Monster Rush

Chapter 211 Canyon Attack and Defense Battle

Chapter 211 Canyon Attack and Defense Battle

"My lord, it's not good to do this!"

The herald's face turned blue, and he said to Concubine Yanhuang in an ugly way.However, the other party just glanced at him coldly, which immediately made his whole body tremble, and without the slightest hesitation, he beckoned to his partner who was on his shoulder and flew back.

"There are so many enemies, how can there be a sense of security!"

Even though he was frightened by the Yan Shengnv, the herald still muttered in dissatisfaction.It's a pity that he knows nothing about real power.For Perfect Spirituality, this level of volume has already fallen into her ears verbatim.

So she calmly said:

"With me here, it is enough to ensure your safety!"

Her voice was flat and watery, but there was an undeniable domineering in it.

At this moment, what she was facing was a huge swarm of crazy insects, each of them armed to the teeth, and the aura of ferocity and iron blood intertwined into a soul-soothing sound, deterring Xiaoxiao from all directions.

This is the master of all battles of the Tyrann Kingdom. He has participated in countless battles, large and small, and fought against countless alien races. Those who survived have long been out-and-out killing machines with strong combat power and firm will. It is also entwined with a layer of evil spirit caused by the slaughter of all things.

This is a ferocious soldier that is constantly tempered by fresh blood. It has torn the flesh of countless powerful beings, and cut off one mountain after another that is insurmountable. Now, it will be tempered to the extreme, pointing at the flames. saint.

Facing the swarm of insects coming from Taotao, the Flame Maiden held a flaming spear and wore a gorgeous armor, standing in front of everyone alone.

Compared with the natural disaster-like insect swarm, her figure looked a little bleak and a little lonely.But at the same time, there was a surge of arrogance bursting out, and in the eyes of everyone, the body of the Flame Saintess suddenly became taller, completely like a towering mountain.

Pointing the spear slantly, a few sparks jumped out, one person, one shot, and the Flame Maiden greeted thousands of troops like this.

Although thousands of people go to me!

"The third part, finally set off!"

On the seventh day, it was three days faster than expected.Looking at the backs of the members of the third tribe going away, the tension in Lei Chuan's heart did not decrease at all, but became extremely tense.

Because the enemy appeared sooner than he expected.At the moment when the clansmen of the third part just set off, the enemy was only three hundred miles away from the battlefield.

Forced to do so, Lei Chuan made a risky decision.

"The fourth part, you can start the journey, and stop at the twenty-mile position; the fourth part starts, the fifth part goes, and stops at the ten-mile point!"

Twenty miles is already too far away for rescue in time.

But no one objected, the clansmen of the fourth and fifth parts silently packed up and followed the Iron Curtain to retreat to the rear.

Because, in the short period of three hundred miles, they have already felt the impending rain.

Lei Chuan took the lead, Zhuo stood in front of the army, holding the blade demon trident in his left hand, and the "Star Breaker" spear in his right hand. There was an indescribable power spreading from all over his body, and it was constantly accumulating, like an active volcano. The moment it erupts, it is bound to shake the sky!

He was accumulating momentum, waiting for work, waiting for the arrival of the enemy army, and giving them a fatal blow in an instant.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the thousand soldiers of the rear army did not behave very badly in the face of the army of insects that would appear at any time. Everyone was calm and calm, but the sturdy spirit on their bodies did not Dispersed, but with the passage of time, it is continuously polished and climbed steadily.

Their purpose was the same as Lei Chuan's, and they also wanted to accumulate momentum, so that when the enemy arrived, they would face the enemy with the highest military strength.

Finally, at the moment when everyone's aura was about to climb to the peak...

Bang bang!bang bang bang!
Lei Chuan's expression froze, and he looked forward.

I saw the ground trembled and rippled, which looked like an earthquake, but if you felt it carefully, you would be shocked to find that it was more like the movement of some kind of inconceivably huge creature walking.

Destroy the world with every gesture!

"Vice leader, look at the sky!"

At this time, an old voice came from Lei Chuan's side. It was the voice of Wu Gong, the black bird.

However, this old man who was supposed to be calm and wise, always spoke in a calm and wise tone, and at this moment, there was a trace of uncontrollable panic.

Looking in the direction pointed by Xuanniao Wugong, in an instant, Lei Chuan's expression moved slightly, and his hands were clenched suddenly, the joints were faintly blue because of the tightness of the squeeze.

"It's a little troublesome now."

That's right, they all underestimated how fierce the Scarab Empire's determination to kill them was.It was only because the hunting group sent was just a group of high-strength and small-numbered teams. However, at this moment, seeing the black insect clouds flying all over the sky, like the scene of the night falling, people suddenly realized how wrong they were. outrageous.

Endless buzzing sounds came from the sky. It was the noise caused by the vibration of insect wings. It was just an ordinary vibration, but after being connected together, it could produce an effect similar to that of a sonic attack.

Locusts, half-human, half-locust monsters, are only about the size of a human baby. In terms of individual combat power, they are no match for even ant-man warriors. Once a plague of locusts, any supernatural species, or even a desolate beast of the half-step disaster species is impacted by the plague of locusts, no matter how tall the body is, it will only end up with no bones left!
After a rough calculation, the number of locusts I have seen so far has reached a terrifying 500 million, and there are countless "black whirlwinds" gathering in the distance. The final number may exceed 2000 million.

Lei Chuan's face was a bit ugly, but fortunately, he was not without ways to deal with it.

"Summoning system, designated summoning!"

"Ding, the summoning system is activated, and the specified summon is loading..."

"Ding! Loading complete! Designate monster units to summon, only one star!"

"Designate the target, destroy the devil derby (tiny body)!"

That's right, what Lei Chuan wants to summon is the source of the Destruction Invitation, the Destruction Demon Insect.

Destroyer Debussy

Length: 1 meters

Weight: 50kg
Abilities: Bite, Shock, Energy Absorption

Comprehensive combat power rating: >1
Introduction: The pawns recruited by the destroying body, the destroying demon insect, resembles a small locust in appearance, and has the characteristic of absorbing electric waves.The body surface is hard, with the hardness of breaking through the walls of buildings.The combat power of a single individual is weak enough to be knocked down by a fire extinguisher, but a large group of Derbyssies can completely destroy the fighter force of the GUARD.

(Its elite units can be combined into a four-star monster Caesar Debussy)
Summoning price: monster points x1 (5000 units)

"Well, let's spend 10000 points to play it. If you dare to play the sea of ​​insects tactics in front of the disillusionment, you are looking for death!"

(End of this chapter)

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