Monster Rush

Chapter 204 Insect Shadow Reappearance

Chapter 204 Insect Shadow Reappearance
Yinshui River, a long river with a somewhat turbid color.Poured down from the Tianchao Mountains, the rolling yellow and turbid river was neighing like a horse, rushing to the distance and disappearing on the horizon.

Although it is in a semi-desert area, the flow of the Yinshui River is not small. The upper part has nine bends and eighteen bends, washing out countless triangular oases and nurturing countless biological communities.

Looking at the long river flowing in front of his eyes, Lei Chuan suddenly remembered that at that moment, on the water-blue planet, there was a big river named "Yellow River".

Suddenly, Lei Chuan laughed at himself:
"When did I become so sentimental?"

Shaking his head and not looking at Yin Shuihe anymore, Lei Chuan turned and left. There are still many things to do next!


According to the original strategy given by the Ministry of Iron Gods, the alliance's next route is to go all the way north, walk about two thousand miles, enter the narrow strip between the end of Tianchao Mountain Range and Yulong Mountain Range, and then reach Tailun The Kingdom's stronghold - Heart of the Holy Flame.

The most fundamental reason for not proceeding from the underground world is the terrain.In the underground where the Tai Lun Kingdom is located, the terrain is intricate and there are many powerful creatures entrenched, so Lei Chuan didn't consider it, but returned to the surface after arriving at Yinshuihe's location.

Don't underestimate the road ahead, it's more dangerous than before!
The plain area separated by the two mountains is extremely narrow and long. The main thing to watch out for in this terrain is the enemies who may rush out from both sides of the mountains. The possibility of being dumped by the opponent is very high.

Therefore, investigative work must be done well.

These days, the work pressure of scouts is very high.All the alliance's scouting teams were sent out to scout the surrounding terrain, as well as the chasing troops of the Scarab Empire that might continue to appear.

Lei Chuan also immediately raised a spy satellite to scout all directions, but he didn't detect any major movements.

In response to the next question, the high level of the alliance held several elders meetings in succession.

"I think it is necessary for the alliance to control the speed of travel to [-] miles per day in order to flexibly deal with possible dangers that may suddenly appear!"

"I don't think so. The alliance must speed up. Three to five hundred miles a day is a must. Travel through this place at the fastest speed, and capture the heart of the Holy Flame by surprise before the insects can react!"

"How do you know if the bug people are prepared?"

"For the past six months, we've been traveling in the underground world. It's no wonder that those worms know about it!"


The elders expressed their opinions and refused to accept each other, but they were not satisfied with the efficiency of their work, and the current situation did not have time for them to argue.Soon, the best solution came out:
Divide the team into several parts. The vanguard team and the rear team deployed a large number of soldiers, and the remaining soldiers guarded the central army. All the elders were placed in the rear position. The vanguard team arrived at the Heart of the Holy Flame first, and after successfully arriving at the destination, they sent a message, leading one team after another to march until the rear team, which must be resolved within ten days.

The journey from here to the heart of the holy flame is less than five thousand miles, and ten days is already the limit speed.

Although this proposal seems cruel, it is worthy of the name of "best".

Dividing the team into several parts seems to weaken the strength, but in fact it is to preserve the vitality of the alliance. If something goes wrong, it will retreat immediately, like a gecko cutting its tail to protect itself.

And the arrangement of superior forces at the head and tail is to deal with the danger in front and the threat in the rear.If the Tai Lun Kingdom sent troops to attack first, the use of troops would not change in such a narrow and long terrain. With Concubine Yanhuang's combat power, even if it was lost, it could wait for a period of time, waiting for the arrival of large troops.

And the rear team guarded the entrance, waiting for the chasing soldiers of the Scarab Empire, and retreated slowly until they reached the Heart of the Holy Flame.

If the enemy is intercepted from the middle, it will be even better. The simultaneous attack from the head to the tail is enough to instantly annihilate the opponent.

Once this proposal was proposed, it was approved by most of the elders and passed, but the mission of the scouts did not decrease as a result.

Even if there is a countermeasure, if the opponent's strength exceeds one's imagination, then all strategies and calculations will become a joke!Therefore, it is up to you to investigate the possible enemy situation and find out the opponent's combat power level.


