Monster Rush

Chapter 285 Garrison

Chapter 285 Garrison

The bright treasure ship shuttles through the endless void.There is a light track under the boat, and the boat sails along the track, twists and turns with no end in sight, and when the end is seen, it is time to reach the ancestral land.

Everyone on the treasure ship was ecstatic, and decided to vent their excitement by carnival all night.All the remaining food was taken out and cooked into a series of delicious dishes, which was a luxury that could not be imagined normally.

The long rows of running water seats were filled with laughter and laughter for a while, but there were also some who burst into tears. Everyone's attitudes were all here.

This is the last part of the alliance's migration journey, and it is also the most reassuring journey. I will go home soon, and all the vigilance and all the weapons will be removed, and all I need to do is have a good time.

"It's a pity, no matter how many times I'm still not used to this formation!"

Lei Chuan sat with a somewhat stiff face, and smiled at the clansmen who came to toast one by one, perhaps this was the root cause of the stiff face.

Xiaoyuan, Zige, and Qingyue were sitting next to Lei Chuan, watching every young and beautiful woman who came to toast with vigilance.

Lei Chuan could only watch with a wry smile.

Looking at the scene of laughter and joy in front of me.Lei Chuan's increasingly cold heart also burst into warmth in an instant, recalling what he once said to Goddess Fengxi:

"I'm already a human race, aren't I?"

Even though the physical body is not exactly the same, I have successfully found a sense of belonging in the human race, and this is my second home.

Thinking of this, Lei Chuan couldn't help showing a softness on his stiff smile.

So be it!


"We're here, we're here, we've arrived at the ancestral land!"

It's so noisy, it's yelling early in the morning, and it's not letting people sleep?
Yesterday's herd of cattle really had a carnival all night long!So much so that even if Lei Chuan didn't have the slightest interest in staying up all night, he was dragged for two-thirds of the night before he was let go, dragging his damaged body into sleep.

Then, he was woken up again in less than three hours, even if he was a little bit angry, let alone the Great Demon King Lei Chuan who was drifting away on the dark road!
Well, everyone knows the feeling of returning home after successfully arriving at the ancestral land of the human race, but disturbing people's dreams is not right, it will be subject to legal sanctions... er, it's a bit too much, and it will be subject to strong moral condemnation.

So, the furious Lei Chuan walked out of the room, and then froze.Because what appeared in front of him at this moment was a vast world different from Linghuang.

The first is the aura. After taking a few breaths, Lei Chuan was almost suffocated to death by the explosive aura.

Yes, you heard that right, suffocated to death by Reiki.

The place with the most abundant spiritual energy is the underground world.However, now, Lei Chuan just sensed it casually. Any cubic space is slowly filled with billions of spirit insects. fog.

Less than a minute had passed since just now, and Lei Chuan felt that his cultivation base had been slightly enhanced.

What Lei Chuan is walking is the ancient road of desertion!Leaving aside all kinds of self-abuse training for now, the amount of aura needed to transform a mortal body into a desolate devil's body is not comparable to that of a spiritual body.

Make the roughest comparison: the amount of aura required for spiritual practice to transform a spiritual fetus is referred to in ten units, while Huangxiu requires two hundred to three hundred units. If there is a slight difference, the amount of spiritual energy required will skyrocket by another hundred units.

Through various comparisons, the environment here is completely different from Linghuang!
Along the way, there was a "bang bang bang" crackling sound from every cabin, accompanied by all kinds of howling ghosts and howling wolves. Don't pay attention to it, it's just that some poor people who have been stuck in the bottleneck of all levels for decades broke through.

"Xiaojian" broke through "Shen Yong", "Shen Yong" stepped into the "Heaven and Earth Bridge", and even many elders who were trapped in the "Heaven and Earth Bridge" were further transformed, infinitely close to spiritual practice.

Lei Chuan walked to the deck and looked up at this strange world.

The sky still revolves irregularly with three rounds of bright sun, but the scene on the ground has changed drastically.

The location where the Bright Treasure Ship was moored was a vast and boundless fertile plain, every inch of which was filled with the highest quality spiritual soil, showing an amber color.Under the long-term watering of spiritual energy, it perfectly blends with every soil particle. When you smell it closely, there will be a scent of fragrance, refreshing.

To use an analogy, if you pick up the medicinal materials planted in a random piece of land here, it can grow into a natural treasure that takes thousands of years to grow in a year.

In addition, Lei Chuan also keenly felt that the spatial structure of this place is completely different from that of Linghuang, which has already collapsed. It maintains an extremely stable state under the condition of constant gravity, even if Lei Chuan punches it with all his strength. It can no longer tear out space cracks, and switching to the Leonix template can only play a little fluctuation at most.

This is already comparable to the spatial structure of the hinterland of hell.

Is such a dreamy place the ancestral land of the human race?

Lei Chuan also now understands what a living space no less than hell is to other races. No wonder Lei Chuan has been invaded by countless alien races in history.


The clansmen have all disembarked one after another, looking around with excited and curious eyes, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

After everyone disembarked, the Guangming Treasure Ship slowly flew up, shrouded in a faint halo and disappeared into the sky.And at the moment when the treasure ship left, in another direction, several black spots flew from the distant horizon.

Lei Chuan activated the spy satellite, and the black dot magnified infinitely in his field of vision.

These are giant snakes with wings, wrapped in iron-brown scales. Don't think that they are just black spots like soybeans from this side. In fact, each of these giant snakes is more than a kilometer long.

The giant cloud snake from the heavens is a snake-like desolate beast that is a supernatural species when it grows up. Its cunning character is not inferior to that of humans, and it is basically not a type that can be domesticated.

But at this moment, these giant cloud snakes from the heavens are obediently performing their duties as mounts.

In less than a moment, the giant snake flew over the crowd, its huge body covered the sky and covered the sky.

Countless figures jumped off the snake's back, and fell to the ground steadily from a height of hundreds of meters.

Those who came were all dressed in iron armor, covering their whole body from head to tail.Holding a sword with one hand, a treasured knife and a sharp sword hanging from his waist, and an iron arm bow hanging from his back, all armed to the teeth.

Not only that, every man in armor is entwined with extremely strong evil spirit, as if walking out of the sea of ​​corpses and bones, this kind of evil spirit, even my group of warriors who came from the cruel spiritual wasteland, can't compete with it compared to.

Are all the warriors of the ancestral land so terrifying?

Looking at this group of people, everyone has different expressions, curious and vigilant.

The leading soldier walked vigorously, his nails creaking all over his body, his eyes covered under the heavy helmet looked around the crowd, and he opened his mouth immediately, making a sound like steel knocking.

"Everyone, dare to ask who is in charge!"

The crowd dispersed in an orderly manner, and the group of elders headed by the lord Yan Xingluo filed out, came to the front of the soldiers, saluted with fists in both hands, and replied neither humble nor overbearing:

"I am the leader of this team. I don't know if you are..."

Seeing the change of everyone's aura, there is also an evil spirit surrounding him, like a gold and iron horse rushing towards him, and seeing the people in front of him, the expressions of the soldiers have changed. Before, they were careless and a little arrogant, but now, Look at your own group of people with equal eyes.

The leading soldier looked straight, returned the same salute, and then said:
"We are from the Second Garrison Regiment of the Seventh Mansion of Jingbian. My lord, Wang Lie, is under the command of Your Excellency Xuannan and holds the post of Boshang. I don't know where you are from, why did you suddenly appear in this border place?"

Yan Xingluo replied:

"I'm waiting to come from the Spirit Barren..."


Wang Lie's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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