Monster Rush

Chapter 290 Fierce battle against His Excellency Xuannan

Chapter 290 Fierce battle against His Excellency Xuannan

A figure dressed in white floated down from the sky.

When all the soldiers of the garrison saw this figure, their expressions showed unprecedented fanaticism. They all clasped their fists in salute and shouted loudly:

"Your Excellency Xuan Nan!"

His Excellency Xuannan looks like a 34-year-old adult man, dressed in plain white clothes, with a wide robe and large sleeves, with a refined aura on his body, he is not so much a baron who has the power to kill countless people, it is better to say that he is just a hand. A scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken.

Then, from the first time he saw this person, Lei Chuan's expression showed a strong sense of vigilance. [Detection] The template checks out that this person's combat power level is at least 1200 or above.

Even if the Dark Demon God didn't show up, even if he used all his trump cards, he could only barely draw with the opponent.

The title system of the human race is divided into five grades: Duke, Marquis, Bo, Zi, and male. The baron is the lowest rank, but even so, it is still pursued by countless people.

His Excellency Xuannan rules over a land of nearly a million miles, covering countless city-states, and Xiaojuyuan is also within his jurisdiction.

His sleeves were rattled by the wind, and within two or three steps, His Excellency Xuan Nan passed Lei Chuan without even looking at him, and went straight to Feng Xi, bowing down and performing an ancient etiquette of the nobles of the old empire.

"Unexpectedly, among the compatriots lost in the old domain, there are also members of the Hua Xuzi clan. I, Kuang Shiyi, have been appointed by the Xiyi People's Kingdom, and are temporarily appointed as Lord Xuan. I have met Her Majesty the Goddess!"

Goddess Fengxi responded with the same courtesy, lightly parted her lips and continued:
"Your Excellency Xuannan, what did you mean by what you said earlier?"

His Excellency Xuan Nan smiled, and said neither humble nor overbearing:
"The matter of the alien race is important, and it is beyond our control. Even the head of the noble (your) clan cannot decide whether this person is a human race or a foreign race. If he fails to pass the examination, he will not be recognized as a human race. Therefore, he can only be treated as a spy of a foreign race. I hope Her Highness Goddess will forgive me!"

This person, although he was dressed as a Confucian scholar, his tone was unquestionable, and he acted decisively.

Lei Chuan gave a wry smile, knowing that this matter could not be resolved.stop!stop!Even if the ancestral land doesn't take me in, then I can only go to other barren lands to develop.

However, this His Excellency Xuan Nan must be defeated first.

As if aware of Lei Chuan's gaze, His Excellency Xuan Nan turned his head, glanced at Lei Chuan indifferently, and said immediately:

"What are you still doing, waiting for me to make a move?"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Chuan felt a warning sign in his heart, and stretched out his hand to push Xiao Yuan hundreds of meters away, and at the same time, he retreated sharply.Before Xiao Yuan could react in the future, she felt a soft but unresistable force enveloping her. In desperation, Xiao Yuan could only shout anxiously:

"Brother Lei Chuan, you can't..."

I'm sorry, Xiaoyuan, it seems that I can't watch you grow up, forgive me.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but what was contained in his eyes was darkness like ice.

At the moment Xiao Yuan flew out, four figures emerged from four corners, forming a strange battle formation with each other, trapping Lei Chuan in the formation and unable to escape.

The four pressures are layered on top of each other, and they all come to cover Lei Chuan.

These four people are all dressed as commanders, and their aura and Luo Long are on equal footing, but after forming a battle formation, the power they erupt is multiplied by dozens of times!
[Spiritual Realm] (prototype) was released to resist the coercion, and Lei Chuan at the other end took out the blade demon trident, and instantly shot out [Nightmare Impact], broke through the blockade of the battle formation, and escaped!

The four of them frowned, and immediately their figures changed, forming a new battle formation again, wrapping towards Lei Chuan like a big net.

In the midst of a crisis, Lei Chuan's eyes were piercing, and another Blade Demon Trident flew out. The huge body of the halberd was filled with frantic black air, and flew out like a black dragon with its teeth and claws.

call out!call out!
The faces of the four commanders changed drastically, and they flew out in four different directions in an instant, and the battle formation collapsed without attack.

The halberd passed through and hit the ground heavily, and when it was about to fall on the city wall, His Highness Xuan Nan's eyes flashed a cold light, he raised his fingertips slightly, and pointed forward.

Suddenly, a huge wind pressure came, counteracting the impact of the halberd and bouncing it back.

