Monster Rush

Chapter 274

Chapter 274
After walking around the Daotai mansion for several times and finding no useful information, Lei Chuan walked out of the gate, summoned Ghidola, who had recovered from his injuries, and flew back to the alliance garrison.


After flying down from the desperate atmosphere, Lei Chuan returned to the station almost in a state of distress, and was discovered by the soldiers guarding the camp.

"Master Vice Leader, are you really okay? I think it's better to go and treat the doctors!"

"That's right, Lord Vice President, there must be a very strong enemy in front of you to hurt you like this."

"The little girl once learned medical skills from the witch doctor for a few days. If you don't dislike it, please let the little girl bandage it for you!"


Looking at a group of well-meaning young fighters, Lei Chuan could only smile helplessly. He couldn't say that he had successfully dealt with all the enemies and was blown like this by the wind on the way back.

Fortunately, a savior came.

"You guys, if you don't patrol well, what are you doing here?"

A cold snort came to the ears of several young people one after another, and they immediately stood up straight in fright, and shouted in unison tremblingly:
"team leader!"

Lei Chuan also knew him, it was Zige, his former bodyguard.

Since Lei Chuan's strength has increased significantly, although Zige and Qingyue, his personal bodyguards, have improved to varying degrees, the gap between them and him is getting bigger and bigger, and they can no longer fulfill their duties of guarding themselves. .

So Lei Chuan simply sent them out and placed them in the army as officials, thus ending the twins' careers as bodyguards.

Now the elder sister and the younger sister have both become the captain of a thousand people.

I haven't seen him for a few days, Zige still has a serious face, but his aura has become stronger and stronger, and he has the attitude of a superior person several times.

However, when Zige saw his former master, his beautiful eyes revealed a look of surprise, but then he returned to seriousness, and saluted Lei Chuan in the most regular military posture:
"At the end of the day, I will see the deputy leader!"

"Excuse me, don't be so restrained, Zige."

Lei Chuan looked at Zige with a smile on his face.For some reason, seeing Lei Chuan's smiling face, Zige's heart skipped a beat, two lovely blushes appeared on his face, and then he straightened his face and asked:

"I don't know what the deputy leader is doing here?"

"Oh, I just came back from the capital of Lingyue..."

He briefly summarized his own experience and hid the disgraceful places.Zige nodded, and then brought Lei Chuan the alliance tent in front of him.

It was noon, and according to the time estimate, the morning meeting of the alliance's high-level executives was almost over, and Lei Chuan had to quicken his pace.

"My lord, I don't know what you found in front of you?"

Along the way, Zige couldn't help being curious and asked Lei Chuan.

Lei Chuan thought about it, and found that there was nothing to hide, so he said casually:

"It's nothing, just the ruins of the great war, and the corpses of alien races and ancestors..."

When talking about finding some strange corpses of the Horror tribe, Zige suddenly screamed, and immediately realized his gaffe, he couldn't help waving his hands to cover his mouth, his face blushing.

"what happened?"

Lei Chuan was somewhat surprised by Zige's reaction.

"It's nothing, it's just that when I was young, I heard Wu Gong tell a story about the Horror Clan. I heard that there is a very special type of individual in the Horror Clan. The character is more bloodthirsty and brutal than the ordinary Horror Clan. After each battle, they will collect Corpses, beheading captives, burning and eating, it is said that this is a sacrifice. After the ceremony, they can get the ability of immortality. They also made a heinous slaughter on the human race back then. Their appearance is somewhat similar to what you said, my lord resemblance……"

Lei Chuan snorted, if he really wasn't dead, then what was the corpse he saw?Isn't this inconsistent?
Immortality is a fake, but these strange horrors should still have some miraculous abilities, and Zige has almost forgotten the details. It seems that I will ask Xuanniao Wugong to clarify later.

"My lord, here we are. You are so lucky that you came at just the right time. The meeting will be closed soon."

Lei Chuan secretly called out "It's dangerous", just a little bit short, Dang Shi thanked Zi Ge, raised his hand and was about to lift the curtain and enter the tent.

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at Zige who was biting his lips with a reluctant expression on his face, and remembered that since the two sisters were sent away by him, they hardly had time to meet again, and he was too ruthless.

So he pulled out a smile and said to Zige:

"We haven't met for a long time, let's bring your sister to my house for dinner tonight!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when he finished saying this, Zige's face suddenly changed, it seemed that he was overjoyed, but he froze before he could fully reveal it, and then tried his best to make a serious expression. look.Barely tense his face.

I saw that she suppressed herself extremely, and said in a trembling voice:

"It''s my honor, must be on time for the appointment!"

After speaking, without waiting for Lei Chuan to speak, he turned around and left as if fleeing, his steps were quite brisk.

Lei Chuan looked at it, then shook his head with a smile, and walked into the tent.

"There are still a few minutes left. Let me emphasize a few points, so as not to waste everyone's time..."

after an hour.

"That's the way things are. The key to making decisions is up to you."

After finishing speaking, Lei Chuan sat down directly with a thirsty mouth, and a standard "Ge Youtan" came. He was exhausted from the busy work these days.

After he finished speaking, all the elders showed contemplative expressions.

Things have been settled from the very beginning. It is impossible to fly to the capital of Lingyue. The problem now is the planning of the route.Don't think about the plank road, but leap over the "nine bends and eighteen bends"... After Lei Chuan told his experience, everyone was very wise to ignore this proposal.

All that remained before them was the road to travel on the ground.

However, the "Nine Curves and Eighteen Bends" is a unique extreme terrain. There are only a few rugged mountain roads that can be passed through.

As for how rough it is?The two are too crowded side by side, let alone allow the passage of larger beasts.

"In other words, we can only give up all the horses and camels?"

After a moment of silence, an elder said harshly.

No one answered him, everyone knew.If you give up the horses, the scouts will lose their mobility, which is equivalent to cutting off a leg; and if you give up the camel beasts, the luggage carried by the alliance will become extremely limited, which means giving up most of the salutes, as well as weapons, Siege engines and more...

After all, everyone doesn't know what unknown existence is waiting for him ahead.

"Can't we make a detour?"

An elder asked unwillingly.But his question was immediately denied by the elders around him in a cold voice:

"Didn't this proposal be rejected the day before yesterday? First of all, we are not familiar with the terrain of Lingyue Xiaofu. Even if there is a road, how can we ensure that the terrain there is suitable for giant beasts to pass through? Then there is danger, The spiritual energy density of Lingyue Xiaofu is much higher than that of Wutian Mansion, which means that the species living here will be stronger than we imagined; the last is the problem of ordinary people, they are not cultivators, and their bodies cannot bear such consumption..."

One sentence after another responded to the question, not only hitting the heart of the elder who asked the question just now, but also hitting the hearts of all the elders.

"Since this is the case, there is no other way, let's go into battle lightly!"

Among the elders, the iron god leader took the lead in making decisions.


Goddess Fengxi was the second to agree with this proposal.

"I have no opinion!"

This is Lei Chuan's opinion.



Many elders stood up and agreed one after another. After speaking, they slumped on their seats as if drained of strength.

"Travel lightly and prepare to migrate!"

In the end, the leader Yan Xingluo made a decision, and the proposal was passed.

(End of this chapter)

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