven and earth.

This step took nearly [-]% of Lei Chuan's mental strength to barely break through the blockade of the psychic dragon veins, and the other party just released it unconsciously!

As soon as the step was over, Lei Chuan ignored the dizziness in the sea of ​​consciousness, and took the second step again.

This time, the crack continued to expand, and the black further invaded the space, completely corroding it.

The second volume of "Dark Fantasy" expands the dark world in an erosive way. The ultimate goal is to drag everything into the darkness!

Lei Chuan looked forward with a pair of slightly tired eyes, densely packed black lines intertwined and knotted each other, a sense of trembling from the heart spontaneously arose.

Using the previous two steps as a foreshadowing, Lei Chuan swung the deadliest third step!
In an instant, a trident was like three black mambas criss-crossing and twisting, each swallowing a powerful introduction and spraying out deadly venom at the same time!
Under his icy eyes, the three halberd points were precisely drawn on the three points with the densest black lines.

The dark realm further expands, and when you look around, all you see is the darkness of the night, which is bleak and deep.

"Dark Scourge!"

Previously, due to his own level limitation, all Lei Chuan could use was the reduced version.

This time, after full foreshadowing and preparation, the displayed [Dark Scourge] was infinitely close to the full version, and the black light curtain swayed out like splashed ink, quickly soaking the world.

Looking up to the sky, I don't know when it will start, but the night has already fallen.

"I bestow upon the people of light, the judgment of darkness!"

At this moment, Lei Chuan's voice sounded like a god singing, high and vast, with divine majesty like hell.

With just a snap of the fingers, countless dark fireworks fell from the sky, and black lightning jumped out one after another, hitting the powerful life in the darkness with extreme speed, but without a trace, still shining brightly and flowing with waves!

However, at this moment-

"hold head high!"

The majestic dragon chant sounded, and a majestic air wave burst out. All the black lightning was instantly scattered, and disappeared like a dream bubble.

However, the air wave continued to sweep towards the world without abating.

Crackling and breaking sounds sounded again and again, and countless cracks exuding a milky white halo appeared like spider webs, and spread to the surroundings at a virus-like speed.

A mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, and his face became as pale as paper in an instant, without the slightest trace of blood on his face.

The backlash came so suddenly and swiftly that Lei Chuan was hit hard without any precaution.

Forcibly enduring the injury, Lei Chuan's eyes burst out with a hint of ferocity, holding the trident, and swung it out again.

However, the psychic dragon vein is another loud dragon chant.

"hold head high!"

The dark sky was completely unbearable, and it was shattered in an instant, the darkness dissipated, and the light reappeared in the world.

So far in the battle, this is the first time that the lore move [Dark Scourge] has been broken by such a direct and brutal method. The less energy the opponent consumes to break the move, the more damage Lei Chuan will suffer.

However, at the moment when the darkness receded, there was a hint of astonishment in the eyes of the psychic dragon who had no emotion at all.

The tiny human race that attacked earlier had disappeared, and what appeared at the front were two giant dragon-shaped beasts with strange shapes. Although their combat power was not worth mentioning, the bloodline aura on their bodies made even myself shudder.

They are the pure blood descendants of a certain class of powerful creatures!

As soon as they saw the enemy appear, Godzilla and Ghidorah released their strongest moves immediately, striking at the psychic dragon.

The billowing torrent of energy melted like ice and snow in an instant before approaching the opponent's thousand-step siege.

The psychic dragon vein seemed to be enraged, the jade-bearing dragon and the bead-holding shadow flew up at the same time, the aura of the whole body was agitated, and turned into two sky-reaching and thorough light blades, slashing towards Godzilla and Ghidorah.

Between the interlacing of light and shadow, the void is broken layer by layer, unstoppable and indestructible, only visible across the world, the huge cross of black and white!
Such a terrifying attack is enough to kill two powerful monsters that have not yet grown up in an instant, but just when they are about to slash at them, the monsters suddenly turn into white light, and just before they disappear, less than [-]% Within one second, the attack of the psychic dragon vein was "hasty and late".

Looking in the direction where the white light disappeared, the psychic dragon's eyes suddenly fluctuated slightly, and a figure as small as a bug burst out of the void, and lifted the cloak woven of darkness covering him. Suddenly speeding up, bringing afterimages in the void, rushing directly towards his... shadow!

That's right, after a long period of observation and brief encounters, if Lei Chuan hasn't found the location of Dragon Ball, then he is joking.

The Shadow of Holding the Pearl is an aura phantom created by the psychic dragon vein. The existence of the Dragon Ball allows the phantom to exist in a physical form.

Therefore, this dragon-shaped shadow closely attached to the ground is the key!

After repeated scrutiny and calculations, Lei Chuan came up with such a strategy to realize the 5% possibility.

Seeing that the opponent was coming towards his own dragon ball, the psychic dragon immediately let out a frightened roar, swung the dragon's tail, and swept towards Lei Chuan at an extremely incredible angle and speed.

Almost there! Almost there!
In front of Lei Chuan, less than [-] centimeters away, the shadow holding the bead also saw him, and two shadow arrows burst out from his empty eyes.

Behind Lei Chuan, Longwei's whip was less than one meter away from him.

Calculations beyond the imagination of ordinary people, the result is such a result, less than two steps of movement space, and the next breath, facing the offensive like a storm.

At this moment, time seems to stand still here, all deduction and calculation are useless, the only thing that can play a role is one's own power.

And this mantis arm is like a car, can escape the two-phase attack, the probability given by the system is:

(End of this chapter)

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