Seeing that Your Excellency the Baron made the move in person, the four commanders looked ashamed and formed a battle formation for the third time, stacking up dozens of times their combat power and hitting it with one blow. This move was infinitely close to the power of the peak of the three stars.

In the non-stop battle, Lei Chuan continued to use the dark power to accelerate the erosion of his mind. Now, his face has been covered with a layer of black air, chaotic and frenzied, bleak and deep.

With a cold snort, Lei Chuan unfolded the [Dark Realm] that had begun to take shape, and superimposed it with the [Spiritual Realm] (prototype). Under the expansion of the double realm, it collided with the four-person battle formation silently, and all attacks were eliminated.

What about an attack comparable to the pinnacle of Samsung?It's just my combat power with a single strike.

The faces of the four commanders changed drastically, and when they were about to dodge, they were shocked to find that at some time, Lei Chuan had appeared behind them, holding the blade demon trident in his right hand, and the "Star Breaker" in his other hand. "Spear.

"Nightmare Impact!"

"Broken star strike!"

Darkness and starlight swirled and danced, directly knocking two of the four into the air.When the remaining two were about to take advantage of Lei Chuan's stiff state to attack, Lei Chuan's figure had long since disappeared, his surroundings were surrounded by darkness, and even his senses were cut off.

"The emperor's cloak!"

Lei Chuan stretched out his hand to turn the cloak, and the dark sky shook suddenly, and two figures spewed out. It was the remaining two commanders who had fallen into a coma.

The four spirit-level leaders were defeated by Lei Chuan even though they joined forces.

The guards were horrified that this alien sprite was so powerful!

However, this series of actions also made more powerful people take action.

"Oh? I can easily defeat my proud subordinate. It seems that I can't be captured alive!"

Although the voice is still elegant, the tone contained in it is murderous, the white clothes are fluttering, and the blood is surging!

His Excellency Xuannan made a move, and it was a shocking force. The aura within a radius of more than ten miles rioted together, and the waves were turbulent, shaped like five fingers, slowly encircling Lei Chuan, just like a bug caught by a big hand, it will be crushed to death at any time .

This spiritual energy is wrapped in the three natural attributes of water, wood, and earth. Although it does not have the ability to attack fiercely, it has a wide range of attacks that are calm, thick, difficult, and impossible to break free.

The range of this attack covers more than ten miles, and Lei Chuan can't escape in a short period of time. It is simply a powerful move to defeat all agile enemies.

In the berserk spirit sea, Lei Chuan shrank his domain and condensed into a solid ball within five steps to resist the attack.


Sensing Lei Chuan's struggle, His Excellency Xuan Nan stretched out his big hand, and the spiritual sea of ​​five fingers merged at an accelerated rate, and there was a cracking sound from the outer wall of the domain.

Seeing this scene, all the soldiers of the garrison breathed a sigh of relief. His Excellency Xuan Nan has not made a move for nearly a hundred years. Now it seems that his combat power is still the same as before, and this alien spy cannot escape.

On the other side, everyone in the alliance fell into anxiety, and many impatient people shouted loudly:
"Stop, let go of the deputy leader!"

"Is this the way the ancestral land treats compatriots? If I had known it would be like this, I wouldn't have come!"

Many people even cursed directly, but His Excellency Xuan Nan still turned a deaf ear to them.

The domain barrier was covered with cracks one after another, and it might burst at any time. Seeing this scene, everyone in the alliance became more anxious, but they could do nothing.

Concubine Yanhuang had completely defeated Commander Luo Long, and at this moment, she directly unfolded her flaming wing armor and turned into a flaming meteor to attack His Excellency Xuannan.

And Feng Xi was not idle, and when ordinary negotiations were still useless, she also chose to use force to solve the problem.

A series of sacred arts were blessed on the Yan Shengnv, increasing her chances of defeating His Excellency Xuan Nan.

"His Royal Highness, you..."

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the garrison were all incredulous, and the other compatriots were fine. Perhaps it can only be said that this alien race is good at winning people's hearts, but why would Hua Xuzi of the Emperor's clan do such irrational things? ?

With a yell, Concubine Yanhuang swung a flaming spear, and a multicolored fire phoenix flew out from behind, bursting into the spiritual sea with a crisp phoenix cry, and the raging flames burned, with extremely dazzling incandescence under the gorgeous firelight.

Xuan Nan frowned, turned his head away, and looked at the two helplessly:

"If this is your realization, then I can only say sorry, I have to be responsible for the human race!"

In the blink of an eye, the sea of ​​spirits erupted again, wiping out the sea of ​​flames.

(End of this chapter)

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