Monster Rush

Chapter 213 Crazy

Chapter 213 Crazy

"Your Highness, it's not good to just watch like this?"

On a certain hill, there is a height of nearly a thousand meters from the ground, but the open field of vision can take a panoramic view of everything on the ground.

At this moment, in this area, a massive war is going on, with the symphony of gold and stone, shouts of killing and shaking the sky, and clusters of brilliant rays of light suddenly appear and bombard the ground, causing waves of ripples, marking out ravines.

Two figures are standing on the hill, overlooking the battle.

One of them was as slender as a bamboo pole, wearing a white sacrificial robe and a wooden insect-shaped mask. Six arthropod arms with obvious insect characteristics protruded from the wide sleeves, all of which were behind him.

It was this person who spoke just now.

And the person being questioned by it was covered in blood-red flames, looking like a huge burning blood sun, releasing a shuddering and murderous aura.

Amidst the burning blood flames, a pair of fierce pupils could be vaguely seen, empty and crazy coexisting.

It was silent for a long time, except for the sizzling sound of blood flames, there was no other sound.

"His Excellency the Prince" did not answer, and the person in white robe was not surprised by this.Looking down at the war under its feet, looking down at Lei Chuan leading the monsters to fight against the scarab prince, it said leisurely:

"In the royal family, there should be no crazier existence than His Royal Highness the Prince!"

At the moment when it finished speaking, the flames of blood erupted suddenly, and the evil flames illuminated all directions, and absolute chaos and violence were reflected in those trembling pupils.

"No one deserves the word 'crazy', except me!"

At the moment of chanting "Crazy", a strong smell of blood came out, dyeing the surrounding space red like blood, and in a trance, it seemed that the howling and cursing of countless creatures came out.

Hearing this sentence, the man in white chuckled, and immediately stretched out an arm, pointing his thin fingertips to the ground.Immediately, a magic circle formed instantly, and a golden scepter slowly rose up, with a scarab-shaped emerald inlaid on the top, which was exactly the same as the one held by the great mage who fought fiercely with Lei Chuan back then!

Lei Chuan's current state is very bad.

The scarab prince is not an easy boss to deal with. Not only is his combat power tyrannical, but he is also crazy enough. Once he enters the battle state, he is like a chariot that is out of control, wantonly crushing everything.

It has been 3 minutes since the start of the battle, and Lei Chuan and the monsters left no less than a thousand scars on its body, several of which directly broke through all its carapace defenses and directly hit the internal organs.

Then, the heavier the injury, the crazier and more desperate the attack of the scarab prince, Ghidorah couldn't dodge for a while, but was directly scratched and smashed half of the bones of his body, and left the field seriously injured.

The scarab prince didn't have any thought of defense at all. Since the start of the war, he has fallen into a state of berserk output. Lei Chuan and the monsters had no choice but to fight against him.

There are two main attack methods of the opponent:

One is by virtue of this huge body.Fighting with strong physical strength, I saw that simple collisions and whips can destroy countless mountains, and the densely packed pincers have beaten the entire land to be riddled with holes, and strong acid and venom will be secreted from the toes, corroding all matter touched;
The second is a frenzied mental attack.This is what makes Lei Chuan shudder the most.The scarab prince not only wants to have two sets of mouthparts on the outside, but also has two souls inside. He can use the energy of the mind as he likes, like his fingers.Every flow of spiritual energy is enough to make a crisp sound in the material world, which shows that inadvertently, the other party's mental power has become so huge that just the flow can interfere with the material world!
Lei Chuan has already felt the grand spiritual stance in the other party's body. Each ray of spiritual power collides with each other to stimulate more spiritual power, rising to the sky one after another, weaving a spiritual field covering the sky and the earth, covering the souls of all living things. Spiritual.

The next moment, Lei Chuan only felt his body sink, and his movements were no longer as flexible as before, as if a substantive pressure fell.

not good!