"Ha, how boring!"

Xia Yang lay bored in the grass, secretly hiding behind a huge rock, looking ahead from time to time.There are only four or five people in his group, both men and women.

"Why do we have to peek at a big toad taking a bath!"

he complained.

The stern woman lying next to him glanced at him indifferently, which made Xia Yang's eyes tremble, and became more honest in an instant.

"Any creature capable of threatening the alliance is in the surveillance sequence of the scout team!"

That's right, the task of Xia Yang's scouting team is to monitor a big toad, to be precise, it is a three-legged toad with purple gold dragon pattern.

There was a small puddle about ten steps away from the alliance scouts, and in the puddle lay a huge toad.

The body of this toad is about 20 meters, and its whole body is purple. Its body is densely covered with golden patterns, which meander like a dragon. Thin and long legs.The name of the three-legged toad with the purple gold dragon pattern comes from this.

This is a desolate beast that is about to enter the ranks of supernatural species. Not counting the top combat power, it can cause a lot of damage to the alliance, so Xia Yang and others have been observing this toad for several days.

"Tsk tsk, it is said that the three-legged toad with the purple gold dragon pattern is a descendant of a real dragon. It is pregnant with the blood of a real dragon. After taking it, it has the effect of extending life. I don't know if it is true or not!"

Because it was too boring, Xia Yang started to chatter again.Regarding this, the stern woman was quite helpless.His captain is good at everything, and his skills as a scout are beyond his reach, but he does not have the basic quality necessary for a scout - silence!
The scouts are very patient. They often hide in the shadows in order to observe a target. It is very common for them to not eat or drink for dozens of days, let alone speak.

But Xia Yang was a very talkative person, as if he would drown if he didn't speak for a second.Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I like him.

Thinking of this, the stern woman glanced at Xia Yang secretly, a faint blush floated on her cheeks.

Suddenly, under his sight, Xia Yang stood up suddenly, and walked forward without saying a word, which shocked her immediately, but she didn't dare to shout loudly, so she could only lower her voice shouted:
"Captain, come back quickly!"

Xia Yang's move also alarmed the other scouts, who shouted in low voices.In their view, their captain must have gone crazy to do such an irrational thing.

Xia Yang walked forward step by step, looking at the fat and motionless body of the purple-gold dragon-patterned three-legged toad, with strong doubts in his eyes.

Strange, all of this is too strange, the pressure that is obviously transmitted is still there, but why is the vitality disappearing bit by bit.

Perhaps because of the long-term connection with Xiao Meng, Xia Yang also learned the keen perception of the warg. From three or four days ago, he noticed something wrong with the big toad.

Decreased rate of activity...respiration slowed down...slow movements...

But strangely enough, the power on it has not diminished in the slightest, it's just like... bluffing!
After going on for a long time, the curiosity in Xia Yang's heart finally couldn't bear it, so he made such a bold move. This time, he must recruit to solve this mystery, otherwise he will be worthy of my name of "Ace Scout"!
The shouts of his companions came from his ears, but Xia Yang ignored them. Instead, he quickened his pace and came directly to the side of the purple-gold dragon-patterned three-legged toad.

Seeing his actions, the hearts of the rest of the scouts jumped out of their throats.

Feeling the wetness coming from his hand, and the dryness and...cold hidden in the wetness, Xia Yang's eyes widened, as if thinking of something, he pushed the big toad with all his strength.

With this push, the big toad was easily overthrown, and all the scouts were stunned.

When did the purple-gold dragon pattern three-legged toad become so light?

The answer lies beneath it.On the snow-white belly of the big toad, a big hole was opened at some time, the blood on the edge had already dried up, and there were bursts of terrifying chewing sounds from inside.

Xia Yang took off the spear on his back and stabbed it into the bloody hole.

The chewing sound stopped abruptly in an instant, and was replaced by a noisy and unpleasant neighing sound, like the sound of insects.

Bugs? !
Xia Yang's face changed drastically, and he pulled out the spear, only to see a creature the size of a human head struggling non-stop at the point of the spear.It looks like a hybrid of mosquitoes and humans.

This is... the bloodhead mosquito!

(End of this chapter)

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