A bad thought flashed in Lei Chuan's mind, and he suddenly looked back.

I saw the movement of the human battle formation suddenly stagnate, like a mosquito trapped in amber.Everyone's expressions were dazed and dazed, as if they had lost their souls.

The surrounding insect swarms had already surged up, and the butcher's knife was about to be swung down.

Gritting his teeth, Lei Chuan released all the mental power in his body and played [Leyblad Death Light].

There was only a loud explosion, and a gap was suddenly opened in the spiritual field, which was just above the head of the human battle formation.The spiritual shackles were broken, and everyone immediately recovered from the state of despair.

At the same time, Lei Chuan recalled Godzilla and threw it around the battle formation, trampling the swarming insects.

Now, only Lei Chuan and King Lei De were left to fight the scarab prince.King Lei De is the main force, resisting the damage from the front, while Lei Chuan is madly outputting from behind.

His spiritual domain was broken, and the scarab prince screamed angrily again, releasing a mental shock to blast King Red.From the very beginning, it realized that this was a little monster with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, which also meant that the opponent's mental power was not strong, so it released mental shocks more than once.

However, Lei Chuan had already counted it in, and he tried his best to release his own spiritual power, intercepting all the invisible torrents that came again and again.

But this time it was different, he had exhausted all his mental power to save Lei Chuan, his clansman, and now his mind was muddled, unable to block the opponent's attack at all.

In an instant, a mental wave came and hit Lei Chuan.

Although the scarab prince is crazy, he is not stupid at all. He knows that seeing this little thing with powerful mental power has exhausted his hole cards, so he intends to take the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and kill these two threats.

The situation is getting worse!

At a critical moment, Lei Chuan had an idea and swung the Blade Demon trident in his hand, the purple light burst and roared.

"Nightmare Impact!"

At the same time, the other hand waved the "Star Breaker" spear, and the heavy star power escaped, interweaving a magnificent and mysterious star trail.

"Broken star strike!"

The two long weapons crossed each other in front of the chest, slashing out a majestic cross, one red and one blue two-color energy impacts staggered each other, converging into a more violent torrent, rushing to create ripples on the void wall.

There was a bang, and the torrent surged, and clusters of gorgeous fireworks suddenly burst out on the void wall, and the fiery light moved upwards, flickering above the sky.

Nothingness can interfere with matter, but matter can also interfere with nothingness, and it is easier!

Relying on the energy attack, Lei Chuan successfully resisted this mental attack, but the sharp screams from behind did not make him feel better.

King Red's fragile mind couldn't resist the scarab prince's mental shock at all, and immediately fell to the ground and rolled desperately covering his head. The scarab prince suddenly rushed forward, blasting King Red away.

There was no way around this, Lei Chuan, who was mentally exhausted, was more than capable of protecting himself, but it was wishful thinking to protect King Lei De.Fortunately, King Red had thicker skin and thicker skin, and his combat power was higher than that of Scarab Prince, so he didn't suffer any fatal injuries.

But before the opponent recovered, Lei Chuan had to fight alone.

Less than 5 minutes later, the three-headed monsters temporarily retreated from the battlefield for various reasons, forcing Lei Chuan to fight alone. This is really the worst unfolding!
Taking a deep breath, Lei Chuan calmly looked at the behemoth in front of him.At this point, no calculation can withstand the onslaught of absolute power, so this is the only way to do it.

"Change your name with your life!"

Lei Chuan let out a roar, his eyes were flushed, his pores were all open, and he exuded a palpitating aura, intertwining a terrifying spiritual coercion all over his body against the spiritual realm of the scarab prince.

At the last moment, Lei Chuan blocked all rationality, leaving only Leonix's berserk and primitive instincts, returning to the state of frenzy he entered last time.

Battle mania!

This is a helpless and violent battle, returning from fanaticism to calmness, and then returning from calmness to fanaticism, this is also Leonix!
(End of this chapter)

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